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Electrical Engineering


Electrical Engineering consists of multi-discipline units responsible for traffic, electrical and safety engineering design services that supports NJDOT's Capital Program.

Electrical Engineering utilizes a system of pre-qualified material refered to as EE Approval Numbers.

The materials in this listing are pre-qualified for generic use on State projects. They may not meet all the specific requirements of a particular project. During design, it will be the responsibility of the designer to select the material that best meets the specific requirements of the particular project in accordance with the criteria established in the NJDOT Design Manuals and Specifications for that job.

Equipment that is NOT on this listing may be utilized, but must be submitted for that specific project. Material to be added to this list must be submitted to the Electrical Engineering, for review. See Design Teams. Please contact our office for the procedures for submitting, since each type of material has a unique procedure. Since this material will be evaluated for possible use on projects the time frame for approval can be 2 months. See our Electrical FAQ page.

Luminiare Approvals

It should be noted, that even though a luminiare is assigned an EE approval number and is qualified for generic use on State projects, it may not meet the specific requirements of a particular project. During design, it will be the responsibility of the designer to select a luminaire from the list of qualified photometric files that best meets the specific requirements of the particular project in accordance with the criteria established in Section 11 (Highway Lighting Systems) of the NJDOT Roadway Design Manual. This manual is intended for use as a guide in the planning and design of a highway lighting system that conforms to Department policy.

Section 12 (Traffic Signal Design) of the NJDOT Roadway Design Manual is intended for use as a guide in the planning and design of the electrical portion of a traffic signal installation that conforms to Department policy.

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  Copyright © State of New Jersey, 2002-2009
  Department of Transportation
  P.O. Box 600
  Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
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  Last Updated:  May 12, 2006