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Ferret Publications

Refereed Publications:

Arrigo, K. R., M. P. Lizotte, D. L. Worthen, P. Dixon, and G. Dieckmann. 1997. Primary production in Antarctic sea ice. Science 276: 394-397.

Arrigo, K. R., D. L. Worthen, P. Dixon, and M. P. Lizotte. 1998. Primary production in the Antarctic ice pack. In Antarctic sea ice biological processes, interactions, and variability. MP Lizotte and K.R.

Arrigo (eds) Antarctic Research Series 73, 23-43. Arrigo, K. R., A. Schnell, D. L. Worthen, and M. P. Lizotte. 1998. Primary production in Southern Ocean waters. Journal of Geophysical Research (in press).

Arrigo, K. R., D. H. Robinson, M. P. Lizotte, D. L. Worthen, and B. Schieber. Bio-optical properties of the southwestern Ross Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research (submitted).

Bennett, A.F., B.S.Chua, D.E.Harrison and M.J.McPhaden (1998). Generalized Inversion of tropical atmostphere-ocean data and a coupled model of the tropical Pacific. JGR(in press)

Biastoch, A., 1998: Zirkulation und Dynamik in der Agulhasregion anhand eines numerischen Modells, PhD thesis, Institut fuer Meereskunde Kiel

Biastoch, A. and W. Krauss, 1998: The Role of Mesoscale Eddies in the Source Regions of the Agulhas Current, submitted to J. Phys. Oceanogr.

Cortinas, J.V., Jr., D. J. Stensrud 1995: The importance of understanding mesoscale model parameterization schemes for weather forecasting. Wea.Forecasting, 10, 716-740.

Craig, A.P., J.L. Bullister, D.E. Harrison, R.M. Chervin, A.J. Semtner, Jr. (1998) A comparison of temperature, salinity, and chlorofluorocarbon observations with results from a high resolution 3-dimensional global ocean model. JGR-Oceans (in press)

Davison, J. and D.E. Harrison (1990): Comparison of SEASAT scatterometer winds with tropical Pacific observations. J. Geophys. Res., 95, C3, 3403-3410

R. Doescher and R. Redler, 1997: The Relative Importance of Northern Overflow and Subpolar Deep Convection for the North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 27 (9), 1894 - 1902

Gille, S. T., The Southern Ocean Momentum Balance: Evidence for Topographic Effects from Numerical Model Output and Altimeter Data, JPO, 27}, 2219--2232, 1997.

Gille, S. T., Why Potential Vorticity is Not Conserved Along Mean Streamlines in a Numerical Southern Ocean, JPO, {\bf 27}, 1286--1299, 1997.

Giese, B.S. and D.E. Harrison (1991): Ocean circulation model response to composite westerly wind episodes. J. Geophys. Res., 96, 3239- 3249.

Giese, B.S. and D.E. Harrison (1990): Aspects of the Kelvin wave response to episodic wind forcing. J. Geophys. Res., 95,(C5), 7289- 7312.

Godfrey, J. S., J. V. Mansbridge, L. M. Rothstein, A. Schiller and R.-H. Zhang}, 1998, Possible seasonal modulation of tidal mixing in the Indonesian region, in prep.,

Goodman, P.J. 1998. The role of North Atlantic deep water formation in an OGCM’s ventilation and thermohaline circulation. J. Phys. Oceanog. (In press).

Griffies, S. M. , A. Gnanadesikan, R.C. Pacanowski, V. Larichev, J. K.Dukowicz, and R. D. Smith, 1997: Isoneutral diffusion in a z-coordinate ocean model, submitted to ( Journal of Physical Oceanography}.

Griffies, S. M., 1998: The Gent-McWilliams Skew-Flux. Submitted to Journal of Physical Oceanography.

Hankin,S., D.E.Harrison, J.Osborne, J.Davison and K. O'Brien (1996) A Strategy and a Tool, FERRET, for Closely integrated visualization and analysis. J. Visualization and Computer Animation, 7, 149-157.

Harrison, D.E. and N.K. Larkin (1998): The El Nino surface temperature and wind signal: a near-global composite and time series view, 1946-1993. Rev. Geophysics (in press)

Harrison, D.E. and G. Vecchi (1997): Surface westerly wind events in the tropical Pacific 1986-1995. J. Climate, 10, 3131-3156.

