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Reasonable Accommodation for Disabilities in Employment

Document Source: The U.S. Department of Commerce



DAO 215-10

Effective Date:



This Order establishes Department of Commerce (the "Department") policy for providing reasonable accommodation for qualified individuals with disabilities who are employees or applicants for employment. It also designates responsibilities and describes procedures for submitting and responding to requests for reasonable accommodation.


The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, requires Federal agencies to provide reasonable accommodation for qualified individuals with disabilities. 29 U.S.C. Section 791 eq seq.; 29 CFR Part 1614; see also 29 CFR Part 1630.


The Department shall provide reasonable accommodation for the known physical or mental limitations of qualified applicants and employees with disabilities, unless the Department can demonstrate that a particular accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the operation of its program.


.01 A reasonable accommodation is an adjustment to job requirements or to the work environment that assists an employee with a disability in performing the essential duties of his or her position, or a qualified applicant with a disability during the recruitment and selection process. Reasonable accommodation may include, but is not limited to:

a. making facilities readily accessible to, and usable by, people with disabilities;

b. job restructuring;

c. part time or modified work schedules;

d. acquiring or modifying equipment or devices;

e. appropriate adjustment or modification of examinations and training materials; and

f. providing readers, interpreters and other auxiliary aids.

.02 Reassignment as it relates to reasonable accommodation is the transfer of a nonprobationary employee, who becomes unable to perform the essential functions of a position even with reasonable accommodation, to another funded vacant position located in the same commuting area, at the same grade or level, the essential functions the employee would be able to perform with reasonable accommodation if necessary, unless it would impose an undue hardship on the agency.

.03 A qualified individual with a disability is one who:

a. has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities; or

b. has a record of such impairment; or is regarded as having such impairment; and

c. with respect to employment, i.e., is an employee or an applicant for employment, who can perform the essential functions of the position in question, with or without reasonable accommodation, without endangering the health and safety of the individual or others, and who, depending on the type of appointing authority being used meets the:

1. experience and/or education requirements of the position (which may include passing a written test); or

2. criteria for appointment under one of the special appointing authorities for people with disabilities.

.04 Major life activities include functions such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working.

.05 A deciding official is a supervisor, manager, principal or servicing human resource manager who has the authority to determine whether a requested accommodation will be provided.

.06 A requestor is a qualified applicant or employee with a disability who requests reasonable accommodation.

.07 Undue hardship is significant difficulty or expense incurred should a particular accommodation be provided. The criteria to be considered in determining undue hardship include the:

a. nature and cost of the accommodation needed;

b. overall size of the organizational unit with respect to the number of employees, number and type of facilities and size of budget; and

c. type of operation, including composition and structure of the work force.


.01 The Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration shall:

a. Approve policies, directives and other materials outlining the Department's reasonable accommodation responsibilities; and

b. Fulfill, on behalf of the Secretary, the Secretary's responsibilities as head of an operating unit, i.e., the Office of the Secretary. These duties are outlined in paragraph .02 below.

.02 Heads of operating units shall:

a. Foster an environment that supports reasonable accommodation;

b. Provide funds for reasonable accommodation; and

c. Ensure compliance with provisions of this Order.

.03 The Director for Civil Rights shall:

a. Develop and issue Department policy and procedures for reasonable accommodation;

b. Advise Department officials regarding laws, regulations and Department policies pertaining to reasonable accommodation;

c. Consult with appropriate Human Resources Management and General Counsel representatives on providing reasonable accommodation and making undue hardship determinations;

d. Conduct periodic reviews of operating unit programs to ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations and Departmental policy; and

e. Process EEO complaints filed under Section 7. of this Order.

.04 Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Officers shall:

a. Ensure that managers, supervisors and human resources managers understand the law and regulations regarding reasonable accommodation and advise them on:

1. reasonable accommodation issues;

2. the appropriateness of a request as determined by whether it relates to the work to be performed and/or the work place environment; whether the accommodation is used primarily at work, and is not primarily for personal use;

3. alternate methods of accommodations that would effectively meet the need; and

4. undue hardship.

b. Coordinate management and employee training on reasonable accommodation issues with human resources managers, as appropriate for each operating unit.

c. Consult with the Departmental Office of Civil Rights, appropriate Human Resources Management and General Counsel representatives on reasonable accommodation issues and undue hardship determinations.

.05 Immediate supervisors shall:

a. Acknowledge and respond immediately in writing to both oral and written accommodation requests;

b. Request medical documentation to support the accommodation request, as needed;

c. Share medical documentation only with individuals involved in responding to accommodation requests who have a valid need to know. This information is to be retained in a confidential manner:

1. until a decision is made on the accommodation request; and

2. for a reasonable period after the decision is made if:

(a) the request for the accommodation is denied; or

(b) the requestor indicates that the accommodation provided does not satisfy the need;

d. Determine if the:

1. requestor is a qualified individual with a disability as defined in paragraph 4.03 above; and

2. request is a reasonable accommodation as defined in paragraph 4.01 above;

e. Consult with the requestor regarding the kind of accommodation needed and determining an effective method of accommodation to address the need;

f. Determine if he or she has the authority to make a decision regarding the accommodation request; and refer the request to a higher-level official if the supervisor is not authorized to make the decision; and

g. Address the agency responsibility to accommodate known physical and mental disabilities by discussing the possible need of an accommodation with a qualified individual with a disability when it is observed that a disability may be limiting an employee's ability to perform the job at a fully successful level, or could otherwise improve a fully successful employee's job performance or an applicant's ability to participate in the selection process.

h. Seek guidance from and consult with the bureau EEO Officer on reasonable accommodation issues, and before determining that an undue hardship would occur if an accommodation were provided.

