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Pl. LXXIII. 261A, B. Cottunculus microps, Collett. At N. Lat. 38.8, W. Lon. 70.9, in 252 1/2 fathoms. 262A, B. Cottunculus Thomsonii, Gunther. At N. Lat. 39.1, W. Lon. 72.4, in 541 fathoms.
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Pl. LXXIV. 263, 263A, B. Hypsicometes gobioides, Goode. At N. Lat. 29.1, W. Lon . 88.1, in 210 fathoms. 264, 264A. Chiasmodon niger, Johnson. Collected on Le Have Bank on the surface.
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Pl. LXXV. 265. Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, Goode and Bean. Collected 80 miles south by east of No Man's Land.
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Pl. LXXVI. 266. Pseudoscopelus scriptus, Lutken. From Lutken, "Spolia Atlantica. " 267. Porichthys porosissimus, (Cuvier and Valenciennes), Gunther. At N. Lat. 10.6, W. Lon. 61.7, in 31 fathoms. 268, 268A, B. Callionymus himantophorus, Goode and Bean. Collected off Barbados in 209 fathoms.
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Pl. LXXVII. 269. Anarrhichas lupus, Linnaeus. Collected on Georges Bank. 270. Anarrhichas minor, Olafsen. At N. Lat. 42.45, W. Lon. 64.3. 271. Anarrhichas latifrons, Steenstrup and Hallgrimsson. Collected at N. Lat. 43.9, W. Lon. 59.1.
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Pl. LXXVIII. 272. Lycodes Esmarkii, Collett. Collected on Le Have Bank in 400 fathoms. 273. Lycodes reticulatus, Reinhardt. Collected southwest of Banquereux in 300 fathoms. 274. Lycodes frigidus, Collett. At N. Lat. 37.2, W. Lon. 74.3, in 788 fathoms. 275. Lycodes mucosus, Richardson. Collected in Cumberland Gulf.
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Pl. LXXIX. 276. Lycodes zoarchus, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 44.8, W. Lon. 59.9, in 130 fathoms. 276A. Lycodes zoarchus, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 44.4, W. Lon. 57.2, in 190 fathoms. 277, 277A. Lycenchelys Verrillii, Goode and Bean. Collected 27 miles southwest of Chebucto.
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Pl. LXXX. 278. Lycodes perspicillum, Kroyer. At N. Lat. 47.5, W. Lon. 52.3 in 86 fathoms. 278A. Lycodes perspicillum, Kroyer. At N. Lat. 45.4, W. Lon. 58.6, in 59 fathoms. 279, 279A. Lycenchelys paxillus, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 42.8, W. Lon. 63.1. 279A at N. Lat. 40.2, W. Lon. 68.4, in 304 fathoms. 280. Lycodonu s mirabilis, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 37.8, W. Lon. 73.9, in 865 fathoms.
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Pl. LXXXI. 281A, B. Lycodes reticulatus, Reinhardt. Collected southwest of Banquereux in 300 fathoms. 282. Lycenchelys paxillus, Goode and Bean. Collected at N. Lat. 42.8, W. Lon. 63.1. 283A, B. Lycodes mucosus, Richardson. Collected in Cumberland Gulf. 283C. Lycodes zoarchus, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 44.8, W. Lon. 59.9, in 130 fathoms.
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Pl. LXXXII. Melanostigma gelatinosum, Gunther. At N. Lat. 39.9, W. Lon. 70.5, in 396 fathoms. 285. Dicromita Agassizii. From off Grenada in 291 fathoms. 285A,B . At N. Lat. 40.0, W. Lon. 70.4, at 192 fathoms. 286. Bassozetus catena. At N. Lat. 28.0, W. Lon. 87.7, in 1467 fathoms. 287. Bassozetus normalis. In Gulf of M exico in 1430 fathoms. 288. Benthocometes robustus. Off Virginia in 130 fathoms.
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Pl. LXXXIII. 289. Neobythites Gillii, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 28.6, W. Lon. 85.55, in 111 fathoms. 290. Neobythites marginatus, Goode and Bean. Off Barbados in 209 fathoms. 291. Bassogigas Gillii, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 39.6, W. Lon . 70.9, in 1106 fathoms. 292. Porogadus miles, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 38.45, W. Lon. 73.0 in 1168 fathoms.
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Pl. LXXXIV. 293. Penopus Macdonaldi, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 38.5, W. Lon. 70.95, in 1631 fathoms. 294. Barathrodemus manatinus, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 33.6, W. Lon. 76.0, in 647 fathoms. 295. Nematomus pectoralis, (Goode and Bean) , Gunther. At N. Lat. 28.0, W. Lon. 87.7, in 1430 fathoms. 296A. Mixonus laticep s, Gunther. Gunther, Challenger Report, Vol XXII. 296B. Tauredophidium Hextii.