Harrison, D.E. and N.K. Larkin (1997): The Darwin Sea Level Pressure record, 1876-1996; Evidence for climate change? Geophysical Research Letters, 24, 1779-1782.

Harrison, D.E. and N.S. Larkin (1996). The COADS sea level pressure signal: A near-global El Nino composite and time series results, 1946-1993. J. Climate, 9, 3025-3055.

Harrison, D.E. (1996): Vertical velocity variability in the tropical Pacific - a circulation model perspective for JGOFS. Deep-Sea Res Deep-Sea Research II, 43, 687-705.

Harrison, D.E. and A. Craig (1993): Ocean model studies of upper ocean variability at (0N,160W) during the 1982-83 ENSO; local and remote forcing. JPO, 23, 427-451.

Harrison, D.E. A. Craig and S.C.Hankin (1992). "Ocean model studies of upper ocean variability at (0N,160W) during the 1982-83 ENSO; Local and remote forcing." J. Physical Oceanography. (to appear)

Harrison, D.E. and S.C. Hankin (1992). "The tropical Pacific seasonal cycle of SST: an ocean circulation model simulation and its thermal balances" J. Climate (to appear).

Harrison, D.E. and B.S. Giese (1991): Episodes of surface westerly winds as observed from islands in the western tropical Pacific. J. Geophys. Res., 96, 3221-3237.

Harrison, D.E. (1991): Equatorial sea surface temperature sensitivity to net surface heat flux: Some ocean circulation model results. J. Clim., 4, 539-549.

Harrison, D.E., S.C. Hankin, J. Davison, and K. O'Brien (1991). "Western and central tropical Pacific surface westerly winds, July 09, 1987-June 30, 1988, from the R. Atlas analysis of SSM/I results." NOAA Technical Memorandum. (to appear)

Harrison, D.E., B.S. Giese and E.S. Sarachik (1990): Mechanisms of SST change in the equatorial waveguide during the 1982-83 ENSO, J. Climate, 3, 173-188.

Harrison, D.E. and D.S. Luther (1990): Surface winds from tropical Pacific islands: Climatological statistics. J. Climate, 3, 251-271.

Harrison, D.E (1989): On climatological monthly mean wind stress and wind stress curl fields over the world ocean. J. Climate, 2, 57-79.

Harrison, D.E., W. Kessler and B. Giese (1989): Hindcasts of the 1982-83 El Nino: Thermal and dynamic height variability along the ship of opportunity XBT tracks. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 19, 397-418.

Harrison, D.E., and B.S. Giese (1989): Comment on "The response of the equatorial Pacific ocean to a westerly wind burst in May 1986" by McPhaden et al. J. Geophys. Res., 94, 5024-5029.

Harrison, D.E. (1989): Local and remote forcing of ENSO ocean waveguide response. JPO, 19, 691-699. Harrison, D.E. (1989): Post World War II Trends in Tropical Pacific Trades. J. Climate, 2, 1561-1563.

Harrison, D.E. and B. Giese (1988): Remote westerly wind forcing of the eastern equatorial Pacific; some model results G. Res. Letters, 15, 804-807.

Hermann, A.J., and P.J. Stabeno (1996): An eddy-resolving model of circulation on he western Gulf of Alaska shelf. 1. Model development and sensitivity analyses. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(C1), 1129-1149.

Hermann, A.J., W.C. Rugen, P.J. Stabeno, and N.A. Bond (1996): Physical transport of young pollock larvae (Theragra chalcogramma) near Shelikof Strait as inferred from a hydrodynamic model. Fisheries Oceanography, 5(Suppl. 1), 58-70.

Hermann, A.J., S. Hinckley, B.A. Megrey, and P.J. Stabeno (1996): Interannual variability of the early life history of walleye pollock near Shelikof Strait as inferred from a spatially explicit, individual-based model. Fisheries Oceanography, 5(Suppl. 1), 39-57.

Hinckley, S., A.J. Hermann, and B.A. Megrey (1996): Development of a spatially explicit, individual-based model of marine fish early life history. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 139, 47-68.

