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Safety and Security

The New Jersey Department of Transportation is dedicated to preventing air accidents and incidents and providing secure air facilities at New Jersey's public use airports through safety and security measures.

Safety covers aircraft accidents and aircraft incidents and their reporting. Security refers to the guidelines or best practices for general aviation. The "two-lock" system implemented at New Jersey's public use airports is a part of the state's security plan.

An aircraft accident is an occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft between the time people board the aircraft with the intention of flight and the time they have all disembarked, during which any person suffers death or serious injury or the aircraft received substantial damage.

An aircraft incident is an occurrence - other than an accident - associated with the operations of an aircraft that directly affects or could affect the safety of operations. All forced landings in New Jersey are considered incidents.

Report for accidents and incidents

An operator of an aircraft or anyone observing an aircraft accident with knowledge that an aircraft accident has just occurred must immediately notify the New Jersey Department of Transportation's Division of Aeronautics through the New Jersey State Police at (609) 882-2000, and/or an Aeronautics' Investigator at (609) 530-2900 and include this information:
  • location of accident with reference to some easily defined geographical point
  • aircraft registration number, type and nationality
  • pilot's name; owner's name
  • date, time of accident
  • number of persons onboard
  • number killed; those seriously injured and types of injuries
  • the departure/intended landing points of the aircraft
  • the nature of the accident, weather and aircraft damage

If an aircraft incident occurs, notify an NJDOT Aeronautics' Investigator at (609) 530-2900 with specifics.

To assist you in reporting an accident or an incident, please refer to the Aircraft Accident Procedures Manual. In addition, the reporting forms are available online.


Security measures at New Jersey's public use airports provide protection for passengers and aircraft. The level of security may vary from airport to airport depending upon the location. New Jersey mandates a two-lock system at its airports. For more information, there is a Two-Lock System Frequently Asked Questions section.

The National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) recommends that federal authorities implement a process of categorizing airports and that minimum security standards be adopted for each category. A full report on general aviation security measures, General Aviation Security (pdf 471 kb), will help ensure safe and secure operations for the public and airport businesses.

Additionally, a later report of the General Aviation Airport Security Working Group to the Aviation Security Advisory Committee (ASAC) - Report of the Aviation Advisory Committee Working Group on General Aviation Airports Security (pdf 300 kb) - reflects a consensus achieved among the aviation community that each airport or landing area has its own requirements.

Key findings of the report involve:

  • pilots and passengers
  • securing aircraft
  • airports and facilities
  • surveillance
  • security plans and communications
  • specialty operations

Security regulations, amendments

The amendments below refer to the Domestic Security Preparedness Task Force. The two-lock system is one part of these four amendments.
  • All aircraft parked or stored for more than 24 hours must be secured by a two-lock system. [N.J.A.C. 16:54-5.1]
  • Hangar doors must have working locking devices and be closed and locked when they are unattended. [N.J.A.C. 16:54-5.1]
  • Permanent signs providing emergency contact phone numbers in the immediate vicinity or auto parking areas, main terminal and primary fueling point must be posted. [N.J.A.C. 16:54-9.1]
  • Communications equipment provided by the Division of Aeronautics for emergency notification by the Division or law enforcement agencies must be available. [N.J.A.C. 16:54-9.1]
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  Copyright © State of New Jersey, 2002-2009
  Department of Transportation
  P.O. Box 600
  Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
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  Last Updated:  September 8, 2008