Governor's Message
As New Jerseyans, we have a great deal to be proud of. We live in an innovative, progressive state where we can enjoy a bustling city lifestyle one day, or the tranquility of a mountain stream or ocean view the next.

It is truly a privilege to serve as your Governor, and an honor to be entrusted with the responsibility of furthering our mutual goal of making New Jersey an even better place to live, work, and raise a family. It remains the steadfast goal of my administration to embrace the values consistent with those objectives.

We will continue to tackle the state’s challenges with vigor, and when necessary, make the tough decisions. Those decisions might not always be the most popular choices, but you can rest assured they will always be made in the best interests of the people of New Jersey, and with an eye toward the future.

We have come a long way in a very short time, having addressed the state’s finances in a fiscally responsible manner, and doing so while providing a quality education for our children, protecting public safety, and caring for the most vulnerable. These will continue to be the core principles of my administration.

Much work remains, as we continue to seek long-term solutions for our state’s infrastructure and financial needs, map out continued progress in our education system, and provide a substantive stimulus for New Jersey’s economic engine. Our state is dawning on a bright and exciting future, and together, we can lay a foundation to build a prosperous New Jersey that will be the envy of the nation.