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The Engineering area contains most of the reference material needed to design a Capital Program Project. Included are topics from Policy, Procedures, Design Standards (Manuals Guidelines, & CADD drawings), to Specifications. Also included are documents used in Construction and Operations.

Engineering is constantly changing. New documents or supplements are announced through Baseline Document Change Announcements, Corrective Action Notices, and Quality Improvement Advisories. Some All Design Unit Memoranda are still in effect. Please review these pages for possible updates to the topics below. Changes are suggested through the respective Subject Matter Expert to Configuration Management for review and publication on this web site. Paper copies are available via the Engineering Documents Unit.

If you are seeking engineering information on project advertisement dates, contractor bidding requirements, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise requirements, and other similar data may be found under Doing Business or visit our Procurement site. These items deal with the time just prior to or during the construction of a transportation facility.

Engineering information on Traffic Counts, Roadway Data, Traffic Regulations, existing transportation facilities, and other similar data may be found under Reference Data.


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  Copyright © State of New Jersey, 2002-2007
  Department of Transportation
  P.O. Box 600
  Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
OPRA - open public records act

  Last Updated:  November 7, 2008