Hodge, S.M., D.C. Trabant, R.M. Krimmel, T.A. Heinrichs, R.S. March, and E.G. Josberger. In press. Climate variations and changes in mass of three glaciers in western North America, Journal of Climate.

Hu, D. 1996. Global-scale water masses, meridional circulation and heat transport simulated with a global isophycnal oocean model. J. Phys. Oceanog. 27, 96-120

Ikeda, Muelle, Wainer, Castro and Hogg; 1997: Variability of Brazil Current in the Santos Bight 1991-1994. To be submitted to Journ. Geophys. Res.

Kaese, R.H. and W. Krauss, 1996: The Gulf Stream, the North Atlantic Current, and the Origin of the Azores Current. In: The Warmwatersphere of the North Atlantic Ocean.(Krauss,Ed.). Gebrueder Borntraeger, Berlin, 446 pp.

Kaese, R.H. and W. Zenk, 1996: Structure of the Mediterranean Water and Meddy Characteristics in the Northeastern Atlantic. In: The Warmwatersphere of the North Atlantic Ocean.(Krauss,Ed.). Gebrueder Borntraeger, Berlin, 446 pp.

Lavelle, J.W. (1997): Buoyancy-driven plumes in rotating, stratified cross flows: Plume dependence on rotation, turbulent mixing, and cross-flow strength. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(C2), 3405-3420

Lavelle, J.W., and D.C. Smith IV (1996): Effects of rotation on convective plumes from line segment sources. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 26(6), 863-872.

Lavelle, J.W. (1995): The initial rise of a hydrothermal plume from a line segment source--results from a three-dimensional numerical model. Geophysical Research Letters, 22(2), 159-162.

Loukos, H., B.Frost, D.E.Harrison and J. Murray (1998). An ecosystem model with iron limitation of primary and export production in the equatorial Pacific at 140W. Deep-Sea Research (in press)

McDermott, D. (1996) Interactioins of the Northern and Southern Branches of the Thermohaline circulation, PhD Thesis, Univ. Of WA. Dept of Atmos. Sci. 207pp

McDermott, D. And E.S. Sarachik (1995): Thermohaline circulations and variability ina two- hemisphere sector model of the Atlantic. In “The natural variability of the climate system onthe 10-100 year time scale” Martinson, Bryan, Ghil, Hall, Karl, Sarachik, Sorooshian and Talley, Eds. National Academy Press. pp. 384-396.

Murphy, P.P., R.A. Feely, R.H. Gammon, D.E. Harrison, K.C. Kelly, and L.S. Waterman (1991): Assessment of the air-sea exchange of CO2 in the South Pacific during Austral Autumn. J. Geophys. Res., 96(C11), 20,455-20,465.

Murphy, P.P., D.E.Harrison, R.Feely, T.Takahashi, R.Weiss (1998). Variability of delta pCO2 in the subarctic North Pacific: a comparison of results from four expeditions. Tellus (in press)

Oschlies, A., 1997: On Spurious Interactions between Mixed Layer Model, Convective Adjustment, and Isopycnal Mixing in Ocean Circulation. Mon. Weather Rev., submitted.

Oschlies, A., and V. Garcon, 1997a: Eddy-Induced Enhancement of Primary Production in a Coupled Ecosystem-Circulation Model of the North Atlantic Ocean. Nature, in press.

Oschlies, A., and V. Garcon, 1997b: An Eddy-Resolving Coupled Physical-Biological Model of the North Atlantic. Part I: Sensitivity to Physics and Numerics. Global Biogeochem. Cycles, submitted.

Pacanowski, R.C., and A. Gnanadesikan: 1998, Transient response in a z-level ocean model that resolves topography with partial-cells. Submitted to {Monthly Weather Review}.

Rahmstorf, S., 1995: Bifurcations of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation in response to changes in the hydrological cycle. Nature, 378, 145-149.

Rahmstorf, S., 1995: Climate drift in an OGCM coupled to a simple, perfectly matched atmosphere. Clim. Dyn., 11, 447-458.

Rahmstorf, S., 1996: Comment on "Instability of the thermohaline circulation with respect to mixed boundary conditions". J. Phys. Oceanogr., 26, 1099-1105.