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Pl. LXXXV. 297, 297A, B. Dicrolene intronigra, Goode and Bean. Collected in Gulf Stream. 298. Barathronus bicolor. Collected off Guadeloupe in 769 fathoms. 299. Aphyonis mollis, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 24.6, W. Lon. 84.1, in 955 fathoms.
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Pl. LXXXVI. 300. Alexeterion parfaiti, Vaillant. From Vaillant, "Exped. Scient. du Travailleur et du Talisman." 301. Hephthocara simum, Alcock. From Alcock, Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 302. Lamprogrammus niger, Alcock. From Alcock, Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 303. Rhodichthys regina, Collett . From Collett, Norsk. Nordhavs Expedition.
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Pl. LXXXVII. 304. Ptilichthys Goodei, Bean. From off Port Levasheff, Unalaska. 305. Otophidium omostigma, Jordan. From the stomach of a red snapper off Pensaco la. 306. Leptophidium cervinum. At N. Lat. 40.0, W. Lon. 69.9, in 76 fathoms. 307. Leptophidium profundorum, Gill. At N. Lat. 39.55, W. Lon. 68.4, in 1555 fat homs. 308. Leptophidium marmoratum. At N. Lat. 23.2, W, Lon. 82.3, in 213 fath.
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Pl. LXXXVIII. 309. Phycis regius, (Walbaum), Jordan and Gilbert. Obtained in New York City. 310. Phycis cirratus, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 29.1, W. Lon. 88.3, in 324 fathoms. 311. Phycis chuss, (Walbaum), Gill. At N. Lat. 40.3, W. Lon. 70 .7, in 245 fathoms.
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Pl. LXXXIX. 312. Phycis tenuis, (Mitchill), De Kay. Collected in Halifax Harbor . 315A. Phycis Chesteri, Goode and Bean. Collected off Cape Ann, Massachusetts, in 140 fathoms. 314. Aprion macrophthalmus, (Muller), Jordan and Swain. At N. Lat. 23.2, W. Lon. 89.2, in 84 fathoms.
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Pl. XC. Laemonema barbatula, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 28.7, W. Lon. 86.6, in 280 fathoms. 315A. Laemonema barbatula, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 38.6, W. Lon. 73.2, in 312 fathoms. 316. Laemonema melanurum, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 30.7, W. Lon. 79.4, in 440 fathoms. 317. Molva vulgaris, Fleming. From Day, " Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland."
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Pl. XCI. 318. Physiculus Kaupi, Poey. From Gunther, Challenger Report, Vol. XXII. 319. Physiculus fulvus, Bean. At N. Lat. 40.0, W. Lon. 69.9, in 59 fathoms . 320. Uraleptus Maraldi (Risso), Costa. Collected off Nevis, West Indies.
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Pl. XCII. 321. Lotella maxillaris, Bean. At N. Lat. 39.9, W. Lon. 70.5, in 396 fathoms. 322. Mora mediterranea, Risso. From Bonaparte, "Fauna Italica." 323. Lepidion Rissoi, Swainson. From Vinciguerra, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genoa.
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Pl. XCIII. 324. Antimora viola (Goode and Bean), Jordan. Collected from the edge Le Have Bank. 325. Halargyreus brevipes, Vaillant. From Vaillant, " Exped. Scient. du Travailleur et du Talisman." 326. Strinsia tinca, Rafinesque. From Bonaparte, "Fauna Italica."
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Pl. XCIV. 327. Onos ensis, (Reinhardt), Gill. At N. Lat. 39.7, W. Lon. 70.5, in 1081 fathoms. 328. Rhinonemus cimbrius, (Linnaeus), Goode and Bean. Collected in Chaleur Bay. 329. Brosmius brosme, (Muller), Gunther. Obtained in a Boston market.
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Pl. XCV. 330. Merlucius bilinearis, (Mitchill), Gill. Obtained in a Halifax market. 331. Bregmaceros atlanticus, Goode and Bean. Collected off Nevis in 305 fathoms. 332, 333. Coelorhynchus occa, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 28.6, W. Lon. 86.8, in 335 fathoms.
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Pl. XCVI. 334. Macrurus berglax, Lacepede. Collected on the eastern part of Banquereux at 200 fathoms. 335. Macrurus Bairdii, Goode and Bean. From 40 miles east of Thatcher's Island in 160 fathoms. 336. Coelorhynchus carminatus, Goode. From off Martha's Vineyard in 372 fathoms. 337. Coelorhynchus occa, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 28.6, W. Lon. 86.8, in 335 fathoms.
