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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Missing or Lost Federal Tax and Wage Statements

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, March 3, 1997 – Service members and federal civilians who have not received their Federal Tax and Wage Statements (Form W-2) should contact the appropriate finance offices. If the finance offices cannot help, call:

Air Force
Active Duty and Reserve Components- (800) 433-0461

Active Duty -- (317) 542-2800 or DSN 699-2800
Reserve and Reserve Components -- (317) 542-2800/2826 or DSN 699-2826

Active Duty -- (800) 346-3374
Reserve -- (800) 255-0974

Marine Corps
Replacement W-2s - (816) 926-7145
Corrected W-2s - (816) 926- 7148
Corrected W-2s for Reserve Marines (ONLY) -(816)843-3781 or 3784

Marine Corps customer may also go to the following URL for additional tax information:

Civilian Employees
Columbus Center -- (614) 693-0162/0136/0112 or DSN 869-0162
Denver Center -- (800) 538-9043
Charleston Center -- (800) 729-3277
Omaha Center -- (800) 554-0527
Pensacola Center -- (904) 452-8325/8327/8328 or DSN 922-8325

Military retirees should call (800) 321-1080 and annuitants who do not receive Distribution From Pensions, Annuities, etc. (Form 1099R), (800) 435-3396.

(Courtesy of Defense Finance and Accounting Service)