Reading is Fundamental-Inexpensive Book Distribution Program

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National Book Program
The National Book Program is RIF's flagship effort. It motivates children, parents, and communities to read together through a series of principles: book ownership, motivational activities, and family involvement. The goals of this program are simple: provide new, free books to children, motivate children to read, and generate community support for literacy. This program is one that works to get all members of the community involved. The National Book Program is the oldest and largest of RIF's programs. It has distributed over 250 million books to children.

Books on the Menu
Books on the Menu is a student-to-student mentoring programs where older children are paired with younger children as " book-mates". The overall mission is to increase the amount of time students spend reading and discussing books. Also, by building relationships between older and younger children, the confidence and self-esteem of the older child is increased.

Family of Readers
Family of Readers focuses on family reading habits and enhancing the time families spend reading together.

RIFNet is the distance learning service of Reading Is Fundamental. RIFNet produces professional development programs that provide important information about how to motivate children to read and how to promote literacy for more than 435,000 literacy volunteers at 23,000 sites nationwide. (RIFNet is funded through a Star Schools grant).

Running Start
Running Start is a motivational program for first graders and builds on the excitement of first grade, when expectations for success are high. Running Start challenges students to read 21 books in 8-10 weeks. The goal is for parents to give children a burst of ambition at a crucial stage in their development as readers.

Shared Beginnings
Shared Beginnings is a program for both parent and child. Shared Beginnings helps young parents develop their children's early language and literacy skills. Parents are encouraged to read to their children, and the program conveys the importance of "nurturing" literacy. Parents receive practice in activities meant to foster early learning skills, thus giving them the confidence they need to continue to teach their children. Parents are excited by their children's learning and proud of their own achievement.

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Last Modified: 08/31/2006