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(187 publications)
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1130.01 Criteria and Standards for Dental Program, 112D - Dentistry Service 12/24/2008 12/24/2013
1160.02 Clozapine Patient Management Protocol (CPMP), 116 - Mental Health Service 12/23/2008 12/31/2013
6330.01 Directives Management System Procedural Handbook, 19E1 - Forms , Publications and Records Management Service 12/15/2008 12/31/2013
1204.01 Scientific Research and Development Proposals, 12 - Research and Development Service 12/04/2008 12/31/2013
1203.05 Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development , 122 - Rehabilitation Research and Development Service 11/23/2008 11/30/2013
1100.19 Credentialing and Privileging, 10Q - Office of Quality and Performance 11/14/2008 11/30/2013
1140.02 Respite Care, 114 - Geriatrics and Extended Care Service 11/10/2008 11/30/2013
1205.01 Cooperative Studies Program (CSP) Study Initiation and Management Processes, 12 - Research and Development Service 11/07/2008 11/30/2013
1204.03 Health Services Research and Development (HSR&D) Centers, 12 - Research and Development Service 11/04/2008 11/30/2013
1202.01 Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development (BLR&D) and Clinical Science Research and Development (CSR&D) Services Merit Review Award Program Process, 12 - Research and Development Service 11/04/2008 11/30/2013
1173.05 Aids for the Blind and Visually Impaired, 10FP - Office of Prosthetics and Clinical Logistics 10/27/2008 10/31/2013
1106.01 Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Service Procedures, 115 - Diagnostic Services 10/06/2008 10/31/2013
1660.04 VA-DOD Direct Sharing Agreements, 10D2 - VA-DOD Sharing Office 10/02/2008 10/31/2013
1140.07 Geriatric Primary Care, 114 - Geriatrics and Extended Care Service 09/25/2008 09/30/2013
1660.03 Conflict of Interest Aspects of Contracting for Scarce Medical Specialist Services, Enhanced Use Leases, Health Care Resource Sharing, Fee Basis and Intergovernmental Personnel Act Agreements (IPAS), 17 - VHA Office of Finance 09/22/2008 09/30/2013
1400.05 Disbursement Agreements Procedures, 14 - Academic Affiliations Service 09/19/2008 09/30/2013
1200.19 Presentation of Research Results, 12 - Research and Development Service 09/17/2008 09/30/2013
1121.10 VHA Eye Care, 111 - Acute Care Strategic Healthcare Group 09/17/2008 09/30/2013
1174.01 Blind Rehabilitation Outpatient Specialist (BROS) Program Procedures, 117 - Rehabilitation Service 09/12/2008 09/30/2013
1204.04 Under Secretary's Award for Outstanding Achievement In Health Services Research, 12 - Research and Development Service 09/11/2008 09/30/2013
1204.05 Operational Procedures for Activities Sponsored by the Health Services Research And Development Service (HSR&D) , 12 - Research and Development Service 09/11/2008 09/30/2013
1160.01 Uniform Mental Health Services in VA Medical Centers and Clinics, 116 - Mental Health Service 09/11/2008 09/30/2013
1170.01 Accreditation of Veterans Health Administration Rehabilitation Programs , 10Q - Office of Quality and Performance 09/05/2008 09/30/2013
1730.02 VHA Fiscal Quality Assurance System, 17 - VHA Office of Finance 09/04/2008 09/30/2013
1400.04 Supervision of Associated Health Trainees, 14 - Academic Affiliations Service 09/02/2008 09/30/2013
1730.01 Use and Management of the Government Purchase Card Program, 10F - Office of Clinical Logistics 08/27/2008 08/31/2013
1203.01 Merit Review Program, 122 - Rehabilitation Research and Development Service 08/22/2008 08/31/2013
1203.03 Research Career Scientist Program and Awards, 122 - Rehabilitation Research and Development Service 08/18/2008 08/31/2013
1142.01 Criteria and Standards for VA Community Living Centers (CLC), 114 - Geriatrics and Extended Care Service 08/13/2008 08/31/2013
