Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
September 16, 2008
Levin Statement in Support of Comprehensive American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act
(Washington D.C.)- U.S. Rep. Sander Levin (D-Royal Oak) made the following floor statement in support of the Comprehensive American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act.

I rise in strong support of the energy legislation before the House.

We need a comprehensive approach that includes responsible development of additional energy resources, greater energy efficiency, tax incentives to spur alternative energy, investment in new technologies, and relief to American consumers.  The bill before the House does that.

It is clear that a more-of-the-same approach to energy will not work.  If we’ve learned nothing else from the last eight years, we’ve learned that we cannot drill our way to energy security.  Neither will conservation alone do the job. 

The legislation before us provides long-term incentives for renewable energy that will give the solar, wind, and biomass industries the stability they need to make investments in additional production capacity.  There are also significant incentives for making our nation and economy more energy efficient. 

The offshore drilling provisions of this legislation open up as much as 400 million acres of land off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts that are currently off limits to drilling.  Through this compromise, we will expand oil production offshore, while setting a reasonable buffer zone. 

The legislation requires electric utilities to produce more of their electricity from renewable energy sources.  This is smart energy policy that will create new industries and new American jobs.

The legislation increases the tax credit for alternative refueling property, such as E85 pumps, and extends the credit through 2010.  Biofuels are an important component of our nation’s energy strategy, and U.S. automakers have made significant investments to bring flex-fuel vehicles to market.  To maximize the impact of this progress we need to speed the deployment of E85 pumps. 

This legislation also provides incentives for manufacturers to produce washing machines, refrigerators and dishwashers that push the boundaries of energy and water efficiency, and to build them in the United States.  Reducing the energy and water usage of a washing machine over time and across millions of households will produce remarkable reductions in energy and water usage, saving consumers billions on their utility bills.  

In a word, the approach taken by this bill is comprehensive.  It addresses both the supply and demand sides of our nation’s energy policy.  It is a balanced, responsible and long-term approach to addressing the challenges of energy security.  I urge all of my colleagues to support this comprehensive package. 
