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US Department of Defense
U.S. Department of Defense
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
News Release
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April 19, 1996


On April 22d the Department of Defense will join with our nation in the 26thannual observance of Earth Day. I am proud of the accomplishments of DoD andof the Services. The Department of Defense is committed to the protection ofthe quality of life of our forces and their families from environmental healthand safety hazards. We are also committed to the readiness of our forces, andsound environmental management allows us continued access to realistic trainingareas. Most of all, DoD is working to protect the environment because it isour responsibility as good stewards of the environment to protect and preservesignificant natural and cultural environs. Our people have learned to coexistwith nature and still accomplish our mission of military forces second to none.Our efforts have been nationally recognized, we have become a leader inenvironmental matters, from traditional roles of steward of over 25 millionacres of US land to the recent expansion of international ties with foreignmilitaries through environmental agreements.

In recognition of the central role that preserving the environment plays inthe welfare and security of our nation, DoD embraces Earth Day as anopportunity to showcase our successes. We encourage all DoD military andcivilian personnel and their families to get involved in Earth Day activitiesspotlighting successes. We have demonstrate that protecting our environment isa global undertaking that we in DoD share with all our neighbors both in theUnited States and internationally. The Department of Defense will continue tolead the way in maintaining programs that will preserve our environment andaccomplish our mission of a ready, viable force.