1932.01 Library Service or Library Section Procedures, 19E - OI Communications Service 08/07/2008 08/07/2013
1200.05 Requirements for the Protection of Human Subjects Research, 12 - Research and Development Service 07/31/2008 07/31/2013
1601B.05 Corrected Copy Beneficiary Travel, 16 - VHA Business Office 07/29/2008 07/31/2013
1111.02 Spiritual and Pastoral Care Procedures, 110C - Chaplain Service 07/18/2008 07/31/2013
1202.06 Research Equipment Management Program, 12 - Research and Development Service 07/09/2008 07/31/2013
1907.02 My HealtheVet In-person Authentication, 19 - Office of Information 06/27/2008 06/30/2013
1203.06 Paul B Magnuson Award for Outstanding Achievement in Rehabilitation Research and Development, 122 - Rehabilitation Research and Development Service 06/09/2008 06/30/2013
1050.01 National Patient Safety Improvement Handbook, 10X - National Center for Patient Safety 05/23/2008 05/31/2013
1202.05 William S. Middelton Award Procedural Handbook, 121 - Office of Medical Research Service 05/19/2008 05/31/2008
1660.06 VA-TRICARE Networking Agreements, 10D - VHA/DoD Coordination Office 05/16/2008 05/31/2013
1202.04 Research Career Scientist Program Handbook Biomedical laboratory Research and Development (BL&RD) Service and Clinical Science Research and Development (CSR&D) Service, 121 - Office of Medical Research Service 05/13/2008 05/31/2013
1021.01 Education Debt Reduction Program Procedures, 10A2 - Office of Management Support 04/25/2008 04/30/2013
1173.14 Home Improvements and Structural Alterations (HISA) Program, 10FP - Office of Prosthetics and Clinical Logistics 04/18/2008 04/30/2013
1108.07 Pharmacy General Requirements, 119 - Pharmacy Service 04/17/2008 04/30/2013
0320.03 Disaster Emergency Medical Personnel System (DEMPS) Program and Database, 13C - Emergency Management Service 03/26/2008 03/31/2013
1200.09 Inclusion of Women and Minorities in Research Handbook, 12 - Research and Development Service 03/10/2008 03/31/2013
1173.17 Home Telehealth Equipment Management Procedures, 10FP - Office of Prosthetics and Clinical Logistics 03/04/2008 03/31/2013
1174.02 Blind Rehabilitation Service National Program Consultant Procedures, 117 - Rehabilitation Service 02/06/2008 02/28/2013
1907.04 Patient Treatment File (PTF) Coding Instructions, 19F - Information Assurance Service 02/04/2008 02/28/2013
1173.10 Orthotic Devices and Repairs, 10FP - Office of Prosthetics and Clinical Logistics 01/29/2008 01/31/2013
1173.11 Ocular Prostheses and Facial Restorations, 10FP - Office of Prosthetics and Clinical Logistics 01/22/2008 01/31/2013
1058.04 Debarments and Suspensions Based on Research Impropriety in VA Research, 10R - Office of Research Oversight 01/16/2008 01/31/2013
1850.03 Textile Care Management (Corrected Copy), 10NP - Environmental Programs 01/15/2008 01/31/2013
1173.06 Wheelchairs and Special Mobility Aids, 10FP - Office of Prosthetics and Clinical Logistics 01/15/2008 01/31/2013
0320.04 VA-DOD Contingency Plan, 13 - Public Health and Environmental Hazards 12/26/2007 12/31/2012
1620.03 VAVS Recognition for State Veterans Home Volunteers, Voluntary Service Program (10C2) 11/19/2007 11/30/2012
1907.03 Health Information Management Clinical Coding Program Procedures, Office of Information (19) 11/02/2007 11/30/2012
1660.01 Health Care Resources Sharing Authority-Selling, Office of Prosthetics and Clinical Logistics ((10FP)) 10/11/2007 10/31/2012
1601A.03 ENROLLMENT DETERMINATIONS, VHA Business Office (16) 09/21/2007 09/30/2012
1162.01 Grant and Per Diem Program, Mental Health Service (116) 08/08/2007 08/31/2012
1110.02 Social Work Professional Practice, Social Work Service (11CCSW) 07/11/2007 07/31/2012
1004.04 State- Authorized Portable Orders, National Center for Ethics in Healthcare (10E) 06/15/2007 06/30/2012
