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American Forces Press Service
07/31/2003Beijing Leaders Believe U.S. "Poses a Challenge," Pentagon Report Says   With PDF File

07/31/2003Defense Department Fully Supporting 9-11 Commission Requests  

07/31/2003The Alamo in Afghanistan   With Photos

07/31/2003Chairman's Wife Gets Firsthand Look at Afghan Hospital, Orphanage   With Photos

07/31/2003Myers visits Bagram Air Base   With Photos

07/30/2003'Afghan Hounds' Protect Coalition Forces   With Photos

07/30/2003Bush: A Free Iraq Will Lead to a More Secure United States  

07/30/2003Prosecutor, Defense Counsel Prep for Military Commissions   With Audio Clip With Video Clip

07/30/2003William I. Lowry Expects the Unexpected   With Photos

07/29/2003Ridge: America Better Prepared Than Ever  

07/29/2003Nominees for Army Chief, Special Ops Command Face Senate Hearing  

07/29/2003Pentagon Leaders Describe Offensive Operations in Iraq  

07/29/2003Myers Meets With Pakistani Counterpart  

07/29/2003Iraqis Offering More Cooperation, But Still Fear Hussein  

07/29/2003Myers Speaks on Terror War, U.S.-India Contacts  

07/29/2003Myers Says Portions of Iraq Still a War Zone, But Progress Being Made  

07/28/2003Navy Getting More Involved in Education Programs for Transitioning Children   With Photos

07/28/2003DoD Cites 'Profound Gratitude' for Hope's Troop Tours   With Video Clip

07/28/2003DoD, Postal Service Honor Korean War Armistice, Veterans   With Photos

07/28/2003DoD Salutes Korean War Vets' Wartime Service, Sacrifice   With Photos

07/28/2003Chairman Visits Troops at 'Tip of the Spear' in Iraq   With Photos

07/28/2003Wolfowitz: Security 'Real Problem,' but Situation Will Improve  

07/28/2003CENTCOM Says Iraqi Die-hards Number Around 5,000  

07/27/2003Hussein on Lam, Myers to Check 'Pulse' of Iraq Coalition  

07/25/2003U.S., Allies Help Iraqis Repair Their Health Care System  

07/25/2003Admiral: Number of Youth With Poor Reading, Writing Skills 'Scary'   With Photos

07/25/2003Franks Adds Humor About His Career to Serious Speech About Global War on Terrorism   With Photos

07/25/20034th ID Commander Reports Iraqis Providing Information, Attacks Lessening  

07/25/2003Woven in Time: Sept. 11 Memorial Quilts on Display at Arlington Women's Memorial   With Photos

07/25/2003Pentagon NBC Exercise Tests First Responders, Evacuation Measures   With Photos With Video Clip

07/24/2003U.S. Troops 'Making A Real Difference' in Iraq, Myers Says  

07/24/2003U.S. Will Continue to 'Root Out' Remnants of Former Regime  

07/24/2003Photos of Hussein Brothers' Bodies Provide Proof to Iraqis   With Audio Clip With Video Clip

07/24/2003Cheney Vows: Terrorism Will be Overcome  

07/24/2003Arabic-Speaking Soldier Spends Free Time Teaching Fellow Troops   With Photos

07/24/2003Military Children Need Teachers, Counselors More Than They Know   With Photos

07/24/2003Iraq: Coalition Provisional Authority Head Notes Progress, Future Plans  

07/24/2003Officials Announce Plan for Iraq Troop Rotations into 2004   With Audio Clip With Video Clip

07/23/2003Wolfowitz Relays Impressions of Soldiers, Civilians in Iraq   With Photos

07/23/2003Bush: Regime Holdouts Targeting Successes in Iraq  

07/23/2003Military Commander Details Mission That Killed Hussein's Sons   With Photos With Audio Clip With Video Clip

07/23/2003Rumsfeld, Keane Discuss Army Transformation, Troop Rotations  

07/22/2003Army Pfc. Jessica Lynch: Home to the Mountains   With Photos

07/22/2003Coalition Kills Saddam's Sons in 'Fierce Gun Battle'   With Audio Clip With Video Clip

07/22/2003Non-Profit Groups Receive $50,000 Grants at Pentagon Ceremony   With Photos

07/22/2003Lynch Released From Walter Reed, Receives Military Awards  

07/22/2003Operation Iraqi Freedom Up Close: A Marine Returns   With Photos

07/22/2003Maj. Gen. William B. Caldwell IV: Senior Military Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Defense   With Photos

07/21/2003Group Provides Clothing, Other Items for Returning Wounded Troops   With Photos

07/21/200321 Marines Sent Into Liberia at Ambassador's Request  

07/21/2003Pentagon Kicks Off Memorial Fundraising Campaign   With Photos

07/21/2003Bush Thanks Italian PM for Support in War on Terrorism  

07/21/2003Five Americans Killed, Six Injured in Incidents in Iraq  

07/21/2003Special Ops Troops Kill Two Dozen Enemy Forces in Afghanistan  

07/20/2003Bremer: 'We Will Prevail' Against Pro-Saddam Insurgents  

07/20/2003Iraqi Militia Forming to Help Seek, Destroy Saddam Loyalists  

07/18/2003Rumsfeld, Myers Thank Employers of Guard and Reserve Members  

07/18/2003DoD Officials Reviewing Recommendations in Reconstruction Report   With Photos

07/18/2003Building a First-rate Personnel System  

07/18/2003Former POW Receives Much Attention at NAACP Convention   With Photos

07/18/2003NAACP President Tells of His Respect for the Military at Awards Ceremony   With Photos

