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The East Room
Home > History & Tours > Online Tour of the White House The East Room contains little furniture and is often used for large gatherings, such as bill-signing .. - 5.6KB
29 Apr 03
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The Diplomatic Reception Room
Home > History & Tours > Online Tour of the White House Used as entrance to the White House from the South Grounds, the Diplomatic Reception Room features a .. - 5.6KB
29 Apr 03
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The China Room
Home > History & Tours > Online Tour of the White House The red-trimmed China Room features a collection of china or glassware of almost every president. The collection ... - 5.5KB
29 Apr 03
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The Green Room
Home > History & Tours > Online Tour of the White House Thomas Jefferson first used the Green Room as a dining room and covered the floor with canvas painted green. .. - 5.5KB
29 Apr 03
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The Red Room
Home > History & Tours > Online Tour of the White House Red twill satin with a gold scroll design covers the walls of the Red Room. The furniture is upholstered in a .. - 5.4KB
29 Apr 03
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The Vermeil Room
Home > History & Tours > Online Tour of the White House Portraits of seven First Ladies are mounted on the soft yellow walls of the Vermeil Room. The room features a .. - 5.3KB
29 Apr 03
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The Map Room
Home > History & Tours > Online Tour of the White House Decorated with Chippendale-style furniture, the Map Room was used by President Franklin D. Roosevelt as a situation room ... - 5.5KB
29 Apr 03
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The State Dining Room
Home > History & Tours > Online Tour of the White House The State Dining Room features a mahogany dining table surrounded by Queen Anne-style chairs. The table .. - 5.5KB
29 Apr 03
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The Entrance and Cross Halls
Home > History & Tours > Online Tour of the White House The Cross Hall features marble walls and floors. Two cut-glass chandeliers made in London about 1775 .. - 5.4KB
29 Apr 03
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The Blue Room
Home > History & Tours > Online Tour of the White House Martin Van Buren first used the color blue to decorate this oval-shaped room. This color choice began the tradition .. - 5.2KB
29 Apr 03
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