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Pl. XCVII. Coelorhynchus caribbaeus, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 29.1, W. Lon. 88.1, in 210 fathoms. 339. Coryphaenoides carapinus, Goode and Bean. N. Lat. 39.7, W. Lon. 70.9, in 1002 fathoms. 340. Hymenocephalus Goodei, (Gunther), Bean . At N. Lat. 23.15, W. Lon. 82.4, in 175 fathoms. 341. Hymenocephalus cavernosus , Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 28.75, W. Lon. 86.4, in 227 fathoms.
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Pl. XCVIII. 342. Lionurus filicauda, Gunther. From Gunther, Challenger Report, Vol. XXII. 343. Trachonurus sulcatus, Goode and Bean. 343. Trachonurus sulcatus, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 28.6, W. Lon. 87.0, in 420 fathoms. 344. Cetonurus globiceps, Vaillant. From Vaillant, "Exped. Scient. du Travailleur et du Talisma n." 345. Chalinuras imula. At N. Lat. 39.5, W. Lon. 71.0, in 1342 fathoms.
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Pl. XCIX. 345A. Chalinura mediterranea, Giglioli. From Central Collection of Italian Vertebrata, Royal Zoological Museum, Florence, Italy. 346. Nematonurus gigas, (Vaillant), Goode and Bean. From Gunther, Challenger Report, Vol. XXII. 347. Moseleya longifilis, (Gunther), Goode and Bean. From Gunther, Challenger Report, Vol. XXII.
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Pl. C. 348. Abyssicola macrochira, (Gunther), Goode and Bean. From Gunther, Challenger Report, Vol. XXII. 349. Trachyrhynchus scabrus, (Rafinesque), Goode and Bean. From Gunther, Challenger Report, Vol. XXII. 349A. Macrurus longifilis, Gunther. From Gunther, Challenger Report, Vol. XXII.
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Pl. CI. 350. Macrurus Novae-zelandiae, (Hector), Gunther. From Hector, Transactions of the New Zealand Institue, Vol. III. 351. Steindachneria argentea , Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 29.2, W. Lon. 88.2, in 68 fathoms. 352. Bathygadus favosus, Goode and Bean. From off Martinique in 472 fathoms. 353, 354. Coelorhynchus carminatus, Goode. From off Martha's Vineyard in 372 fathoms.
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Pl. CII. 355A, B. Limanda Beanii, Goode. From off Martha's Vineyard in about 123 fathoms. 355C, D. Limanda Beanii, Goode. At N. Lat. 28.6, W. Lon. 85.9, in 142 fathoms. 356A. Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, (Linnaeus), Gill. At N. Lat. 39.8, W. Lon. 70.6 at 721 fathoms. 356B. Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, (Linnaeus), Gill. At N. Lat. 40.0, W. Lon. 70.7, in 166 fathoms.
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Pl. CIII. 357A, B. Monolene sessilicauda, Goode. Collected off Newport, Rhode Island. 358. Monolene atrimana, Goode and Bean. Collected off Barbados in 288 fathoms. 359. Monolene atrimana, Goode and Bean. Collected off Martha's Vineyard in abot 100 fathoms.
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Pl. CIV. 360. Etropus rimosus, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 28.5, W. Lon. 84.4, in 21 fathoms. 361. Etropus rimosus, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 40.0, W. Lon. 70.7 , in 166 fathoms. 362. Notosema dilecta, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 34.7, W. Lon . 75.6, in 107 fathoms.
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Pl. CV. 363. Hippoglossus vulgaris, Fleming. Collected at Eastport, Maine. 364. Platysomatichthys hippoglossoides, (Walbaum), Goode and Bean. From a specimen obtained in the Fulton Market, New York.
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Pl. CVI. 365A, B. Notosema dilecta, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 32.5, W. Lon. 78.75, in 75 fathoms. 366A, B. Citharichthys arctifrons, Goode. Collected off Newport, Rhode Island, at about 135 fathoms.
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Pl. CVII. 367. Hippoglossoides platessoides, (Fabricius), Gill. Collected on Le Have Bank. 368. Cyclopsetta fimbriata, Goode and Bean. AT. N. Lat. 28.7, W. Lon . 85.5, in 88 fathoms.
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Pl. CVIII. 369A, B. Citharichthys unicornis, Goode. Collected off Martha's Vineyard in about 135 fathoms. 370. Citharichthys spilopterus, Gunther. At N. Lat. 23.2, W. Lon. 89.2, in 84 fathoms. 371. Scianectes macrophthalmus, Alcock. From Alcock, "Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal," Vol. LVIII.
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Pl. CIX. 372. Trichopsetta ventralis, (Goode and Bean), Gill. At N. Lat. 29.2, W . Lon. 88.2, in 68 fathoms. 373. Citharichthys paetulus, (Goode and Bean), Jordan and Gilbert. Collected at Pensacola, Florida.