Rahmstorf, S., 1996: On the freshwater forcing and transport of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation. Clim. Dyn., 12, 799-811.

Rahmstorf, S., submitted 1997: Influence of Mediterranean outflow on climate. Eos.

Rahmstorf, S. and M. H. England, 1997: The influence of southern hemisphere winds on North Atlantic deep water flow. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 27, 2040-2054.

Rahmstorf, S. and A. Ganopolski, submitted 1997: Theoretical model explains apparent climate instability. J. Clim.

R. Redler and C.W. Boening, 1997: Effect of the overflows on the circulation in the subpolar North Atlantic: A regional model study, J. Geophy. Res., 102 (C8), 18529 - 18552

R. Redler, 1997: Prozesstudien zur Wassermassenbildung und -ausbreitung in numerischen Modellen des subpolaren Nordatlantik, University Kiel, Ph.D Thesis

Ribbe, J. (1998) Southern Ocean Ventilation by mid-latitidue Convection. JPO (to appear)

Ribbe, J. (1998) On wind-driven mid-latitiude convection in ocean general circulation models. Geophys Res Lett. Submitted.

Rothstein, L. M., R.-H. Zhang, A. J. Busalacchi, and D. Chen, 1998: A numerical model of water pathways in the subtropical and tropical Pacific Ocean, J. Phys. Oceanogr., in press.

De Ruijter, W. P. M., A. Biastoch, S. S. Drijhout, J. R. E. Lutjeharms, R. Matano, T. Pichevin, P. J. van Leeuwen, and W. Weijer, 1998: Dynamics, Estimation and Impact of South Atlantic Inter-Ocean Exchange. submitted to J. Geophys. Res.

E. S. Sarachik, M. Winton, and F. L. Yin, 1996: Mechanisms for decadal-to-centennial climate variability. In Decadal Climate Variability: Dynamics and Predictability D. L. T. Anderson and J. Willebrand, eds. Springer-Verlag.

Schiller, A., J.S. Godfrey, P. C. McIntosh, G. Meyers and S. E. Wijffels , 1997, Seasonal near-surface dynamics and thermodynamics of the Indian Ocean and Indonesian throughflow, in a global ocean general circulation model, submitted to JPO.

Schiller, A., J. S. Godfrey, P. C. McIntosh, G. Meyers and R. Fiedler, 1998, Interannual dynamics and thermodynamics of the {I}ndo-{P}acific oceans, in prep., to be submitted to JPO.

Servain, J., I. Wainer, P. Delecluse and A. Dessier; 1997:Surface and Subsurface Low-Frequency variability in the Tropical Atlantic. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. In revision.

Stabeno, P.J., A.J. Hermann, N.A. Bond, and S.J. Bograd (1995): Modeling the impact of climate variability on the advection of larval walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the Gulf of Alaska. In Climate Change and Northern Fish Populations, R.J. Beamish (ed.), Can. Spec. Publ. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 121, 719-727.

Stabeno, P.J., and A.J. Hermann (1996): An eddy-resolving model of circulation on the western Gulf of Alaska shelf. 2. Comparison of results to oceanographic observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(C1), 1151-1161.

Stensrud, D. J., 1996: Importance of low-level jets to climate: A review. J. Climate, 9, 1698-1711.

Stensrud, D. J., J. V. Cortinas Jr., H. E. Brooks, 1997: Discriminating between tornadic and nontornadic thunderstorms using mesoscale model output. Wea. Forecasting, 12, 613-632.

Stockdale, T.N, A.J. Busalacchi, D.E.Harrison, and R. Seager (1998). Oceanic Modeling of ENSO. J.G.R. (in press)

Stutzer, S., 1997: Modellierung der mittleren Zirkulation im Suedatlantik PhD-thesis, Berichte aus dem Institut fuer Meereskunde Nr.287, 130pp, Kiel.

Stutzer, S and W. Krauss, 1998: Mean Circulation and Transports in the South Atlantic Ocean: Combining Model and Drifter Data. Submitted to Journal of Geophys. Res.

Sutton, R.T. and Allen, M.R., 'Decadal predictability in North Atlantic sea surface temperature and climate', Nature, 388, 563-567 (1997)

Tangang, F.T., W.W. Hsieh, and B. Tang, 1997: Forecasting the equatorial Pacific sea surface temperatures by neural network models. Clim. Dynam., 13, 135-147.

