Upper Ocean Heat Content
Anomaly Data Plots
These figures show the current state of the ocean heat
content anomaly. Historical data are from XBTs, CTDs, moorings, and
other sources. A preliminary ad-hoc fall rate correction has been
to the XBT data in an attempt to correct for biases between XBT data
and more
accurate CTD data. Recent estimates are based primarily on Argo profiling CTD float data.
Satellite altimeter data from Aviso
are used to estimate sampling errors.
Click on plot to download a PDF

Standard sampling error for
averaged OHCA of the upper 750 m. This quantity was computed using sea
surface height anomaly maps from altimeter data and the historical
sampling patterns for in situ profile data in each year as discussed in
Lyman et al. 2006.
Sampling errors are not the entire error budget. Instrument
biases and errors in the climatology are among the other errors that
must be considered in a complete error budget.
Shown below
are maps of ocean heat content anomaly from both in situ data and
altimeter sea surface height mapping performed according to Willis et al. 2004.
Click on map to
download a pdf version.
Estimate of the ocean heat content anomaly for
2007 referenced to a 1993-2007 base period.

Estimate of the change in ocean heat
content anomaly from 2006 to 2007.
These data and
plots are for research purposes only.
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