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Report Types

3.0 Report Types - Overview

Four basic report types are offered by WISQARS NVDRS:

The report types and report options are summarized in Table 3.0. For a more detailed description of each report type, see the paragraphs that follow.

Table 3.0 Summary of Report Types

Report Type Options
Incidents of Violence
  • Counts and percentages for all violent incidents
  • Counts and percentages for incidents with one victim
  • Counts and percentages for incidents with two or more victims
Characteristics of Victims
  • Death counts and crude/age-adjusted rates, all incidents combined
  • Death counts by selected circumstances and known circumstances
Characteristics of Suspects
  • Counts and percentages
Characteristics of Suicide Victims Suspected of a Recent Homicide
  • Death counts and crude/age-adjusted rates, all incidents combined
  • Death counts and percentages by selected circumstances and known circumstances

3.1 Incidents of Violence

Reports with incident counts contain information on the number of violent incidents that occurred for the criteria selected. Three options for these reports are available: counts for all incidents combined, counts for incidents involving one victim, and counts for incidents involving two or more victims. Incidents with two or more victims may involve one or more manners of death (i.e., unintentional firearm, homicide, legal intervention, suicide, undetermined intent, homicide followed by suicide).

3.2 Characteristics of Victims

Victim reports include information on the number of deaths, crude rates, and age-adjusted rates for the criteria selected. Two options for these reports are available: tables with death counts, crude rates, and age-adjusted rates; or death counts by selected circumstances of death. For incidents with two or more victims, each victim is counted and included in the death count and rate.

3.3 Characteristics of Suspects

Suspect reports include information on the number of suspects and whether the suspect died or remained alive, for all incidents according to the criteria selected.

3.4 Characteristics of Suicide Victims Suspected of a Recent Homicide

Reports of suicide victims suspected of a recent homicide include information on the number of victim deaths, crude rates, and age-adjusted rates for the criteria selected. Two options for these reports are available: tables of death counts, crude rates, and age-adjusted rates; or death counts by selected circumstances and known circumstances of death. These reports include data on only the suicide victim (not the homicide victim) in all incidents where a suicide followed a homicide and the suicide victim was also a suspect in the homicide.


Content Source: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Office of Statistics and Programming
Page last modified:November 18, 2008