Tangang, F.T., W.W. Hsieh, and B. Tang, 1998: Forecasting the regional sea surface temperatures of the tropical Pacific by neural network models, with wind stress and sea level pressure as predictors. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 7511-7522.

Tangang, F.T., B. Tang, A.H. Monahan, and W.W. Hsieh, 1998: Forecasting ENSO events-- a neural network-extended EOF approach. J. Climate, 11, 29-41.

Vinayachandran P. N. and Toshio Yamagata: 1998, Monsoon response of the Sea around Sri Lanka: Generation of Thermal Domes and Anticyclonic Vortices, J. Physical. Oceanogr. (in press)

Wainer, I., 1997:The Couple Response of the Indian Ocean System to the Annual Cycle of the Monsoon. Il Nuovo Cimento, 20, 165-180

Wainer, I., and J. Soares, 1997:North Northeast Brazil Rainfall and its Decanal - Scale Relationship to Wind Stress and Sea Surface Temperature. Geophys. Res. Letters. 24,277-280.

Winton, M, R. Hallberg, and A. Gnanadesikan, 1998: Simulation of density-driven frictional downslope flow in z-coordinate models. Journal of Physical Oceanography, in press.

Winton, M, 1997: The damping effect of bottom topography on internal decadal-scale oscillations of the thermohaline circulation. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 27, 203-208.

Winton, M, 1996: The role of horizontal boundaries in parameter sensitivity and decadal-scale variability of coarse-resolution ocean general circulation models. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 26, 289-304.

Winton, M, 1995: Energetics of deep-decoupling oscillations, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 25, 420-427.

Winton, M., 1993: Deep decoupling oscillations of the oceanic thermohaline circulation. In Ice in the Climate System, W. R. Peltier, ed. Springer-Verlag.

Winton, M., and E. S. Sarachik, 1993: Thermohaline oscillations induced by strong steady salinity forcing of ocean general circulation models, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 23, 1389-1410.

Winton M., 1993: Numerical Investigation of steady and oscillating thermohaline circulations, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Washington.

Yin, F.L and E.S. Sarachik 1995. On interdecadal thermohaline oscillations in a sector ocean general circulation model: advective and convective processes. J. Phys. Oceanog. 25, 2465-2484.

Yin, F.L. and E.S. Sarachik, 1994. A new convective scheme for ocean general circulation models. J. Phys. Oceanog. 24, 1425-1430.

Yin. F.L. and E.S. Sarachik, 1993. Onthe dynamics and thermodynamics of the steady equatorial undercurrent. J. Phys Oceanog. 23, 1647-1669.

Zhang, R.-H., and Zhengyu Liu, 1997: An isopycnal analysis of decadal ocean thermocline variability in the North Pacific: subduction and wave pathways, J. Climate., submitted.

Zhang, R.-H., L. M. Rothstein, and A. J. Busalacchi, 1997: On the role of off-equatorial subsurface anomaly in the El Nino evolution: An ocean modeling study, J. Climate., submitted.

Zhang, R.-H., L. M. Rothstein, and A. J. Busalacchi, 1997: Interannual and decadal variability of subsurface ocean thermal structure in the Pacific during 1961-90, Climate Dynamics, submitted.

Zhang, R.-H. and L. M. Rothstein, 1997: On the phase propagation and relationship of interannual variability in the tropical Pacific climate system, Climate Dynamics, submitted.

Zhang, R.-H., L. M. Rothstein, and A. J. Busalacchi, 1997: The oceanic evolution of the 1976-77 climate shift in the Pacific, J. Climate., submitted.

Zhang, R.-H., L. M. Rothstein, and A. J. Busalacchi, 1998: Origin of upper-ocean warming and El Nino change on decadal scale in the tropical Pacific, Nature, in press

Unrefereed publications:

Brooks, H. E., D. J. Stensrud, J. V. Cortinas, Jr., 1993: The use of mesoscale models to initialize cloud-scale models for convective forecasting. Preprints, 13th Conf. on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Vienna, VA, 301-304.

