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Topic: Home > News > News Photos

President George W. Bush greets a police officer from Flagstaff, AZ., after placing a ..
President George W. Bush greets a police officer from Flagstaff, AZ., after placing a wreath to commemorate the 20th Annual Peace ... - 2.7KB
15 May 07
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Attendees at the Peace Officers Memorial Service listen to President Bush. WHITE HOUSE ..
Attendees at the Peace Officers Memorial Service listen to President Bush. - 2.3KB
15 May 07
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President George W. Bush speaks to a Tax Relief gathering in Florida Monday, June 4.
President George W. Bush speaks to a Tax Relief gathering in Florida Monday, June 4. - 17.3KB
25 Apr 03
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President George W. Bush works on a Habitat For Humanity house in Tampa, Fl., Tuesday, June ...
President George W. Bush works on a Habitat For Humanity house in Tampa, Fl., Tuesday, June 5. - 17.3KB
25 Apr 03
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Photos and history of Holocaust victims frame the ceiling of the Hall of Names at Yad ..
Home > News & Policies > January 2008 Photos and history of Holocaust victims frame the ceiling of .. 20080111_p011108cg-0081-515h.html - 17.9KB
11 Jan 08
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President George W. Bush looks at a photo of the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building ..
President George W. Bush looks at a photo of the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building bombing at the Oklahoma City National Memorial .. - 1.8KB
29 Apr 03
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President George W. Bush is saluted as he arrives at Yeager Field to visit the 130th Air ..
President George W. Bush is saluted as he arrives at Yeager Field to visit the 130th Air Lift Wing of the Air National Guard in .. - 2.0KB
14 Feb 01
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President Takes Action to Preserve Florida's Environment
White House photo by Eric Draper. index_p3725-25-ed-515h.html - 39.2KB
29 Apr 03
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President Takes Action to Preserve Florida's Environment
White House photo by Eric Draper. index-10_p3723-09-ed-515h.html - 26.4KB
29 Apr 03
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President Takes Action to Preserve Florida's Environment
White House photo by Eric Draper. index_p3724-07-ed-515h.html - 26.4KB
29 Apr 03
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