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English CADD Documentation

General Information

NJDOT’s English CADD information and resource files for Microstation are available for downloading from this site. As much information as is possible has been made available. Please check the revision dates on all files frequently to ensure you are working with the most current versions. Make sure you download files for the correct version of Microstation. The available versions are version 7 and version 8. Bear in mind that Microstation versions 7 and 8 are not compatible with each other.

NJDOT MicroStation CADD Support Files

Cell Libraries

A "cell" in MicroStation is a group of graphical elements that can be manipulated as a single entity. The use of cells enhances CADD productivity and helps promote CADD standardization. The Department’s Cells are stored and maintained in cell libraries, which have been broken down by discipline.

  •   RoadWay.cel - Master Roadway Cell Library
  •   RoadSigns.cel - Master Roadway Sign Cell Library
  •   Bridge.cel - Master Structures Cell Library
  •   Land.cel - Master Landscape Cell Library
  •   Electrical Cell Library - See Traffic Signal & Safety
  •   Electrical/ITS Cell Library – under development

The Department’s cell libraries are available as a bundled package in ZIP format either as Microstation v7 download files or as Microstation v8 download files.

Color Table

Standard colors are specified to ensure consistency and to enable users to easily identify plan elements in shared files. Elements are assigned a color "number" which MicroStation reads to determine the correct color to display for that color setting. The Department uses one common master color table.

The Department’s master color table is available either as Microstation v7 download file NJDOT-Color.clr or as Microstation v8 download file NJDOT-Color.ctb.

Font Resource File

Contrasting text styles (fonts) and sizes are used within a drawing to designate different types of information (i.e. existing versus proposed). The Department’s font resource file is made up of a combination of converted TrueType fonts, Bit Stream fonts, symbol fonts and basic MicroStation font cell type fonts.


  •   DOT-1 (Proposed)  - Converted TrueType font (fractional) - Used on construction type sheets for "proposed" lettering.
  •   DOT-7 - Fancy Filled Font - Used on the Quantities EDQ sheet and in displays.
  •   DOT-11 - Bit Stream Font (straight) - Used for headings and in displays.
  •   DOT-19 - Bit Stream Font (slanted) - Used for headings and in displays.
  •   DOT-23 (Existing) - Converted TrueType font (fractional) - Used on all construction type sheets for "existing" lettering.
  •   DOT-30 - Filled Font - Used on the "New Jersey Works" sign detail and in displays.
  •   DOT-31 - Filled Font - Used on the "New Jersey Works" sign detail and in displays.
  •   DOT-41 - Upper case only - Used in Landscaping plans
  •   DOT-42 - Filled Font - The "default" font (used by MicroStation if the font number doesn’t exist in the font resource file)
  •   Fonts - 90, 91, 92, 94 - Symbol fonts for InRoads
  •   Fonts - 95, 96, 97 - Customized symbol fonts used in InRoads
  •   Font 127 - Default fast font - used if "fast font" is set in the design file.

The Department’s font resource file "NJDOT-Fonts.rsc" is available either as a Microstation v7 download file or as a Microstation v8 download file.

IPLOT Pen Tables

The Department uses IPLOT, a Bentley Systems Inc. product, to produce final plan sets. Individual plotting routines (pen tables) are used to create the final appearance of a MicroStation plot. Pen tables have the ability to change the "look" of individual elements or groups of elements at plot time to achieve the desired plan presentation without affecting the original design file element.

Microstation version 7 IPLOT pen tables are not available for download from this site. There are approximately 25 pen tables that were written to support the various aspects of in-house design and they may not give an outside user the desired results unless the entire NJDOT CADD system format, set-up and configuration is followed.

If you have questions and/or would like the latest copies of our Microstation version 7 IPLOT pen tables, please contact the "CADD Support Unit".

Microstation version 8 IPLOT pen tables are available for download from this site. These are approximately 16 pen tables that were written to support the various aspects of in-house design and they may not give an outside user the desired results unless the entire NJDOT CADD system format, set-up and configuration is followed.

Line Style Resource File

For efficiency reasons the Department has added its own user defined lines styles (UDL) to the basic MicroStation line style resource file. These UDLs are graphical representations of features like guide rail, ROW lines, curb, etc. and can be drawn and manipulated as any normal linear element. 

When an element is drawn in MicroStation, the definition of the line style is not contained within the design file, only the line style name / number. When the design file is opened, the display is governed by the line style resource file being used at the time.

The Department’s line style resource file "NJDOT-Lines.rsc " is available either as a Microstation v7 download file or as a Microstation v8 download file.

Seed Files

MicroStation uses a "seed" file concept to create new design files. These seed files are templates in which the standard file parameters (working units, global origin, view attributes, color table, text settings, coordinate readout, etc.) are set to the Department’s standards. The Department maintains 2D seed files by discipline and a master 3D seed file for three dimensional applications.

  •   Roadway-Seed-2D.dgn - Master Roadway 2D Seed File
  •   Bridge-Seed-2D.dgn - Master Structures 2D Seed File
  •   InRoads-Seed-3D.dgn - Master Engineering 3D Seed File
  •   Electrical Seed - See Traffic Signal & Safety
  •   Electrical/ITS Seed – under development

The Department’s "Seed Files" are available as a bundled package in ZIP format either as Microstation v7 download files or as Microstation v8 download files.

Standard Details English

The Department’s Standard Details are broken out into "sections" by discipline. When a standard detail is revised, there will be a "revision date" adjacent to the detail number.

  •   Roadway Construction Details
  •   Traffic Control Details
  •   Bridge Construction Details
  •   Electrical Details/ITS
  •   Electrical Details - See Traffic Signal & Safety

Access for downloading the standard details is either from the Microstation v7 CADD Downloads (English Units) page or the Microstation v8 CADD Downloads (English Units) page of the CADD Support website. The MicroStation ".dgn" versions of the standard details can be downloaded individually or an entire "section" can be downloaded as a complete set in a ZIPed format. Each "section" can also be downloaded in Adobe PDF format.

CADD Standards Manual English

The purpose of this manual is to document the Department’s English CADD standards in an effort to create uniformity for the roadway / structure design and drafting performed for the N.J. Department of Transportation. This manual is neither a textbook nor a substitute for engineering or drafting knowledge, experience, or judgment. These standards are neither static nor all-inclusive and thus will be updated and enhanced as appropriate.

The information in this document is based on using MicroStation ".dgn" format, which is a product of Bentley Systems, Inc. It includes information on our Working Units, Global Origin, Level Structure, File Names, File Content, Line Styles, Line Weights, Fonts, Cells and Color Table as used by the Department.

The NJDOT CADD Standards Manual is available for Microstation v7 download or Microstation v8 download in Adobe PDF format.

Sample Plans English

The English Sample plans are intended to illustrate presentation format and have been developed with the purpose of instituting uniformity in the presentation of roadway construction type plans

The English Sample plans are available for Microstation v7 download or Microstation v8 download in Adobe PDF format. These plans are NOT available as ".dgn" files.

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  Copyright © State of New Jersey, 2002-2009
  Department of Transportation
  P.O. Box 600
  Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
OPRA - open public records act

  Last Updated:  October 31, 2008