Cortinas, J.V., Jr., D. J. Stensrud, H. E. Brooks, 1993: A simulation of a severe weather event in the southeast United States. Preprints, 17th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc., St. Louis, MO, 623-627.

Cortinas, J.V., Jr., D. J. Stensrud, 1994: The mesoscale features associated with severe weather. Preprints, 10th Conf. on Numerical Weather Prediction, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Portland, OR, 606-608.

Cortinas, J.V., Jr., C. C. Crisp, 1995: Preparing a freezing rain forecast using a mesoscale model. Preprints, 14th Conf. of Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Dallas, TX, 171-175.

Callahan, J. and S.C. Hankin (1997). "Improving Web access to gridded data: Java tools for climate data servers", 13th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, 189-191.

Callahan, J., S. Hankin, and J. Davison (1997): Improving Web access to gridded data: Java tools for climate data servers. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography and Hydrology, AMS, 2-7 February 1997, Long Beach, CA, 189-191.

Davison, J. and D.E. Harrison. A day-to-day comparison of SEASAT scatterometer with winds observed from islands in the tropical Pacific. (1989). NOAA Tech. Memo, ERL/PMEL-91, 71 pp. NTIS PB90-158791.

Ferry, N., G. Reverdin, and A. Oschlies: "An OGCM Simulation Forced by the ECMWF Ocean Surface Fluxes for Studying Changes in Heat Content and Sea Level: Comparison with Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Level from Topex/Poseidon", proceedings of WCRP First International Conference on Reanalyses, Washington D.C., October 1997.

Ferry, N.: "Oceanic heat fluxes and sea level variability in the North Atlantic: a study with an OGCM forced by realistic surface fluxes", Master's Thesis report, DEA OAB, Toulouse University, 1997

Gnanadesikan, A. , and R.C. Pacanowski, Improved representation of flow around topography in the GFDL Modular Ocean Model MOM 2. Internalional WOCE Newsletter 27,23-25, 1997.

Godfrey,J.S. and A. Schiller Testing the interannual modelling of SST Anomalies. CLIVAR Monsoon Panel, Seoul, Korea, April 1998.

Hankin, S.C., D.E.Harrison, and J. Davison (1991). "FERRET, an interactive data visualization, analysis and management system for gridded data sets." NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL PMEL-38.

Hankin, S., J. Davison, K. O'Brien, and D.E. Harrison FERRET: A computer visualization and analysis tool for gridded data (1992). NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-38, 164 pp.

Hankin, S.C, and D.E. Harrison (1993). "FERRET: A Mathematica®-style visualization and analysis tool for gridded oceanographic and meteorological data." Ninth International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, 168-171.

S.Hankin, J.Davison, D.E.Harrison, K.O'Brien, J.Callahan Live Access to Climate Data - A Portable Web Server for Large Gridded Data Sets (1996)

Hankin, S., D.E. Harrison, J. Osborne, J. Davison, and K. O'Brien (1996): Remote and local visualization and analysis with the Ferret program. 12th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, Jan. 28-Feb. 2, 1996, Atlanta, GA, AGU, 139-144.

Hankin, S.C. (1997). "A portable Web server for gridded data (creating a culture of data interchange", 13th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, 187-188.

Hankin, S., J.Davison, J.Callahan, D.E. Harrison, and K.O'Brien (1998). "A Configurable Web Server for Gridded Data: A Framework for Collaboration", 14th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, AMS, 11-16 February 1998, Phoenix, AZ, 417-418.

Harrison, D.E. Equatorial Sea surface temperature sensitivity to wind forcing. pp 413- 419 in "Further progress in equatorial oceanography", Katz and Witte, Eds, Nova Univ. Press, Ft. Lauderdale, FL., 1987.

Harrison, D.E. Ocean General Circulation Model Hindcasts of the 1982-83 El Nino (1988). pp 179-185 in Japan-US Workshop on the ENSO phenomenon, eds T. Matsuno and M.L Blackmon Meteorological Research Report 88-1, Division of Meteorology, Geophysical Institute, Univ. of Tokyo, March 1988.

