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June 28 — 29, 2007 Advisory Committee Meeting

General Committee Discussion and Next Steps

Dr. Haskell opened discussion by outlining the Committee's next steps. The first phase will involve interpreting the science by forming a number of subcommittees focusing on outcomes, other than the youth subcommittee already discussed. The following subcommittee assignments were made:

All-Cause Mortality
Chair, I-Min Lee

Cardio-Respiratory Health
Chair, William Kraus
Judith Regensteiner
William Haskell

Musculoskeletal Health
Chair, Wendy Kohrt
Miriam Nelson

Metabolic Health – Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome
Chair, Judith Regensteiner
William Haskell
William Kraus

Energy Balance and Maintenance of Healthy Weight
Chair, Edward Howley
Russell Pate
Antronette Yancey

Chair, Anne McTiernan
I-Min Lee

Functional Health
Chair, Miriam Nelson
James Rimmer
Wendy Kohrt

Mental Health
Chair, Rod Dishman
James Rimmer
Antronette Yancey

Youth Health
Chair, Russell Pate
Antronette Yancey
Edward Howley

Adverse Events
Chair, Kenneth Powell
William Haskell

Subcommittee's will be responsible for reviewing existing appropriate literature in the CDC database and determine additional searches that are required. In order to summarize data Dr. Lee will develop a draft table to distill data. A draft of the table will be shared with Dr. Haskell and Dr. Nelson prior to distribution to the entire Committee. Each subcommittee will have a CDC liaison to support further data requests. Initial requests will be filtered through Dr. Haskell and Dr. Nelson for prioritization to Dr. Kohl and CDC.

The next scheduled meeting of the Committee will be December 6 – 7, 2007 and the final meeting will be held February 28 – 29, 2008. If there are additional conference calls as meetings of the full Committee, they will be publicly announced and open to the public.

In closing RADM Royall offered her thanks and appreciation to everyone for their hard work. Dr. Haskell closed the meeting.


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This page last updated on: 10/7/2008

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Office of Disease Prevention & Health Promotion, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.