Patents > Search Collections > MPEP > 2666.02 Correction of Patent Drawings [Added R-2] - 2600 Optional Inter Partes Reexamination

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2666.02 Correction of Patent Drawings [Added R-2] - 2600 Optional Inter Partes Reexamination

2666.02 Correction of Patent Drawings [Added R-2]

37 CFR 1.941 Amendments by patent owner in inter partes reexamination.

Amendments by patent owner in inter partes reexamination proceedings are made by filing a paper in compliance with §§ 1.530(d)-(k) and 1.943.

37 CFR 1.530 Statement by patent owner in ex parte reexamination; amendment by patent owner in ex parte or inter partes reexamination; inventorship change in ex parte or inter partes reexamination.


(d) Making amendments in a reexamination proceeding. A proposed amendment in an ex parte or an inter partes reexamination proceeding is made by filing a paper directing that proposed specified changes be made to the patent specification, including the claims, or to the drawings. An amendment paper directing that proposed specified changes be made in a reexamination proceeding may be submitted as an accompaniment to a request filed by the patent owner in accordance with § 1.510(e), as part of a patent owner statement in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section, or, where permitted, during the prosecution of the reexamination proceeding pursuant to §  1.550(a) or § 1.937.


(3) Drawings. Any change to the patent drawings must be submitted as a sketch on a separate paper showing the proposed changes in red for approval by the examiner. Upon approval of the changes by the examiner, only new sheets of drawings including the changes and in compliance with § 1.84 must be filed. Amended figures must be identified as "Amended," and any added figure must be identified as "New." In the event a figure is canceled, the figure must be surrounded by brackets and identified as "Canceled."


In the reexamination proceeding, the copy of the patent drawings submitted pursuant to 37 CFR 1.915(b)(5) will be used for reexamination purposes, provided no change is made to the drawings. If there is any change in the drawings, a new sheet of drawing for each sheet changed must be submitted. The change may not be made on the original patent drawings. Drawing changes in an inter partes reexamination proceeding are made in the same manner that drawing changes in an ex parte reexamination proceeding are made. 37 CFR 1.530(d)(3) sets forth the manner of making amendments to the drawings. Any amended figure(s) must be identified as "Amended" and any added figure(s) must be identified as "New." In the event a figure is canceled, the figure must be surrounded by brackets and identified as "Canceled."

Where the patent owner wishes to change/amend the drawings, the patent owner should submit a sketch in permanent ink showing the proposed change(s)/ amendment(s) in red, for approval by the examiner. The submitted sketch should be presented as a separate paper, and it will be made part of the record. Once the sketch is approved, sheets of substitute formal drawings must be submitted for each drawing sheet that is to be changed/amended. After receiving the new sheets of drawings from the patent owner, the examiner may have the draftsperson review the new sheets of drawings if the examiner would like the draftsperson's assistance in identifying errors in the drawings. If a draftsperson reviews the drawings, and finds the drawings to be unacceptable, the draftsperson should complete a PTO-948 for the examiner to include with the next Office action. A draftsperson's "stamp" to indicate approval is no longer required on patent drawings, and these stamps are no longer to be used by draftspersons. The new sheets of drawings should be entered in the reexamination file.

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