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Albuquerque, New Mexico

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Clickable Fire Weather Forecast Map
Map of New Mexico showing forecast points Albino Canyon
Click on a Name to view the site specific forecast or the Zone to view the zone forecast.
Site specific Forecasts are based on a 2.5 square kilometer grid box for which the RAWS/ASOS site is located. Elevations are an average for the 2.5 square kilometer grid box.
 Project Burns and Significant Wildfires
Santa Fe Watershed
Eureka Mesa RX

 Fire Weather Products

Quick Links

Fire Weather Forecasts Red Flag  Warning  &  Fire Weather Watch
Point Forecast Matrix


El Paso








Note: Please check times on all products to make sure they are current.

 Weather Activity Planner:

 Fire Weather Program Information

 Summary of NWS Fire Weather Service Areas,

 Spot Forecasts

 Albuquerque Spot Forecast Request and Monitoring Page

 Latest Spot Forecast Issued by NWS Albuquerque

 Fire Weather Outlooks


           SPC Day 1 and Day 2 Fire Weather Outlooks - SPC

           SPC Fire Weather Graphics - SPC

           Day 1Day 2 Fire Behavior Outlooks - Southwest Coordination Center

          7-Day Significant Fire Potential Outlook - Southwest Coordination Center

 Weather Observations and Climate Outlooks

 Drought and Precipitation Monitoring

Drought Monitor- Comprehensive site from the National Drought Mitigation Center.

New Mexico SNOTEL Sites - Daily measurements and percentages of normal of the snowpack in the high mountains of  New Mexico and Colorado.  The extent of the snowpack and how early in the spring it melts are factors in the length and severity of the fire season in New Mexico.

Weekly Regional Precipitation Analysis - Climate Prediction Center. Updated every Monday morning. (Note: This analysis is based on preliminary and unchecked data.)

Palmer Drought Index - Climate Prediction Center.

Crop Moisture Index - Climate Prediction Center.

Precipitation accumulation - 1,7,30 and 90 days from CPC

 Fire Behavior, Danger and Fuels Information

Wildland Fire Situation Reports - Updated Daily

    Wildland Fire Assessment System (WFAS) - National maps of selected fire weather and fire danger components of the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS).  Also has maps of Keetch-Byram and Palmer drought indices.

    Fire Danger and Potential Graphics from WFAS - Updated Each Evening

    Note:  Forecasts may not depict accurate fire danger between October and April.

    * The experimental fire potential index map uses satellite derived Relative Greenness, an NFDRS fuel model map (both 1 km resolution), and an interpolated 10-hour timelag map as inputs to weight the relative influence of live and dead vegetation to fire potential. The scale ranges from 0 (low) to 100 (high).

    Dead Fuel Moisture - Updated Each Evening

    Timelag Fuel Size (diameter)
    10 hour 1/4 to 1 inch
    100 hour 1 to 3 inches
    1000 hour greater then 3 inches


Local Fire Weather Customer Meeting December 2006 - The annual fire weather meeting for northern and central New Mexico land agencies was held Wednesday, December 13, 2006 at the NWS office in Albuquerque.  To view the presentations click on the links below to download the PowerPoint presentations.

GeoMac National Wildfire Map - Provides graphical view of large wildfires across the country.

National Wildfire Information -Provides latest information on wildfire activity across the country including daily situation reports.

NWS National Fire Weather Page - Provides support to NIFC in Boise, ID. Links to all other fire weather forecasts.

New Mexico Wildland Fire Information - Designed for the general public. This is also where you should go to find out about fire restrictions across the state of New Mexico.

Southwest Area Fire Information - Designed for the general public.  Includes current and historic wildland fire activity  information for the Southwest Area.


National Weather Service
Albuquerque Weather Forecast Office
2341 Clark Carr LP SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Ph: 505.243.0702
Web Master's Email: ABQ Webmaster
Page Author: WFO Albuquerque, NM
Date modified:

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