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USGS Activity Physical Data: Container 01422

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Location of Container:
Area B , drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd ., column 05, row 01
For lat/long information, click the Activity ID link, then...
page section highlighting Samples and samp(GE GM)
1: see list of samples; 2: see samples in Google Earth; 3: see samples in Google Maps.

Item # B169SF "Paul Carlson, Dave McCulloch" CMG Envelope of borehole location maps
150116  j190sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima, John Chin  CMG  Side scan sonar 2/1/90 SOR 1158 Grizzly Bay to Honkers Bay 
150117  j190sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima, John Chin  CMG  Side scan sonar 1/23/90 SOR 1527 Roll 2 
150118  j190sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima, John Chin  CMG  Side scan sonar 1/23/90 SOR 1336 S. San Francisco Bay 
150119  j190sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima, John Chin  CMG  Side scan sonar 1/30/90 SOR 0847 Pittsburg area 
150120  j190sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima, John Chin  CMG  Side scan sonar 1/31/90 SOR 0816 Pittsburg to Rio Vista 
150121  j190sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima, John Chin  CMG  Side scan sonar 1/22/90 Redwood Creek 
150122  j190sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima, John Chin  CMG  Lowrance fathometer 1/23/90 Redwood Creek 
150123  j190sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima, John Chin  CMG  Lowrance fathometer 1/23/90-1/24/90 
150124  j190sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima, John Chin  CMG  Lowrance fathometer 1/24/90-1/26/90 
150125  j190sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima, John Chin  CMG  Lowrance fathometer 1/30/90 Roll 1 Pittsburg to San Joaquin River 
150126  j190sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima, John Chin  CMG  Lowrance fathometer 1/31/90 Roll 2 Pittsburg to San Joaquin River 
150127  j290sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima  CMG  Side scan sonar 2/9/90 SOR 1431 
150128  j290sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima  CMG  Side scan sonar 2/9/90 EOR 1420 at Sausalito Mouth 
150129  j290sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima  CMG  Side scan sonar 2/20/90 SOR 1125 East side of channel N. San Mateo Bridge 
150130  j290sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima  CMG  Side scan sonar 2/21/90 EOR 1119 EOL 7 
150131  j290sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima  CMG  Raytheon fathometer 2/6/90 Mouth of Petaluma Channel (EOR) 
150132  j290sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima  CMG  Lowrance fathometer 2/5/90 
150133  j290sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima  CMG  Lowrance fathometer 2/7/90 
150134  j290sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima  CMG  Lowrance fathometer 2/9/90 
150135  j290sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima  CMG  Lowrance fathometer 2/15/90 
150136  j290sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima  CMG  Lowrance fathometer 2/21/90 
150137  j290sf  Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima  CMG  Lowrance fathometer 2/21/90 Roll 2 
Item # B169SF "Paul Carlson, Dave McCulloch" CMG Envelope of borehole location maps

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