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About the Peace Corps

What are the Benefits?
Educational Benefits / Master's International:

University of Washington

Department: Global Health
Degrees Awarded:  Master of Public Health (MPH)
Admissions Deadlines: December 1st
Admissions Cycle: once per year
Program Start: Fall
Founded: December 2003


Tuition and fees will be reduced to a nominal fee for practicum and thesis development credits that will be completed during the Peace Corps experience. Up to 6 credits can be earned for Peace Corps service. Peace Corps Master's International (PCMI) students will receive a Master's degree in Public Health (MPH) and a Graduate Certificate in International Health.


The University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine (SPHCM) offers a Master's of Public Health (MPH) through the Department of Global Health. Students complete a 63-credit program that includes a required core curriculum of MPH coursework, departmental requirements within the Department of Global Health, a public health practicum, global health coursework, and a thesis on a topic relating to health in developing countries.

The Peace Corps Master's International (PCMI) track of the Global Health MPH offers a unique opportunity to integrate practical work experience with rigorous academic study in the field of international public health. This PCMI provides a comprehensive orientation to global health, emphasizing sociopolitical, economic, and geographic factors that, in addition to biomedical factors, have an impact on health. This unique focus helps PCMI students develop skills that will enable them to strengthen the capacity of health care systems to deliver services and assist communities to improve their health status. The Global Health PCMI stresses cooperation, diplomacy and social justice, while focusing on multi-disciplinary and intersectoral approaches to health care.

The Global Health MPH focuses on community health and primary health care systems of the developing world. This approach provides the basis for the PCMI as well, giving students a solid background in public health as they enter their volunteer assignments with the Peace Corps. Courses cover basic principles of public health, and students learn to identify social, political, and economic determinants of illness. Planning, management, and evaluation of health care systems are also an integral part of the academic curriculum. These practical skills and tools enhance a volunteer’s ability to meet the challenges they will face in their field assignment and help ensure that they can provide valuable technical contributions to their host country’s organization and to co


PCMI applicants should apply simultaneously to both the Peace Corps and the University of Washington PCMI MPH program. Participants must be accepted for admission to the MPH PCMI program in the Global Health Department at the University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine, and must be nominated for Peace Corps service by the time of matriculation at UW. Completion of the UW PCMI MPH program requires completion of the Peace Corps experience. Details regarding admission requirements may be viewed at our website, listed above.

For inquiries about Master's International, call 800.424.8580 x1812.
Program Contacts
  If you have questions, please contact:

Ms. Krishna Richardson
Program Coordinator


  University of Washington
Department of Global Health
School of Public Health Box 357660 1959 NE Pacific Street, H-688
Seattle, WA 98195-3055



