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Updated: 14 Jan 2003

Memorandum: No. 155-M

July 11, 1996


Joint Endeavor #21 The first of approximately 4,200 Army Reservists and National Guard soldiers called to active duty in December for Operation Joint Endeavor are coming home. Flights carrying almost 500 reservists are expected to arrive in the U.S. Sunday, July 28, 1996 at McGuire Air Force Base, N.J. and Fort Benning, Georgia's Lawson Army Airfield to begin demobilization, and a return to civilian life. These reservists were the first to be mobilized under the Presidential Selective Reserve Call up ordered by President Clinton December 8, 1995. Part of the largest call up since Desert Shield, they have completed their active duty tour. Most of the units will be replaced by other reserve units which began mobilizing last month. The July 28 return is the first of several increments of homecomings which will occur through September. Those returning this summer were in the first wave to deploy and have been in the Balkans and Germany supporting NATO's Peace Implementation Force, or IFOR, since early this year. The following units are scheduled to be the first to return:
UNIT              	      COMPONENT          HOME                DEMOBILIZATION SITE
715th Public Affairs Det.     National Guard     Washington,D.C.     Fort Dix, N.J.
114th Public Affairs Det.     National Guard     Manchester,N.H.     Fort Dix, N.J.
29th Public Affairs Det.      National Guard     Baltimore, Md.      Fort Dix, N.J.
49th Military History Det.    Army Reserve       Forest Park,Il.     Fort Dix, N.J.
34th Transportation Team      Army Reserve       Camp Dodge, Iowa    Fort Dix, N.J.
3rd Corps Support Command     Army Reserve       Des Moines, Iowa    Fort Dix, N.J.
19th Materiel Management Ctr. Army Reserve       Ft.Snelling, Minn.  Fort Dix, N.J.
21st Theater Army Area Cmd.   Army Reserve       Indianapolis, Ind.  Fort Dix, N.J.
113th Public Affairs Det.     National Guard     San Juan, PR        Fort Benning, Ga.
102nd Military History Det.   National Guard     Topeka, Kan         Fort Benning, Ga.
130th Military History Det.   National Guard     Raleigh, N.C        Fort Benning, Ga.
90th Military History Det.    Army Reserve       San Antonio,Texas   Fort Benning, Ga.
203th Public Affairs Det.     Army Reserve       Wichita, Kan        Fort Benning, Ga.
209th Broadcast PA Det.       Army Reserve       Rome, Ga.           Fort Benning, Ga.
358th Public Affairs Det.     Army Reserve       Ft. Douglas, Utah   Fort Benning, Ga.
57th Transportation Team      Army Reserve       Brookings, S.D.     Fort Benning, Ga.
300th Transportation Co.      Army Reserve       Tacoma, Wash.       Fort Benning, Ga.
The rotation of reserve units is just the latest aspect of the changing size and focus of the U.S. contingent of IFOR to meet the changing environment. The Secretary of Defense announced last week the deployment of two Regular Army military police battalions to Operation Joint Endeavor in support of the IFOR. These units will replace two armored battalions in Task Force Eagle. Commanded by Maj. Gen. William Nash, of the U.S. Army's 1st Armored Division, Task Force Eagle deployed to Bosnia in December immediately after the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords.

For more information about Army support to Operation Joint Endeavor, contact Army Public Affairs at 703-697-7589.