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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Bush Promises "Every Resource" to Combat Terrorism

By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

FORT MYER, Va., Oct. 15, 2001 – President Bush today repeated his Oct. 11 promise that service members will have every resource they need to defeat global terrorism.

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President Bush stands spotlighted as he welcomes Air Force Gen. Richard Myers and Marine Gen. Peter Pace, the military's new chairman and vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in a full honors ceremony at Fort Myer, Va. Photo by Jim Garamone.

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Bush reiterated the promise during a Full Honors Welcome Ceremony here for Air Force Gen. Richard Myers and Marine Corps Gen. Peter Pace. Myers is the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Pace is the new vice chairman.

"I've made a commitment to every service man and woman," Bush said during the ceremony. "For the mission that lies ahead, you will have everything you need. Every resource, every weapon, every means to assure full victory for the United States, our allies, our friends and the cause of freedom." The first time he gave his word was last week at the Pentagon memorial service for the terrorist attack victims.

Bush said that when he introduced Myers and Pace in August as his nominees for the chairmanship and vice chairmanship, he spoke of the duty to protect America's values and interests in the world.

"Since that time, those values and interests have come under direct attack," he said. "America has awakened to a great danger. We have entered a different kind of war, and the enemy is finding out that we are ready."

Bush said the United States is fighting the war on many fronts. All agencies of the federal government -- from law enforcement to financial -- are working together to stop the terrorist threat.

"Our military is playing an essential role," he said. "Eight days ago, I sent our military into action. They have performed with skill and precision. They know their work and they know the American people are behind them."

Bush said the terrorists have a "special contempt" for the U.S. military. "In the values and traditions of our military, you represent everything they hate," he said. "You defend human freedom, you value life. Here and around the world, you keep the peace that they seek to destroy. You live by a code of honor and a tradition of loyalty and decency."

Bush said the new chairman and vice chairman epitomize this code.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the two men are poised to transform the American military to deal with the threats of the new century. "As vice chairman, Dick Myers has helped us think through how we transform our Cold War forces to meet the challenges that were brought home so vividly on Sept. 11," Rumsfeld said.

Rumsfeld said Pace brings fresh insight into counterterrorism that he gained as commander of U.S. Southern Command. Both men, he said, bring a wealth of experience in the Pacific region -- an area of increasing importance to the United States.

Pace, the first Marine general to serve as vice chairman, made a promise to all service members. "About 34 years ago in the jungles of Vietnam, I learned from lance corporals, corporals and sergeants what sacrifice was all about," he said. "It was their blood that gave me a debt that I can never fully repay.

"But I promise to each of you today that as long as I have the privilege of being the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, my efforts will be that you continue to receive the support that you so richly deserve."

Myers turned the welcome ceremony around and said what he welcomes as the new chairman.

"I welcome the opportunity of leading America's Joint Warfighting Team and winning the global war on terrorism," he said. "I welcome the opportunity to make clear that terrorists will find no quarter, no refuge, no solace anywhere on the globe. Of course, I welcome the opportunity to secure our nation and ensure the freedom so imbued in the spirit of the American people."

Related Sites:
Remarks by the President In Welcoming Ceremony for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Fort Myer, Va., Oct. 15, 2001
Remarks as Delivered by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld at the Welcoming Ceremony in Honor of the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Fort Myer, Va., Oct. 15, 2001

AFRTS Radio Reports:
Armed Forces welcome new Chairmen, Vice Chairman JCS

AFRTS Video Reports:
Armed Forces welcome new Chairmen, Vice Chairman JCS