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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Web Site Seeks 'Transformation in Action' Stories

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Feb. 20, 2004 – Military people and civilians in the Defense Department have the opportunity to "get in on the ground floor" of transformation, DoD's chief of the Office of Force Transformation said in a recent interview.

"They have the opportunity to not only see change take place in front of their eyes, but to actually make it happen," said retired Navy Vice Adm. Arthur Cebrowski.

"You have a choice," he continued, "you can either create your own future, or you can become the victim of a future that someone else creates for you. By seizing the transformation opportunities, you are seizing the opportunity to create your own future."

To aid in getting the word out about transformation, the Office of the Secretary of Defense launched a Web Site late last year. It contains articles about transformation in the Defense Department as well as major commands and each of the services.

Additionally, Web Site officials want to hear from the soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, Coast Guardsmen and civilians who have a transformation success story. Stories and photos should be sent to Kathy Vantran, the transformation page manager. Her e-mail address is


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DoD Transformation