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    CADD Support


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to use any of the files from this site

This information is made available to the general public by the NJDOT CADD Development Unit. CADD information and CADD resource files should be accessed and downloaded from this site to aid users in conforming to the latest NJDOT CADD standards.

Resource files for MicroStation (English MicroStation v8 , English MicroStation v7 and Metric MicroStation) are available. Standard Detail Drawings, NJDOT CADD Manuals, Sample Plans, and Bridge Plates are available, as is a list of CADD Contacts who can help you with your CADD questions and suggestions.

As much information as possible has been made available to assist you in producing CADD plans using NJDOT CADD standards. Occasionally new items or updates will be made available. Please check the revision dates on all files frequently to ensure you are working with the most current version. You are encouraged contact CADD Development with your CADD questions and suggestions.

Most current English revisions ... (see actual item for revision information)

  • Pentables (English v8 only) 11/25/2008
  • Sample Plans English - 09/22/08
  • Standard Construction Details 01/11/08
  • Sign Support Standards 12/18/07
  • Sample Plans English - 02/23/07
  • MicroStation v8 A MAJOR ADDITION - 04/13/06
  • Roadway Construction Details - 03/01/06
  • Sample Plans English - 07/22/05
  • Roadway Construction Details - 04/06/05
  • Sample Plans English - 04/06/05
  • Roadway Construction Details - 12/13/04
  • Cell Libraries (Bundle) - 10/06/04
  • Revised CADD Standards Manual - 06/02/04
  • Sample Plans English - 01/28/04
  • Linestyles - 09/23/03

New additions ...

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  Copyright © State of New Jersey, 2002-2009
  Department of Transportation
  P.O. Box 600
  Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
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  Last Updated:  November 25, 2008