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"We're a diverse country, and getting more diverse," said President Bush in his remarks at ..
We're a diverse country, and getting more diverse,"" said President Bush in his remarks at Ellis Island during a large .. - 18.3KB
25 Apr 03
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While addressing the upcoming patients' bill of rights legislation, President Bush gets a .. (68%)
While addressing the upcoming patients' bill of rights legislation, President Bush gets a little practice signing his name .. 2001/07/images/20010709-5.html - 18.3KB

President Bush drapes the Congressional Medal of Honor on Ed Freeman of Boise, Idaho, in .. (68%)
President Bush drapes the Congressional Medal of Honor on Ed Freeman of Boise, Idaho, in the East Room at the White House .. 2001/07/images/20010716-1.html - 18.4KB

President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush visit Desiree and Stephen Sayle at Inova Fair Oaks ... (68%)
President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush visit Desiree and Stephen Sayle at Inova Fair Oaks Hospital July 3, 2001. Mrs. .. 2001/07/images/20010703-1b.html - 34.3KB
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