Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly

On their own
Leaving large firms, lawyers adapt as sole practitioners

In today's anemic real estate market, a lawyer at a big firm who represents owners of significant commercial properties and has to charge similarly sized fees could find himself in an uncomfortable position.

So it was with Steven L. Charlip, until 10 weeks ago a partner at the downtown Boston firm of Choate, Hall & Stewart where he focused on commercial real estate law.

Believing that he could provide the same level of service to his clients at half the price if he ventured out on his own, Charlip, at 49, did just that. In late February, he took his leave of Choate, with its 200-odd lawyers, and set about establishing a solo practice 20 miles west of Boston, in a wing of his home in suburban Weston.



Lawyers Weekly Blog

Filling in the layoffs gaps

Back in March, I reported that Boston’s Nutter, McClennen & Fish had laid off nine support staffers. At the time, I talked to managing partner Michael E. Mooney, who spoke frankly about the difficult decision. Soon thereafter, a Lawyers Weekly editorial lauded Mooney for refusing to use the euphemism “rightsizing” when talking about the...

The Affidavid

Curt’s pitch for Asperger’s

I hesitate to admit this: I was listening to sports radio this morning. But I’m glad I was. During his regular appearance on WEEI, Red Sox icon Curt Schilling revealed that his 9-year-old son Grant has Asperger’s Syndrome. Asperger’s is a form of autism where the child has trouble connecting socially with others. Kids with...


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Who will fill the late Judge Reginald C. Lindsay's seat on the U.S. District Court?

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Unsung Heroes

Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly and New England In-House are calling for nominations for their 2008 Unsung Heroes...

Date: September 23, 2009
Place: Boston Convention & Exhibit Center, Boston
Time: 11:30 AM

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RX for Excellence

Honoring individuals in Massachusetts health care. Nominations are now being accepted.

Date: October 29, 2009
Place: TBA

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