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The Legislative Reference Bureau assists the Hawai`i State Legislature by providing impartial research, consultation, and document drafting services, maintaining a research library, statutes revision and publication, operating a computerized legislative information system, and providing resources to enhance public participation in the legislative process.
see, §23G-3 HRS


Hawaii Legislative Reference Bureau

What's New

Newly Added LRB Studies from the Archives (1950 - 1995)

The Bureau is making available online digital versions of their older reports. Beginning from the Hawaii territorial days and up to 1995 when the Bureau began directly putting reports online, this project attempts to provide a more complete history of public policy in Hawaii and perhaps offer recommendations of value even today.

The reports will be added as they are digitized and optimized for network access.

Cost Estimates For A Constitutional Convention
This report estimates costs of a constitutional convention held on Oahu in 2010 or 2012:

House Concurrent Resolution No. 231, House Draft 1, adopted during the Regular Session of 2008, directs the Legislative Reference Bureau to study the costs of convening a constitutional convention and provide an estimate of the projected total cost. This report contains the results of our study and our estimate of the total projected cost of a constitutional convention, including consideration of various alternatives.

Hawaii Administrative Rules 2008 Table of Statutory Sections Implemented and Directory
This publication displays in tabular form administrative agency rules that implement or interpret specific statutory provisions. Users of this publication will be able to tell at a glance whether any rules implementing a particular statutory section are on file with the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, and, if so, which state department adopted them. This publication replaces all of the Tables of Statutory Sections Implemented published concurrently with the 1995 cumulative edition and subsequent supplements of the Hawaii Administrative Rules Directory.

2008 Legislative Actions
Includes bills passed, vetoes, bill overrides, and special session actions.

2008 Legislative Statistics:
Number of Bills Introduced, Passed, Enacted, and/or Vetoed.
Number of Resolutions Introduced and Adopted.

Download the most current update.

Available also as an RSS subscription. rss

Hawaii Constitutional Convention Studies 1978
The Hawaii Constitutional Studies 1978 were undertaken at the direction of the legislature and are an attempt to present in understandable form many of the possible issues and the arguments on both sides of such issues that the delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1978 may wish to consider.

Bills Passed and Resolutions Adopted 2008
This publication reflects data recorded up to and including May 1, 2008, which is the date that the Legislature adjourned sine die. For your information, under Article III, Section 16 of the Hawaii State Constitution, the Governor has 45 days after adjournment sine die (not counting Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays), to consider bills for approval.

The data includes bill number, title, introducer, description, committee reports, current status, and sections of the Hawaii Revised Statutes affected by the bill; and the resolution number, title, introducer, and identification of committee reports on the resolution.

Crossover Bills (Bills Which Passed Third Reading), 2008
This publication includes all bills in the current legislature which passed Third Reading as of March 6, 2008. Part I includes all the senate bills and part II includes all the house bills.

The data includes the bill number, title, introducer, description, and current status of the bill. It reflects data recorded up to and including March 6, 2008.

Hawaii Directory of State, County and Federal Officials, 2008
A companion volume to the Guide to Government in Hawaii, this annual publication provides directory information for government in Hawaii. Includes phone numbers, mail and email addresses, and web site URLs.

Guide to Government in Hawaii, Thirteenth Edition, December 2007
A companion volume to the Directory of State, County and Federal Officials, revises and updates the earlier edition. Following the twelfth edition's basic format, this Guide describes state and county departments and their organization and the agencies of the federal government having offices in Hawaii. Organizational charts of the state government, state departments, and the counties are also included.

Available as complete volume download or by agency.

LRB Reports to the Legislature
LRB reports to the 2008 Legislature, requested in 2007 Session; complete volumes and factsheets available for download.

Legislative Aids and Manuals

The Bureau continues to make available online its many handbooks and guides to the legislative process. Including, How To Research Constitutional, Legislative, And Statutory History In Hawai`i, and the companion volumes, Directory and Guide to Government in Hawai`i, the documents are downloadable in pdf. Limited print copies are available from the Library.

Digital Services

First Reading
The Library publishes its newsletter blog, First Reading, to highlight the trends, issues and resources behind today's news of interest to our Hawaii legislative community. Updated with links to full-text documents, web sites, and news stories, FR is also available as an atom news feed.

Our news aggregator service updated each morning, iClips delivers selected daily news links harvested from online local and national news providers.
