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USGS Activity Physical Data: Container 00026

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CMG Staff: Nationwide   Menlo Park & Santa Cruz   St. Petersburg   Woods Hole  
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CMG Directions: to Menlo Park   to Santa Cruz   to St. Petersburg   to Woods Hole   to MARFAC   to MOF   to O'Brien  

Location of Container:
Area D , drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd ., column 13, row 02
For lat/long information, click the Activity ID link, then...
page section highlighting Samples and samp(GE GM)
1: see list of samples; 2: see samples in Google Earth; 3: see samples in Google Maps.

Item # B169SF "Paul Carlson, Dave McCulloch" CMG Envelope of borehole location maps
131443  l577wo  Parke Snavely  CMG  navigation log 
131444  l577wo  Parke Snavely  CMG  trackline navigation maps 
131445  l577wo  Parke Snavely  CMG  final report 
131446  l577wo  Parke Snavely  CMG  multichannel shot logs 
131447  l577wo  Parke Snavely  CMG  cruise data index 
131448  l577wo  Parke Snavely  CMG  3.5 kHz bathymetry rolls 
131449  l577wo  Parke Snavely  CMG  shipboard integrated navigation system 
131450  l577wo  Parke Snavely  CMG  ORE magnetics 
131451  l577wo  Parke Snavely  CMG  USGS Open-File Report 78-1061 
Item # B169SF "Paul Carlson, Dave McCulloch" CMG Envelope of borehole location maps

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