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Updated: 14 Jan 2003

Memorandum: No. 165-M

July 24, 1996


The U.S. Atlantic Command today will begin conducting monthly contingency plan readiness training deployments in support of Exercise Fairwinds to Port Au Prince, Haiti, utilizing elements from the Army's Forces Command and the U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Atlantic.

Exercise Fairwinds, which includes engineering, medical and security force training, began in April 1995 and is designed to ensure various U.S. military forces are prepared to deploy and conduct their respective missions while remaining self-sustained.

The monthly deployments for training, which will each last between seven and 10 days, are designed to improve joint operations, validate selected portions of Haiti contingency plans and increase force protection for deployed U.S. forces. These troops are not part of the U.N. mission nor is their mandate to provide a secure and stable environment in Haiti. Their mission is strictly related to force protection training exercises in support of troops in Haiti on a bilateral basis.

U.S. Support Group Haiti is comprised of approximately 81 personnel. There are also approximately 220 other U.S. personnel in Haiti participating in ongoing deployments for training such as engineering and medical projects known as Exercise Fairwinds. While the number of personnel deployed for training varies on any given day based on the projects ongoing, all personnel are assigned under the support group during their temporary stay in Haiti.

Each training deployment will be conducted in five phases. The first phase is the alert and organization, or marshaling, of forces. Phase two is the actual deployment of U.S. forces to Haiti. Phases three and four will take place in Haiti and include contingency validation and force protection tasks, respectively. Phase five is the redeployment of U.S. forces in Haiti.

A company sized element from the U.S. Army's Forces Command will deploy today and a reinforced rifle platoon from the U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Atlantic deploys in August. The Army and the Marine Corps will alternate the deployment of forces each month thereafter.

For more information concerning readiness deployment exercises to Haiti, contact Lt. Jeff Breslau or Ensign Kevin Stephens at the U.S. Atlantic Command public affairs office, (804) 322-6559.

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