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April 22, 1996


Today Secretary of Defense William J. Perry kicked off the 26th annualobservance of Earth Day by announcing the winners of the 1995 Defense NaturalResources Conservation, Environmental Quality, Pollution Prevention, Recyclingand Environmental Cleanup Awards during a 2:00 P.M. ceremony held at thePentagon.

Natural Resources Conservation: Since 1962, the Secretary of Defense hasrecognized military installations and Defense employees for outstandingaccomplishments in the management of natural and cultural resources onapproximately 25 million acres of land and water. These resources are managedin support of the military mission, to protect irreplaceable parts of ournational heritage, to facilitate productive use, and to promote enhancedquality of life, while ensuring their continued availability for futuregenerations.

- The individual winner is Ms. Heidi Hirsch, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam.She is directly responsible for the dedication of the first Marine ResourcesPreserve in Micronesia, consisting of a 9.3 mile stretch of the installation'scoastline, to preserve corals and fisheries. She developed and coordinatedseveral multi-million dollar projects to protect Guam from the multitude ofnon-native species introduced to the island, such as the Federally-listed,injurious brown tree snake.

- The large installation winner is Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, whichfocuses its natural resources conservation program on protecting and enhancingits forestry resources.

- The small installation winner is Marine Corps Base Hawaii, whichencompasses approximately 700 acres on Makapu Peninsula which include Nu'upiaPonds and Ulupa'u Head Wildlife Management Areas.

Environmental Quality: Since 1973, the Secretary of Defense has recognizedexcellence in leadership and achievements in environmental quality. This awardcommends installations that make significant progress in avoiding andcontrolling air, water, land, and noise pollution.

- The winner of the industrial installation award is Eglin Air Force Base,Florida. Eglin was praised by the Secretary of the Interior as a model for theway to do environmental business. By involving workers and carefully analyzingprocesses, the installation reduced the 1995 hazardous waste disposalrequirements by more than 50 percent and eliminated most of the waste derivedfrom aerosol cans, rags, fuel-soaked pads, and liquid paint.

- The non-industrial award winner is SAF Hurlburt Field, Florida, whominimized hazardous waste by using: (1) six new jet washers to eliminate allvat solvent operations and (2) bead blasters to eliminate paint strippers. Italso installed a new bullet trap at the combat arms training facility toprevent lead contamination without negative mission impact.

- The individual award winner is Mr. Willie Barnes, who serves as theHazardous Waste Branch Manager at Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek, Virginia.Under his leadership, the installation attained 100 percent environmentalcompliance in all state inspections since 1992.

Pollution Prevention: Since 1993, the Secretary of Defense has recognizedinstallations and weapons system acquisition teams that show significantstrides in reducing pollution at the source. By utilizing improved processes,the Department is able to eliminate or reduce the amount of hazardous materialsused while saving raw materials, energy, water, and other resources enhancingpollution prevention.

- The industrial installation winner is Robins Air Force Base, Georgia. Byreducing 750,000 pounds of industrial sludge for extraction of heavy metals,puncturing 40,000 pounds of aerosol cans, and recycling 14,400 pounds of wastematerial, the installation diverted over 800,000 pounds from its hazardouswaste stream. It instituted a "Freebie Program" to reissue, to authorizedusers, excess hazardous materials, resulting in a cost avoidance of $30,488 inthe first month of operation alone.

- The non-industrial installation winner is Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, whomet the Department of Defense hazardous waste 50 percent reduction goal fiveyears early, and currently stands at 68 percent reduction of hazardous waste.It also exceeded solid waste reduction goals, achieving 65 percent reduction.

- The Pollution Prevention Weapons System Acquisition Team Award goes to theSan Antonio Air Logistics Center, Texas who introduced the "Weapon SystemPollution Prevention Guide" to ten Single Managers, each responsible for thecradle-to-grave management of specific weapons systems assigned to the Center,e.g., the C-5 and T-38 aircraft, and trained over 180 engineers and managers inits use.

Recycling: Since 1994, the Secretary of Defense has recognized installationsand individuals that make significant achievements in recycling programs.Recycling is growing in importance as a means of improving the environment andconserving natural resources. Recycling avoids landfill and associated costs,and expands the opportunity for new products to be created from recycledmaterials.

- The award winner for recycling on an industrial installation is TobyhannaArmy Depot, Pennsylvania. Tobyhanna recycled more than 23 million pounds ofsolid waste during the 1994-1995 period, and avoided over $1 million indisposal costs. The Depot also exhibited strong partnering with its localcommunity.

- The winner of the Recycling Non-Industrial Installation Award is NavalStation San Diego, California. San Diego is one of the largest naval stationsin the world, with 49 Pacific Fleet ships, 14 piers, 52 tenant commands, andapproximately 35,000 military and civilian personnel.

- The award winner of the Individual Recycling Award is Mr. Lawrence R.Olderbak, Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota. His work enhanced therecycling of solvents, sodium chromate, antifreeze, oil and oil filters, latexpaint, lead acid batteries, and materials that were past their shelf life. Heincreased office recycling from 11 to over 140 tons per month, and has activelyencouraged and increased the installation's purchase of recycled contentproducts.

Environmental Cleanup: Since 1994, the Secretary of Defense has recognizedinstallations that make significant achievements in environmental restorationprograms, such as accelerated cleanup, use of innovative technologies, anddeveloping partnerships. Environmental cleanup seeks to contain or removethreats to human health or the environment that have resulted from pastoperations on DoD lands.

- The Environmental Cleanup Award Winner is Naval Air Station Cecil Field,Florida, which developed outstanding partnerships with environmental regulatorsand the public. Station personnel established a Restoration Advisory Board(RAB) composed of 17 committed and enthusiastic community members.