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Wireless Telecommunication Licenses


The State of New Jersey has issued guidelines and procedures for wireless telecommunication licenses. These provide New Jersey state agencies with a uniform set of guidelines and procedures concerning the licensing of state properties to wireless service providers and site management companies. These guidelines supersede existing documents already in force in various agencies but was designed to take into account the concerns of each of the agencies involved. The guidelines ensure that wireless service providers and site management companies will have a single source for dealing with state property licenses. This will assist in the continued development of the state of New Jersey as a leader in the wireless industry. Finally, the guidelines and procedures serve to protect public interests with regard to the use of state lands, the environmental and aesthetic qualities of those lands, and public safety by ensuring that relevant land use, environmental, and safety regulations are followed at all times during the licensing, construction, and operation of wireless antenna sites on state property.

Download the Guidelines and Procedures for Wireless Telecommunication Licenses (pdf 1,041 kb) and Appendices (pdf 35.3 mb). You may also examine Construction Project Review information provided by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs at the New Jersey Business Portal. At the portal web site you may download the Application for Construction Plan Review (pdf 15 kb), Instructions for Plan Review Application (pdf 50 kb) and State Buildings Permit Fee Schedule (pdf 17 kb) needed for completing and submitting an application.

View examples of permitted telecommunication facilities

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  Department of Transportation
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  Last Updated:  May 20, 2008