1173.08 Medical Equipment and Supplies, Office of Prosthetics and Clinical Logistics ((10FP)) 06/15/2007 06/30/2012
1176.02 Spinal Cord Injury and Disorders (SCI&D) Extended Care Services, Office of Patient Care Services (11) 06/13/2007 06/30/2012
1303.02 Gulf War (Including Operation Iraqi Freedom) Registry (GWR) Program- (Formerly Persian Gulf Registry (GWR) Program), Environmental Agents Service (131) 06/05/2007 06/30/2012
1010.01 Transition Assistance and Case Management of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) Veterans, Social Work Service (11CCSW) 05/31/2007 05/31/2012
4721 VHA General Post Fund Procedures, VHA Office of Finance (17) 05/24/2007 05/31/2012
1620.02 Volunteer Transportation Network (VTN), Voluntary Service Program (10C2) 05/24/2007 05/31/2012
0710.01 Position Risk and Sensitivity Designations for VHA Positions and Medical Center Policy, Office of Management Support (10A2) 05/18/2007 05/31/2007
1173.15 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE BENEFIT, 10FP - Office of Prosthetics and Clinical Logistics 05/17/2007 05/31/2012
1058.03 Assurance of Protection for Human Subjects in Research, Office of Research Oversight (10R) 05/10/2007 05/31/2012
1109.05 Specialized Nutritional Support, Nutrition and Food Service (110A) 05/10/2007 05/31/2012
1109.04 Food Service Management Program, Nutrition and Food Service (110A) 04/11/2007 04/30/2012
1140.01 Community Residential Care Program, Geriatrics and Extended Care Service (114) 03/28/2007 03/31/2012
1030.02 Compliance and Business Integrity (CBI) Annual Report, Report Control Number (RCN) 10-913, Program Assessments, Office of Compliance and Business Integrity (10B3) 03/28/2007 03/31/2012
1109.03 Nutrition and Food Services Safety, Nutrition and Food Service (110A) 03/28/2007 03/31/2012
1330.02 Women Veterans Program Manager (WVPM) Position, 133 - Women Veterans Health Program 03/28/2007 03/31/2012
1123 Anesthesia Service, Office of Patient Care Services (11) 03/07/2007 03/31/2012
1200.1 The Research and Development Committee Handbook, Research and Development Service (12) 03/02/2007 03/31/2012
1004.2 Advance Care Planning and Management of Advance Directives, National Center for Ethics in Healthcare (10E) 02/22/2007 01/31/2012
1141.01 Home-based Primary Care Program, Geriatrics and Extended Care Service (114) 01/31/2007 01/31/2012
4800.14 Write-Offs, Decreases, And Termination of Medical Care Collections Fund Accounts Third-Party Receivable Balances, VHA Office of Finance (17) 12/28/2006 12/31/2011
1660.05 VHA Sharing Database (SD), Office of Clinical Logistics (10F) 11/16/2006 11/30/2011
1120.02 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Core Program Requirements, Acute Care Strategic Healthcare Group (111) 10/30/2006 10/31/2011
1162.04 VA Multifamily Transitional Housing Loan Guarantee Program, Mental Health Service (116) 10/23/2006 10/31/2011
1162.03 Psychosocial Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program (PRRTP), Mental Health Service (116) 10/19/2006 10/31/2011
1030.03 First Party CO-Payment Monitoring Policy, Office of Compliance and Business Integrity (10B3) 10/16/2006 10/31/2011
1601C.02 Utilization Review (UR), VHA Business Office (16) 09/26/2006 09/30/2011
1200.16 Off-Site Research, Research and Development Service (12) 09/20/2006 09/30/2011
1302.01 Agent Orange Health Registry (AOR) Program Procedures To Include All Veterans Exposed To Agent Orange And Special Health Care Benefits For Vietnam Veterans' Children, Environmental Agents Service (131) 09/05/2006 09/30/2011
1601C.01 Insurance Verification, VHA Business Office (16) 08/28/2006 08/31/2011
1907.01 Health Information Management and Health Records, Information Assurance Service (19F) 08/25/2006 08/31/2011
