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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence



Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Date of Information: 1/7/2009


Pres. Armando GUEBUZA
Prime Min. Luisa Dias DIOGO
Min. of Agriculture Soares NHACA
Min. of Coordination of Environmental Action Alcinda ABREU
Min. of Development & Planning Aiuba CUERENEIA
Min. of Education & Culture Aires Bonifacio ALI
Min. of Energy Salvador NAMBURETE
Min. of Finance Manuel CHANG
Min. of Fisheries Cadmiel MUTHEMBA
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation Oldemiro BALOI
Min. of Health Paulo Ivo GARRIDO
Min. of Industry & Commerce Antonio FERNANDO
Min. of Interior Jose PACHECO
Min. of Justice Maria Benvinda LEVI
Min. of Labor Helena TAIPO
Min. of Mineral Resources Esperanca BIAS
Min. of National Defense Filipe NHUSSI
Min. of Public Service Vitoria Dias DIOGO
Min. of Public Works & Housing Felicio ZACARIAS
Min. of Science & Technology Venancio MASSINGUE
Min. of State Admin. Lucas CHOMERA
Min. of Tourism Fernando SUMBANA, Jr.
Min. of Transport & Communication Pablo ZUCULA
Min. of Veteran's Affairs Feliciano GUNDANA
Min. of Women & Social Action Virgilia MATABELE
Min. of Youth & Sports David SIMANGO
Min. in the Presidency for Civilian Affairs Antonio SUMBANA
Min. in the Presidency for Diplomatic Affairs Francisco Caetano MADEIRA
Min. in the Presidency for Parliamentary Affairs Isabel Manuel NKAVANDEKA
Attorney Gen. Augusto PAULINO
Governor, Bank of Mozambique Ernesto GOVE
Ambassador to the US Marcos Geraldo NAMASHULUA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Filipe CHIDUMO

Posted: May 03, 2007 11:45 AM
Last Updated: Jan 12, 2009 09:57 AM
Last Reviewed: May 03, 2007 11:45 AM

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