07/18/2003New Personnel System Needed to Meet New Challenges  

07/17/2003Bush, Blair Cite Progress Against Terror  

07/17/2003Defense Department Still Has Room to Grow, Abell Tells NAACP   With Photos

07/17/2003Blair Says Freedom, Liberty Best Weapons Against Terrorism  

07/16/2003Military Professionals Know Mission Comes First  

07/16/2003DoD Police Force Motorcycle Unit in Operation at the Pentagon   With Photos

07/16/2003Thunderbolt Over Baghdad, 'Pilot-Dude' Down in the Countryside  

07/16/2003Air Guardsmen Detail Iraqi Freedom Close-air Support  

07/16/2003Baathist Opposition Organized, Coalition Faces 'Guerrilla-type Campaign'   With Photos

07/16/2003Guard Chief Committed to State Partnership Program  

07/16/2003SnowGoose: UAVs Enter the Airlift Business   With Photos

07/16/2003Soldier Killed, Marine Dies, C-130 Receives SAM Fire in Iraq  

07/15/2003Shades of Green at Disney World Now to Reopen in March 2004   With Video Clip

07/15/2003VA Benefits Could Expand for Former POWs  

07/15/2003From the Inside Out: Sept. 11 Memorialized   With Photos

07/15/2003Marne Soldiers Will Be Home by September, DoD Official Says  

07/15/2003Army-Navy Game Trip Drawing for Purple Heart Recipients  

07/15/2003Defense, Labor Partner in Quality of Life Initiatives   With Photos With Audio Clip With Video Clip

07/15/2003Bremer Outlines 'The Road Ahead' to a New Iraq  

07/14/2003Possible American Troops in Liberia Not to Be Under U.N. Control  

07/14/2003Iraqi Governing Council Holds First Meeting  

07/14/2003UAVs Demonstrate the Future at Pax River Event   With Photos

07/14/2003VFW, American Legion Volunteers Do Good Deed for Air Guardsman's Family  

07/14/2003Next BRAC Will Reflect Changing Times  

07/14/2003Soldier Killed in Iraq; Operation Ivy Serpent Yields Results  

07/13/2003Rumsfeld: Attacks on Americans in Iraq Likely to Continue, Even Increase  

07/11/2003Julie Curtis-Win: A Heart as Big as Texas   With Photos

07/11/2003Franks: U.S. Forces Committed to Global War on Terror  

07/11/2003Five 'Everyday Heroes' Receive Recognition for Their Efforts   With Photos With Audio Clip With Video Clip

07/11/2003Undersecretary Says 'Sooner Rather Than Later' for Joint National  

07/11/2003General Says Family Members Keep Search for Missing Servicemen Alive   With Photos

07/10/2003Bush, Rumsfeld Confident Iraq Had Weapons of Mass Destruction  

07/10/2003Two Soldiers Killed, One Wounded in Separate Attacks in Iraq  

07/10/2003U.S. 'Will Stay the Course' in Iraq, Bush Says  

07/09/2003Anthrax Vaccine Moves Into Clinical Trials   With Photos

07/09/2003Joint Ops Key to Military Lessons Learned from Iraq   With Audio Clip With Video Clip

07/09/2003Rumsfeld Says Anti-Coalition Attacks not Widespread   With Audio Clip With Video Clip

07/09/2003Economic, Political Progress Tied to Iraqi Security  

07/09/2003RPG Attack in Fallujah; Two More Saddam Supporters In Coalition Custody  

07/09/2003U.S. Committed to Peace in Africa, Bush Says  

07/08/2003Military Personnel 'Wow' JCOC Participants   With Photos

07/08/2003Iraqi Administrative Councils Taking Hold   With Photos

07/08/2003Iraqi Insurgents Assault U.S. Troops, Supply Depot  

07/08/2003Bush Says U.S. Will Support Actions in Liberia  

07/07/2003Abizaid Takes U.S. Central Command Reins   With Photos

07/07/2003'Incredible Progress' Made Restoring Iraq's Infrastructure, Officials Say  

07/07/2003Iraqis Need Proof Saddam Dead, Captured to Feel Safe  

07/07/2003Franks says There are Enough Coalition Forces in Iraq  

07/07/20033 Soldiers Killed in Iraq, Sidewinder Ends  

07/07/2003Team Ensures Vaccines Keep Their Cool, Arrive on Time  

07/05/200316 Soldiers Wounded in July 3rd Mortar Attack  

07/05/2003Bush Honors Military for Sacrifices in War on Terror  

07/03/2003One Soldier Dead, Another Wounded in Baghdad Incidents  

07/03/2003Hometown Support for Operation Tribute to Freedom is "Extraordinary"  

07/02/2003Bush: Harsh Treatment for Attackers, U.S. Not Leaving Till Iraq Is Free  

07/02/2003Operation Sidewinder Raids Grab Saddam-Regime Supporters, Outlawed Weapons  

07/02/2003Abizaid Set to Supplant Franks As CENTCOM Commander  

07/02/2003Fourth of July Message From the Chairman  

07/02/2003Fourth of July Message From the Secretary of Defense  

07/02/2003America's Promise: 'No Return to Tyranny,' Bush Says  

07/02/2003Fallujah Mosque Explosion Tied to Bomb-making Class  

07/01/2003New Regulations Bolster U.S. Maritime Security  

07/01/2003White House Ceremony Marks 30 Years of All-Volunteer Force   With Photos

07/01/2003Bremer Says More Iraqis Cooperating With Coalition  

07/01/2003Six Soldiers Wounded In, Near Iraqi Capital  

Updated: 28 May 2004
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