Patents > Search Collections > MPEP > 714.01(d) Amendment Signed by Applicant but Not by Attorney or Agent of Record - 700 Examination of Applications

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714.01(d) Amendment Signed by Applicant but Not by Attorney or Agent of Record - 700 Examination of Applications

714.01(d) Amendment Signed by Applicant but Not by Attorney or Agent of Record

If an amendment signed by the applicant is received in an application in which there is a duly appointed attorney or agent, the amendment should be entered and acted upon. Attention should be called to 37 CFR 1.33(a) in patent applications and to 37 CFR 1.33(c) in reexamination proceedings. Two copies of the action should be prepared, one being sent to the attorney and the other directly to the applicant. The notation: "Copy to applicant" should appear on the original and on both copies.

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