1109.01 Nutrition Status Classification Scheme Handbook, Acute Care Strategic Healthcare Group (111) 08/14/2006 08/31/2011
1601A.01 Intake Registration, VHA Business Office (16) 08/14/2006 08/31/2011
1601D.02 Treatment of Allied and Foreign National Beneficiaries, VHA Business Office (16) 08/07/2006 08/31/2011
1030.01 Compliance And Business Integrity (CBI) Program Administration, Office of Compliance and Business Integrity (10B3) 07/31/2006 07/31/2011
1140.6 Purchased Home Health Care Services Procedures, Geriatrics and Extended Care Service (114) 07/21/2006 07/31/2011
1200.4 Office of Research and Development Research Career Development Program, Research and Development Service (12) 07/21/2006 07/31/2011
1180.2 Assessment and Prevention of Pressure Ulcers, Office of Nursing Services (108) 06/29/2006 06/30/2011
1108.06 Inpatient Pharmarcy Services, Pharmacy Service (119) 06/27/2006 06/30/2011
1108.05 Outpatient Pharmacy Services, Pharmacy Service (119) 05/30/2006 05/31/2011
1605.1 Privacy And Release Of Information, Information Assurance Service (19F) 05/17/2006 05/31/2011
1200.15 Eligibility For VA Research Support Handbook, Research and Development Service (12) 05/01/2006 05/31/2011
1600.01 Business Associate Agreements, VHA Business Office (16) 05/01/2006 05/31/2011
1162.02 Domiciliary Residential Rehabilitation and Treatment Program, Mental Health Service (116) 04/03/2006 02/28/2011
1601E.01 Compensation and Pension (C&P) Examinations, VHA Business Office (16) 04/03/2006 04/30/2011
1101.1 Managing Overweight and/or Obesity for Veterans Everywhere (MOVE) Program, Acute Care Strategic Healthcare Group (111) 03/27/2006 03/31/2011
1301.01 Ionizing Radiation Registry (IRR) Program Procedures, Public Health and Environmental Hazards (13) 01/24/2006 01/31/2011
1100.18 Reporting and Responding to State Licensing Boards, Office of Quality and Performance (10Q) 12/22/2005 12/31/2010
1200.06 Control of Hazardous Agents in VA Research Laboratories, Research and Development Service (12) 10/21/2005 10/31/2010
1108.04 Investigational Drugs and Supplies, Pharmacy Service (119) 10/14/2005 10/31/2010
1172.1 POLYTRAUMA REHABILITATION PROCEDURES, Rehabilitation Service (117) 09/22/2005 09/30/2010
1111.1 Ecclesiastical Endorsing Organizations, Chaplain Service (110C) 09/08/2005 09/30/2010
1102.6 Criteria and Standards for Bariactric Surgery, Acute Care Strategic Healthcare Group (111) 09/08/2005 09/30/2010
1003.4 VHA Patient Advocacy Program, Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and Management (10N) 09/02/2005 09/30/2010
1400.1 Resident Supervison, Academic Affiliations Service (14) 07/27/2005 05/31/2010
1620.1 Department of Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service Procedures, Voluntary Service Program (10C2) 07/15/2005 07/31/2009
1173.12 Prescription Optics and Low-Vision Devices, Prosthetics Service (113) 05/31/2005 06/30/2010
1200.7 Use of Animals in Research, Research and Development Service (12) 05/27/2005 04/30/2010
1058.2 Research Misconduct, Office of Research Oversight (10R) 05/04/2005  
1176.1 Spinal Cord Injury and Disorders System of Care Procedures, Office of Patient Care Services (11) 05/02/2005  
1000.1 Program Restructuring and Inpatient Bed Change Procedures, Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and Management (10N) 04/15/2005 04/30/2010
1108.3 Self Medication Program (SMP), Pharmacy Service (119) 03/15/2005 03/31/2010
1820.1 Sharing Use of Space Handbook, Office of Facilities Management(18) 03/07/2005 03/31/2010
1140.5 Community Hospice Care: Referral and Purchase Procedures, Geriatrics and Extended Care Service(114) 03/01/2005 03/31/2010
1140.4 Geriatric Evaluation and Management Procedures, Geriatrics and Extended Care Service(114) 02/02/2005 02/28/2010
