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5 p.m. ET
No. 192-96
April 08, 1996


Bergen Brunswig Drug Co., Orange, California, is being awarded a $19,225,305firm fixed price modified requirements contract for pharmaceuticals under thePrime Vendor Pharmaceuticals program. One hundred ten proposals were solicitedand six were received. Work will be performed in Mobile, Alabama; Shreveport,Louisiana; Montgomery, Alabama; and Meridian, Mississippi and is expected to becompleted by April 7, 1997. The Defense Personnel Support Center,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the contracting activity (SP0200-94-D-7006).

Bergen Brunswig Drug Company, Orange, California, is being awarded a$9,961,451 firm fixed price modified requirements contract for pharmaceuticalsunder the Prime Vendor Pharmaceuticals program. One hundred thirty eightproposals were solicited and three were received. Work will be performed inAiea, Hawaii and is expected to be completed by April 17, 1997. The DefensePersonnel Support Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the contractingactivity (SP0200-95-D-7014).


Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Electronic Systems Group, Baltimore,Maryland, is being awarded a $11,604,570 firm fixed price contract modificationfor Post Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) Support for theimplementation of necessary software design changes and enhancements into theexisting E-3 Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) Radar SystemImprovement Program software baseline. This also provides for maintenancesupport of the System Integration Laboratory. Contract is expected to becompleted in September 1997. Contract funds will not expire at the end ofcurrent fiscal year. The solicitation was issued in January 1996 andnegotiations were completed in April 1996. Electronic Systems Center, HanscomAir Force Base, Massachusetts is the contracting activity (F19628-89-C-0138,P00104).




Rust International, Incorporated, Palos Heights, Illinois, was awarded onApril 5, 1996, $6,500,000 of a cost plus fixed fee/delivery order vsindefinite delivery contract, to provide an interim payment to the contractoras a result of a stop-work-order on the hazardous waste feed to the incineratorat the Drake Chemical Superfund Site on-site soil incineration facility at LockHaven, Pennsylvania. Estimated completion date for the basic contract, October1, 1998. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year.This is a sole source contract initiated on September 30, 1994. Thecontracting activity is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha, Nebraska(DACW45-93-C-0200).


DynCorp Aerospace Technology, Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a$12,263,574 indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity time and materials contractto provide calibration and repair support services for the Annapolis, Maryland,and Carderock sites of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Bethesda, Maryland.Work will be performed in Annapolis, Maryland, and is expected to be completedin February 2001. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the currentfiscal year. This contract was competitively procured with 54 proposalssolicited and

six offers received. The Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Carderock Division,Bethesda, Maryland, is the contracting activity (N00167-96-D-0023).