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Pl. CX. 374. Aphoristia fasciata. Collected at Jamaica, West Indies. 375. Aphoristia nebulosa. At N. Lat. 32.1, W. Lon. 78.6, in 229 fathoms. 376. Aphori stia marginata. At N. Lat. 29.1, W. Lon. 88.3, in 324 fathoms. 377. Aphoristia pigra. Collected off St. Kitt's, West Indies in 250 fathoms. 378. Aphoristia dio mediana. 25.1 N, 83.0 W, in 26 fath. 379. Aphoristia pusilla. 40N, 70W, 179 fa.
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Pl. CXI. 380. Prionotus militaris, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 22.1, W. Lon. 86.9 , in 25 fathoms. 381. Prionotus egretta, Goode and Bean. Collected off Barbados in 100 to 200 fathoms. Prionotus alatus, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 32.5, W. Lon. 78.75, in 75 fathoms.
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Pl. CXII. 383, 383B. Prionotus trinitatis, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 11.1, W. Lon. 62.2, in 73 fathoms. 384. Prionotus militaris, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 22.1, W. Lon. 86.9, in 25 fathoms.
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Pl. CXIII. 385, 385A, B. Peristedion miniatum, Goode. At N. Lat. 40.0, W. Lon. 70.4, in 192 fathoms.
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Pl. CXIV. 386. Peristedion longispatha, Goode and Bean. Collected off Havana, Cuba, in 242 fathoms. 387. Peristedion gracile, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 28.6, W. Lon. 85.9, in 142 fathoms. 388A, B. Peristedion platycephalum, Goode and Bean. Collected off Barbados in 123 fathoms.
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Pl. CXV. 389. Lophotes Cepedianus, Giorna. From Temminck and Schlegel, "Fauna Japonica." 390. Lophotes Capellei, Temminck and Schlegel, "Fauna Japonica." 391. Trachypterus iris, (Gmelin), Cuvier and Valenciennes. From Cuvier and Valenciennes, "Histoire Naturelle des Poissons de la France."
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P. CXVI. 392. Trachypterus arcticus, (Brunnich), Nilsson. From Day, "Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland." 393. Stylephorus chordatus, Shaw. From Blainville, " Journal de Physique," Vol. LXXXVII. 394. Stylephorus chordatus, Shaw. From Shaw, "Transactions of the Linnaean Society of London," Vol. I.
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PlXVII. 395. Regalecus glesne, Ascanius. From Day, "Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland." 396. Macrorhamphosus scolopax, (Linnaeus), Soode and Bean. At N. Lat. 39.9, W. Lon. 69.9, in 130 fathoms. 397. Aulostoma logipes, Vaillant. From Vaill ant, "Exp. Scient. du Travailleur ..." 398. Chaunax pictus, Lowe. From off Marth a's Vineyard, 192 fathoms. 399. Ceratias Holbolli. In Gaimard, "Voy. Skand."
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Pl. CXVIII. 400, 400A, B. Lophius piscatorius, Linnaeus. Collected 20 miles south of No Man's Land.
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Pl. CXIX. Mancalias Shufeldtii, Gill. At N. Lat. 37.2, W. Lon. 69.65, in 2949 fathoms. 402. Cryptopsaras Couesii, Gill. At N. Lat. 38.2, W. Lon. 68.4, in 1686 fathoms. 403. Halieutaea stellata, Cuvier and Valenciennes. From Temminck and Schlegel, "Fauna Japonica." 404. Paroneirodes glomerosus, Alcock. From Alcock, "Annals and Magazine of Natural History," Vol. II.
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Pl. CXX. 405. Corynolophus Reinhardtii, (Lutken), Gill. From Lutken, "Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. Naturvid. og Math. Afh.", IV. 406. Melanocetus Johnsonii, Gunther. At N. Lat. 13.0, W. Lon. 81.4, in 992 fathoms. 407. Liocetus Murrayi, Gunther. From Gunther, "Challenger Report", Vol. XXII.
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Pl. CXXI. 408. Linophryne lucifer, Collett. From Collett, "Proceed. of the Zool. Soc. of London", 1886. 409. Caulophryne setosus, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 39.45, W. Lon. 71.25, in 1276 fathoms. 410. Halieutaea coccinea, Alcock. From Alcock, "Annals and Magazine of Natural History", Ser. 6, Vol. VIII. 411. Malth opsis luteus, Alcock. From Alcock, "Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist.", Ser. 6, Vo. VIII.
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Pl. CXXII. 412A, B. Halieutella lappa, Goode and Bean. At N. Lat. 40.0, W. Lon. 70.6, in 125 fathoms. 413. Dibranchus atlanticus, Peters. From off Martha's Vineyard in 225 fathoms. 414A, B. Halieutichthys aculeatus, (Mitchill), Goode. Collected at Key West, Florida.

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