5005.1 Requests to Petition the United States Department of State for a Waiver of the 2-Year Home Residency Requirement on Behalf of an Exchange Visitor, Forensic Medicine(11F) 01/26/2005 01/31/2010
1000.2 Fugitive Felon Program, Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and Management(10N) 12/02/2004 12/31/2009
1058.1 Reporting Adverse Events in Research to the Office of Research Oversight, Office of Human Research Oversight(10R) 11/19/2004 11/30/2009
1173.9HB Footwear and Foot Orthoses, Prosthetics Service(113) 10/06/2004 10/31/2009
1108.1 Controlled Substances (Pharmacy Stocks), Pharmacy Service(119) 10/04/2004 10/31/2009
1303.1 Evaluation Protocol for Gulf War and Iraqi Freedom Veterans with Potential Exposure to Depleted Uranium (DU), Environmental Agents Service (131) 09/02/2004 09/30/2009
1303.4 Evaluation Protocol for Non-Gulf War Veterans with Potential Exposure to Depleted Uranium (DU), Environmental Agents Service (131) 09/02/2004  
1140.3 Home Health And Hospice Care Reimbursement, Geriatrics and Extended Care Service(114) 08/16/2004 08/31/2009
1330.1 VHA Services For Women Veterans, Women Veterans Health Program(133) 07/16/2004 07/31/2009
1303.5 VA War-Related Illness And Injury Study Centers (WRIISC), Environmental Agents Service(131) 07/15/2004 07/31/2009
1143.2 VHA Community Nursing Home Oversight Procedures, Geriatrics and Extended Care Service(114) 06/04/2004 01/31/2009
1173.3 Amputee Clinic Teams And Artificial Limbs, Prosthetics Service (113) 06/04/2004 06/30/2009
1006.1 Planning and Activating Community-Based Outpatient Clinics, Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and Management(10N) 05/19/2004 05/31/2009
1750.1 VHA Product Departments and Clinical Production Units, VHA Office of Finance(17) 05/10/2004 05/31/2009
1173.16 Driver Rehabilitation for Veterans With Disabilities Program Procedures, Rehabilitation Service(117) 04/27/2004 04/28/2009
1003.2 Service Recovery In The Veterans Health Administration, Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and Management(10N) 02/04/2004 02/27/2009
1003.3 Responding to Electronic Inquiries From the VA Internet Homepage, Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and Management(10N) 10/15/2003 10/31/2008
7631.2 Requirements for the Continued Operation of Quarters and Establishing Quarters Rental Rates, Office of Facilities Management (18) 10/01/2003 10/30/2008
1108.2 Inspection of Controlled Substances, Pharmacy Service (119) 08/29/2003 08/31/2008
1104.1 Mammography Standards, Office of Patient Care Services(11) 08/06/2003 08/31/2008
1003.1 Key Elements of VHA's Veterans Customer Service Program, Under Secretary for Health(10) 08/06/2003 08/31/2008
1761.1 Standardization of Supplies and Equipment Procedures, VHA Office of Finance(17) 07/17/2003 07/31/2008
1102.5 Criteria and Standards for Performance of Ambulatory (Same Day) Surgery Performed in Ambulatory or Dedicated Surgical Suites, Surgical Service(111B) 05/20/2003 05/31/2008
1110.1 Fisher House Program, Social Work Service (11CCSW) 04/10/2003 04/30/2008
1800.2 Procedures for Dedications, Rededications, Groundbreakings and Anniversary Ceremonies, Office of Facilities Management(18) 04/10/2003 04/29/2008
1605.2 Minimum Necessary Standard for Protected Health Information, Office of Information(19) 04/09/2003 04/30/2008
7701.1 Occupational Safety and Health Procedures, Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and Management(10N) 03/26/2003  
1761-2 VHA Inventory Management, Office of Clinical Logistics(10F) 03/19/2003 03/31/2008
1004.1 VHA Informed Consent For Clinical Treatments and Procedures, National Center for Ethics in Healthcare(10E) 01/29/2003 01/31/2008
1100.17 National Practioner Data Bank Reports, Office of Quality and Performance(10Q) 11/13/2002 11/30/2007
