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Navigators Council

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2006 Navigators Council Meeting (PDF, 45KB)
2005 Navigators Council Meeting (PDF, 120KB)

The establishment of a Navigators Council was a high priority action identified in the action plan. The role of this entity will be to:

  • support ongoing dialogue between the providers and users of hazards-related products and services;
  • support capacity-building by serving as a conduit for technical expertise, assistance, and training; and
  • evaluate and prioritize hazards-related products and services needs to leverage financial support.

The Navigators Counsil is composed of the following representatives:

As a ‘ohana, the council is tasked with the delivery of hazard mitigation and related products and services in the Pacific Islands. It will also include representatives from both the user and provider communities (e.g., state/territorial emergency managers and university researchers).

Recognizing the enmeshed nature of hazard mitigation–related efforts, regional coordination will be facilitated through the formation of hui o hana, or working groups, that encompass clusters of ongoing or proposed activities. Among others, the council will include a representative from each of the individual working groups.

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Updated on August 27, 2007
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