On-Air Highlights

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0900 - Iraq Briefing: Today's coverage of Multi-National Division-Center (MND-C) Commander MG Michael Oates and Joanne Cummings, Political Advisor for MND-C, updating reporters on the MND-C area of operations, which includes the Karbala, Babil, Wasit, Najaf, Qadisiyah, Maysan, Dhi-Qar, and Muthanna provinces, and discussing MND-C support to the provincial elections and security agreement implementation. (Encore, VoD, Podcast, 48 min) Encore presentations at 1800 & 0000hrs.

1000 - Veterans Affairs Hearing: The Senate Veterans Affairs Committee receives testimony in the nomination of GEN Eric Shinseki (Ret.) to be Secretary of Veterans Affairs. (Live)

1230 -Around the Services: New Year...New Resolutions - The latest workout craze. Plus: Skip the Soda - Military nutritionists say small changes make a big difference.

1500 - Battleground: The Strength of SAC: An historical film depicting constant readiness of Strategic Air Command’s people, bombers and missiles to defend the country and portraying around-the-clock operations while air and ground crews, missilemen and maintenance personnel tell how they carry out their important missions. Covers command and control, communications, air refueling, reconnaissance, and nuclear safety activities, stressing professionalism and reliability of SAC’s personnel. Originally produced by the US Air Force in 1966. (30 min) Encore presentation at 2300hrs.


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