1850.4 Employee Uniforms, Office of Facilities Management(18) 11/01/2002 11/30/2007
1200.18 Intellectual Property, Research and Development Service(12) 11/01/2002 11/30/2007
1004.3 Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Protocols Within The Department Of Veterans Affairs (VA), National Center for Ethics in Healthcare(10E) 10/24/2002  
1400.3 Affiliation Partnership Councils, Academic Affiliations Service(14) 09/24/2002 09/30/2007
1200.8 Safety of Personnel Engaged in Research, Research and Development Service(12) 06/07/2002 06/30/2007
1200.2 Research Business Operations, Research and Development Service(12) 05/23/2002 05/31/2007
1020.1 Employee Incentive Scholarship Program (EISP) Procedures, Office of Management Support(10A2) 05/06/2002 05/31/2007
1020.2 National Nursing Education Initiative, Office of Management Support(10A2) 05/06/2002 05/31/2007
1203.4 Rehabilitation Research And Development Centers, Research and Development Service(12) 03/19/2002 03/31/2007
1105.2 Nuclear Medicine And Radiation Safety Service Guidance, Diagnostic Services (115) 02/15/2002 02/28/2007
1109.2 Clinical Nutrition Management, Nutrition and Food Service(110A) 12/27/2001 12/31/2006
1200.17 VA Research And Education Corporations Authorized By Title 38 United States Code (U.S.C.) Sections 7361 Through 7368 Handbook, Research and Development Service(12) 12/17/2001 12/31/2006
5338.4 Social Worker Qualification Standard Including Licensure And/Or Certification Requirement, Human Resources Management(05) 12/06/2001 11/30/2006
1122.1 Podiatry Services For Veterans Health Administration Medical Facilities, Office of Patient Care Services(11) 12/06/2001 12/31/2006
1400.2 VA Education Corporations Authorized By Title 38 United States Code (U.S.C.) Sections 7361 Through 7368, Academic Affiliations Service(14) 11/14/2001 11/30/2006
5103.4 Special Salary Rates For Certain Health Care Personnel Appointed Under Title 38, United States Code (U.S.C.), Human Resources Management(05) 09/20/2001 09/30/2006
1930.3 National Vista Support (NVS) For Information Technology, Customer Support Service(193) 07/16/2001 07/31/2006
1931.1 Information Resources Management Service (IRMS), Customer Support Service(193) 06/04/2001 06/30/2006
1200.3 Centralized Positions Of Research Scientists, GS-14 And Above Handbook, Research and Development Service(12) 05/14/2001 05/31/2006
1930.2 Office Automation (OA) Procedures, Customer Support Service(193) 02/12/2001 02/28/2006
1102.4 Criteria And Standards For Neurologic Surgery Programs, Surgical Service(111B) 01/22/2001 01/31/2006
1173.2 Furnishing Prosthetic Appliances And Services, Prosthetics Service(113) 11/03/2000 05/31/2005
1173.1 Eligibility for Prosthetic Services, Prosthetics Service(113) 11/02/2000 07/31/2005
1173.13 Home Respiratory Care Program, Prosthetics Service(113) 11/01/2000 07/31/2005
1173.4 Automobile Adaptive Equipment Program, Prosthetics Service (113) 10/30/2000 07/31/2005
1173.7 Audiology And Speech Devices, Prosthetics Service (113) 10/30/2000 07/31/2005
0320.2 Veterans Health Administration Emergency Management Program Procedures, Emergency Management Service (13C) 06/12/2000 06/30/2005
1102.3 Criteria and Standards for Cardiac (Open Heart) Surgery Programs, Acute Care Strategic Healthcare Group (111) 08/23/1999 08/31/2004
7631.1 Charges for Utilities and Related Facilities in the Operation of Housekeeping Quarters, Office of Facilities Management (18) 07/23/1999 07/30/2004
1660.2 Joint Acquisition of Medical Equipment, Medical Sharing Office (176) 08/01/1997 08/30/2012
1103.1 Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences Service Procedures Handbook for Specific Programs, Mental Health Service (116) 03/27/1996  
5111 Assignments, Staff Adjustments, and Furloughs, The Title 38 Employment Division ((054D)) 03/11/1996 12/31/2006