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Toxic Substance

    What are Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids?

    Pyrethrins are naturally-occurring compounds with insecticidal properties that are found in pyrethrum extract from certain chrysanthemum flowers. The pyrethrins are often used in household insecticides and products to control insects on pets or livestock.

    Pyrethroids are manufactured chemicals that are very similar in structure to the pyrethrins, but are often more toxic to insects as well as to mammals, and last longer in the environment than the pyrethrins. More than 1,000 synthetic pyrethroids have been developed, but less than a dozen of them are currently used in the United States. Permethrin is the most frequently used pyrethroid in the United States.

    Related Resources for Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids

This page was updated on 10/10/2008