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Topic: Home > News > News Photos

President George W. Bush talks during meeting with Montana Agricultural Producers at ..
President George W. Bush talks during meeting with Montana Agricultural rProducers at Tractor Supply Company in Billings, Montana, ... - 17.5KB
25 Apr 03
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President Bush speaks with President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa Tuesday, June 26 at the ..
President Bush speaks with President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa Tuesday, June 26 at the White House. - 17.5KB
25 Apr 03
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Joint Press Conference with President George W. Bush and President Jose Maria Aznar -..
Joint Press Conference with President George W. Bush and President Jose Maria Aznar - Madrid, Spain 20010612-6b.html - 33.5KB
25 Apr 03
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Joint Press Conference with President George W. Bush and President Jose Maria Aznar -..
Joint Press Conference with President George W. Bush and President Jose Maria Aznar - Madrid, Spain 20010612-6c.html - 33.5KB
25 Apr 03
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Welcomed by leaders both tall and small, President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush visit the ...
Welcomed by leaders both tall and small, President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush visit the reading room at the British .. 20010719-5-4.html - 33.8KB
25 Apr 03
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President Bush tours the Giant Forest Museum in Sequoia National Park Wednesday, May 30. ..
President Bush tours the Giant Forest Museum in Sequoia National Park Wednesday, May 30. 20010530-1a.html - 33.5KB
25 Apr 03
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NATO Secretary-General George Robertson greets President George W. Bush at NATO ..
NATO Secretary-General George Robertson greets President George W. Bush at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium on June 13, 2001. - 17.4KB
25 Apr 03
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British Prime Minister Tony Blair welcomes President Bush to Chequers in Halton, England, ..
British Prime Minister Tony Blair welcomes President Bush to Chequers in Halton, England, July 19. Like Camp David, which Mr. .. - 18.6KB
25 Apr 03
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President George W. Bush speaks at the Secretary General’s office at NATO headquarters in ..
President George W. Bush speaks at the Secretary General's office at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium on June 13, 2001 ... - 33.7KB
25 Apr 03
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President Bush speaks at Townsend Elementary School in Tennessee
President Bush speaks at Townsend Elementary School in Tennessee 20010221-5-a.html - 33.4KB
25 Apr 03
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