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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Iraqi Insurgents Assault U.S. Troops, Supply Depot

By Gerry J. Gilmore
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, July 8, 2003 – Anti-coalition insurgents mounted several attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq July 8, and dropped mortar rounds on an American supply depot north of Baghdad July 7, a Coalition Joint Task Force-7 spokesman said today.

The first attack occurred July 8 on Highway 8 on Airport Road in Baghdad, the CJTF-7 spokesman said, when an improvised explosive device was dropped from a bridge onto a U.S. Army 1st Armored Division convoy. Two U.S. soldiers were injured. One soldier returned to duty, while the other was evacuated for medical attention.

In a separate incident, a U.S. 1st Armored Division vehicle struck a landmine in Baghdad July 8, according to the CJTF- 7 spokesperson. Two 1st Armored Division soldiers were injured; both were evacuated, the spokesman said. The vehicle was destroyed. The incident, the spokesman said, is under investigation.

And, U.S. Army 173rd Airborne Brigade soldiers patrolling the town of Kirkuk in northern Iraq were hit by a rocket- propelled grenade attack July 8, the spokesman reported. The American patrol returned fire. The spokesman said three U.S. soldiers were injured in the attack, and are receiving treatment. No Iraqis were detained or killed or wounded in the incident.

Iraqi insurgents also dropped mortar rounds on an American military supply depot in a July 7 night attack, according to the CJFT-7 spokesman. There were no American casualties. The depot is located near Balad, which is more than 50 miles north of the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad.

Twelve suspects were detained after the depot attack, officials said. The incident is under investigation.

Names of the injured U.S. soldiers are being withheld pending notification of next of kin.