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Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
Press Advisories
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No. 112-96 April 11, 1996


Rear Adm. Bernard Smith, USN, will announce the findings of the Navy JudgeAdvocate General Manual (JAGMAN) investigation into the Jan. 29, 1996, F-14Aflight mishap in Nashville, Tenn., at 1:30 p.m. (EDT), Friday, April 12, in theTennessee Air National Guard Headquarters, 240 Knapp Blvd., Nashville(southeast corner of the Nashville International Airport). Adm. Smith is theinvestigating officer.

The Pentagon is planning to provide a live audio feed from Nashville to the DoDBriefing Studio, Room 2E781. Copies of the investigation and endorsement,redacted to protect individual privacy, will be available to the news media inthe Pentagon at the commencement of the Nashville briefing. A senior Navyofficial will be available in the DoD briefing studio following the Nashvillebriefing to answer questions on background about the investigation.

In addition, Adm. Mike Boorda, Chief of Naval Operations, will be available fora session with interested media regarding Navy actions taken as a result of theinvestigation in the DoD Briefing Studio at 3 p.m. (EDT).

News media interested in covering either event should contact the Navy's Officeof Information at (703) 697-5342.