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Updated:   8/27/01

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Management Reform Memoranda (MRMs)


Early in 1997, the Deputy Secretary of Defense issued a series of Management Reform Memoranda (MRMs) covering a wide range of issues with requirements for review and reports regarding implementation by various organizations in the Department.

94% Complete
(as of January 2001)

  1. Implementation and Expansion of Infrastructure Savings Identified in the QDR 
  2. Moving to a Paper-free Contracting Process by Jan 1, 2000 
  3. Streamlining Management of OSD-sponsored Higher Education Organizations and Programs 
  4. Eliminating Unneeded Publications in OSD and Organizations Under the Cognizance of OSD 
  5. Disposal of Excess Government-owned Property 
  6. Streamlining and Simplifying Member-arranged Movement of Household Goods 
  7. Streamlining the Management of Leased Property 
  8. Disposal of Excess and/or Obsolete Structures 
  9. Evaluation of Non-training Audiovisual Materials 
  10. Redesigning DoD Source Acceptance Policies and Procedures 
  11. Adoption of Commercial Identifiers in DoD Business Systems by Jan 1, 2000 
  12. Expanding Use of Prime Vendor Contract Instruments 
  13. Adopting Standard Commerical Products for Registration Fields 
  14. Reengineering PCS and Inactive Reserve Travel 
  15. Reengineering Defense Transportation Documentation and Financial Processes  Text graphic denoting Open DRID
  16. Identifying Requirements for the Design, Development & Implementation of a DoD Public Key Infrastructure 
  17. Reducing the Number of Committees 
graphic of a small circle for layout purposes

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Defense Reform Initiative, Office of the Secretary of Defense