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Roadway Information and Traffic Counts

Public Roadway Mileage and Vehicle Miles Traveled

Public roadway mileage figures are maintained by NJDOT through road inventories. A public road is any road or street owned and maintained by a public authority and open to public travel. New Jersey has approximately 39,000 miles of public roadways. New Jersey's official estimate of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) is a product of the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) Program. VMT is a measurement of the amount of traffic on a given mile of roadway. Deriving New Jersey's VMT estimate involves multiplying the traffic volume on each HPMS section, the section length and expansion factor then summing the product to yield VMT for any desired aggregation level.

For further information, you may call the NJDOT Bureau of Transportation Data and Development at (609)530-3503.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the PDF files, which is available free from our state Adobe access page.

Travel Activity
by Vehicle Type
Public Road Mileage
by Area Type
Daily Vehicle Mile
of Travel (1000's)
2007 (135k)
2007 (18k)
2006-2007 (34k)
2006 (21k)
2006 (10k)
2005-2006 (13k)
2005 (19k)
2005 (12k)
2004-2005 (16k)
2004 (19k)
2004 (12k)
2003-2004 (16k)
2003 (18k)
2003 (13k)
2002-2003 (16k)
2002 (80k)
2002 (60k)
2001-2002 (83k)
2001 (11k)
2001 (6k)
2000 (12k)
2000 (7k)
1999 (14k)
1999 (5k)

Mileage by Jurisdiction
(Year Ending)
2007 (21k)
1999 (6k)
2006 (12k)
1998 (27k)
2005 (11k)
1997 (29k)
2004 (11k)
1996 (27k)
2003 (12k)
1995 (14k)
2002 (60k)
1994 (14k)
2001 (7k)
1993 (14k)
2000 (7k)
1992 (14k)
VMT by Functional
Classification Distributed by County (Year Ending)
2007 (60k)
1999 (10k)
2006 (16k)
1998 (42k)
2005 (15k)
1997 (40k)
2004 (15k)
1996 (28k)
2003 (16k)
1995 (28k)
2002 (63k)
1994 (28k)
2001 (9k)
1993 (28k)
2000 (10k)
1992 (28k)

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  Copyright © State of New Jersey, 2002-2009
  Department of Transportation
  P.O. Box 600
  Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
OPRA - open public records act

  Last Updated:  December 3, 2008