Harrison, D.E. Recent tropical Pacific surface wind studies. (1988) pp 94-99 in Japan-US Workshop on the ENSO phenomenon, eds T. Matsuno and M.L Blackmon Meteorological Research Report 88-1, Division of Meteorology, Geophysical Institute, Univ. of Tokyo, March 1988.

Harrison, D.E. Near-Dateline island wind variability and ENSO. (1988) pp. 141-155 in "Proceedings of the US TOGA Western Pacific Air-Sea interaction Workshop" US TOGA 8. Published by U.C.A.R., Boulder, CO 80307.

Harrison, D.E. , W.S.Kessler, B.S. Giese. Model-Data comparisons for the 1982-83 El Nino: The XBT tracks. NOAA/ERL/PMEL Tech Memo #79. NTIS # PB88-221668.

Harrison, D.E. Use of in-situ data for flux validation. II.3.1TII.3.8 in WMO WCRP-23 (WMO TD #304). WOCE surface flux determinations - A strategy for in-situ measurements (1989).

Harrison, D.E. Tropical Ocean Circulation Models: Sensitivity to Fluxes. "Proceedings of the International TOGA Scientific Conference", pp 169-177 (1991).

Harrison, D.E., S. Hankin, J. Davison and K. O'Brien. Western and central tropical Pacific surface westerly winds, July 9, 1987-June 30, 1988. From the R. Atlas et al analysis of SSM/I results. NOAA Tech. Memo, NOAA/ERL/PMEL-94, NTIS #PB92-142645 (1992).

Harrison, D.E. Critical Review of "A Federal Plan for Managing Global Change Date and Information,". Data Forum, Jan. 1992, National Academy Press, p. 45-46.

Harrison and McDermott. Wind Fields in the Tropical Pacific, 1982-1995. p 25-33 Session of the CLIVAR Upper Ocean Panel, and Joint Workshop with CLIVAR NEG-1. "Assessment of the Pacific Observing System for Analyses, Model-testing and El Nino Forecasts". Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, 21-24 October, 1996. WCRP Informal Report #7/1997; ICPO Publication Series #9. (1997)

Harrison, D.E., Some Sampling Issues for OOPC and GOOS. D.E.Harrison. OOPC workshop on Ocean Time Series, Johns Hopkins University, March 1997. (1997)

Harrison, D.E., The Tao Array: History, Present, Prospects. D.E.Harrison. OOPC workshop on Ocean Time Series, Johns Hopkins University, March 1997. (1997)

Hankin, S., E. Harrison, J. Davison, K. O'Brien, and J. Callahan. (1997): A portable web server for gridded (model) data (creating a culture of data interchange). Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography and Hydrology, AMS, 2-7 February 1997, Long Beach, CA, 187-188

Hodge, S.M. 1997. Glacier mass balances suggest recent changes in Pacific Hemisphere teleconnections. EOS, Vol. 78, No. 46, p. F101 [Abstract. Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 8-12, 1997.]

Huettmann, Falk and Tony Diamond 1998 "Characterizing, Modeling and Predicting Locations of Seabird Colonies in the Davis Strait: Using the PIROP database, GIS and Environmental Data to Evaluate the Suitability of Marine Breeding Habitats for Arctic Seabirds" from "Using Environmental Prediction in Ecosystem Science in Atlantic Canada", pp. 86-94 Workshop Proceedings Halifax, Nova Scotia 17-19 February, 1998 Environmane Canada - Atlantic Region Occasional Report no. 11

Ikeda, Y., T. Mueller, B. Castro and Hoogs: Variability of the Brazil Current in Santos Bight 1991-1994. June 16-20. Anais do WOCE South Atlantic Workshop, Brest-France.

Lavelle, J.W. (1994): A convection model for hydrothermal plumes in a cross flow. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL PMEL-102 (PB94-218815), 18 pp..

Lee, T.N., W.E. Johns, R. Zantopp, D. Zhang, C.T. Liu and Y. Yang, 1997. Kuroshio Transport Study at 24.5 N. Abstract, IUGG Meeting of IAPSO Melbourne Australia. Lee, T.N., W.E. Johns, R. Zantopp, D. Zhang, C.T. Liu and Y. Yang, 1998. Kuroshio Transport Variability at 24.5 N. Abstract, EOS, Feb. 1998 Ocean Sciences Meeting.

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