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The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) is committed to advancing projects that enhance safety, renew the aging infrastructure and support new transportation opportunities. The Division of Local Aid and Economic Development staff members work with county and municipal government officials to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the state’s transportation system. The Transportation Trust Fund and the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act - A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) legislation has provided the opportunity for funding assistance to local governments for road, bridge and other transportation projects.

This web site is intended to be used as a guide by county and municipal officials and engineers to apply for Local Aid projects. It provides information on funding, applications, engineering requirements, and the procurement process.

NJDOT is pleased to announce SAGE (System for Administering Grants Electronically), a new online grant management system for submitting applications electronically. SAGE logo

Starting Fiscal Year 2008 the County Aid and Safe Routes to School applications will be processed online and all applicants to these programs will be required to submit their application online using SAGE.
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  Copyright © State of New Jersey, 2002-2009
  Department of Transportation
  P.O. Box 600
  Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
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  Last Updated:  November 19, 2008