New Jersey Department of State
Office of the Secretary of State
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Secretary Nina Mitchell Wells welcomes you to the New Jersey Department of State.
I am so pleased and honored to have the opportunity to serve as your Secretary of State. I  want this office to be the face of New Jersey, to reflect and celebrate our state’s wonderful resources, to promote the diversity that makes us so strong and so unique, and to encourage and grow participation in all our cultural offerings.

I believe very strongly that education is the key.  Education is a lifelong pursuit.  It begins for our children in their classrooms and in their communities, and it ensures that as we grow physically, we continue to grow as human beings.  One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is the opportunity to talk with children in elementary grades, teenagers in middle and high schools, and young adults in college.  That has been a tremendous education for me.  It has confirmed my belief that education brings us together through understanding. 

To that end, this office has initiated forums on the challenges and opportunities women face in their careers and personal lives.  We have promoted an ongoing examination of Black history and contributions in New Jersey, culminating in the Newark Black Film Festival in Trenton, an incredible series showcasing the talents of African-American writers, artists, and actors. We have organized statewide symposiums on growing cultural participation and volunteerism, and we have saluted the teachers and artists who enhance the quality of our lives.  We have also strengthened the boards and commissions within the department to take the fullest possible advantage of New Jersey’s talents.  We are committed to a full partnership with Governor Corzine’s administration and, most important, to a full partnership with the citizens of New Jersey.

This homepage is our line of communication with you, the citizens of our state.  I invite you to become interactive partners with us, so we can celebrate the richness of New Jersey together.

Nina Mitchell Wells
Secretary of State


News and Events
Volunteer New Jersey!
You can find volunteer opportunities through the new Volunteer Portal.
Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering!
Will Registry
Registration is entirely voluntary and electing not to register with the Office of the Secretary of State does not have any effect on the validity of the will.
Register Your Will
The following organizations are "in but not of" the Department of State
New Jersey Network
Commission on Higher Education
Higher Education Student Assistance Authority
New Jersey State Library
Morven Museum and Garden
Old Barracks Museum
Department: Office of the Secretary | Divisions | Arts & Culture | Archives, History & Genealogy | Volunteerism & Community Services | Diversity & Mulitcultural Affairs | Education | Public Records Administration | Business & Corporate Information
Statewide: NJ Home | Services A to Z | Departments/Agencies | FAQs
Copyright © State of New Jersey, 2007
Secretary of State
125 W State St, Trenton, NJ
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