.06 Deciding Officials shall:

a. Respond promptly to accommodation requests referred by immediate supervisors or human resources managers;

b. Take necessary actions to ensure that accommodation requests are addressed promptly so as not to impede the employee's ability to perform the job or the applicant's ability to participate in the selection process;

c. Keep requestors, and immediate supervisors or human resources managers, as appropriate, apprised of progress in responding to accommodation requests;

d. Seek guidance from and consult with EEO Officers on reasonable accommodation issues and undue hardship determinations;

e. Monitor the processing of requests until decisions are made, and communicate these decisions in writing to requestors;

f. Provide written decisions on accommodation requests. When a request is denied, the decision must include an explanation for the denial.

g. Make every effort to reassign nonprobationary employees with disabilities who, with or without reasonable accommodation, are unable to perform the essential functions of their current position. As part of the affirmative action obligation, when a nonprobationary employee is unable to perform the essential functions of the position even with reasonable accommodation, an agency is required to reassign such qualified, nonprobationary employees with disabilities to funded vacant available positions within the same commuting area that are serviced by the same authority, unless it would impose an undue hardship on the agency.

h. Provide appropriate training on reasonable accommodation for subordinate managers, supervisors and other employees.

.07 Human Resources Managers shall:

a. Ensure that all vacancy announcements:

1. Inform qualified individuals with disabilities that reasonable accommodations may be requested; and

2. Provide instructions for making such requests;

b. Identify opportunities to provide training on reasonable accommodation; and

c. Discharge responsibilities of managers and supervisors, as they apply to qualified applicants, listed in subparagraph 5.05.

.08 Employees with disabilities who desire accommodations shall:

a. Request an accommodation from the immediate supervisor;

b. Provide medical documentation of the disabling condition, if requested;

c. Provide a description of the accommodation requested, if known, and an explanation of how it would enable the employee to perform the job;

d. Acknowledge and respond to the immediate supervisor's offer to provide an accommodation when the employee has not requested an accommodation; and

e. Have the option to accept or reject an accommodation initiated by the immediate supervisor to improve the employee's job performance. However, an employee's decision to reject the accommodation could jeopardize the employee's employment status if (s)he is performing below a fully successful level, or if the disability is contributing to employee misconduct.

.09 Applicants with disabilities who desire accommodations shall:

a. Request an accommodation from servicing human resources managers;

b. Provide medical documentation of the disabling condition, if requested;

c. Provide a description of the accommodation requested, if known, and an explanation of how it would assist the applicant in the selection process;

d. Acknowledge and respond to a human resources manager's offer to provide an accommodation when the applicant has not requested accommodation; and

e. Have the option to accept or reject an accommodation initiated by a human resources management officer to improve the applicant's performance during the application process.

However, the applicant's decision to reject the accommodation may jeopardize competitiveness for the position in question should (s)he fail to successfully complete the application process.


.01 Requests for reasonable accommodation may be submitted orally, but written requests are encouraged.

a. Employees with disabilities must submit requests to the immediate supervisor.

b. Qualified applicants with disabilities must submit requests to the servicing personnel office at a reasonable time prior to the occasion for which the accommodation is needed.

.02 Qualified individuals with disabilities must provide the following information:

a. if an employee, their name, daytime telephone number, position title and organization name;

b. if an applicant, their name, daytime telephone number, and home address;

c. a description of the disabling condition by an appropriate medical professional;

d. a description of the accommodation requested, if known, and an explanation of how it would enable an employee in performing the job, or how it would assist an applicant in the selection process; and

e. date of the request and signature of the requestor.


Two procedures are available to individuals who are dissatisfied with an Agency's response to a request for accommodation, and who wish to seek redress:

a. To file an EEO complaint, employees and applicants for employment must contact an EEO Counselor within 45 days after receiving a response to the request.

b. To file a grievance, employees and applicants for employment must contact the servicing human resources office promptly after receiving the decision, to find out the applicable procedures and time limits for filing a grievance under a negotiated grievance procedure or the administrative grievance system, as appropriate.


Department Administrative Orders 209-8, "Access for People with Disabilities to Meetings and Other Group Events;" 215-4, "Affirmative Action Plans, Programs and Related Activities;" 215-9, "Filing Discrimination Complaints;" and 202-705, "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)."


Questions concerning this Order should be addressed to the Departmental Office of Civil Rights. This document will be made available in alternate format upon request by calling (202) 482-5691 (V/TDD/TTY).


Director for Civil Rights



Chief Financial Officer and Assistant

Secretary for Administration

Office of Primary Interest

Office of Civil Rights

Index Changes


Accommodation for Disabilities in Employment, Reasonable 215-10

Reasonable Accommodation for Disabilities in Employment 215-10

Document Source: The U.S. Department of Commerce

NOAA Civil Rights Office
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Last Updated: July 11, 2005
Tillman M. Peck