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NOAA's Historic Fisheries Collection
Catalog of Images

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Plate 229. The Horny Head or River Chub. Ceratichthys biguttatus (Kirtland), Girard. The Orthodon Chub. Orthodon microlepidotus (Ayres), Girard.
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Plate 230. The Leather Carp. Cyprinus carpio (var. coriaceus).
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Plate 231. The Gold Fish. Carassius auratus (L.), Bleeker.
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Plate 232. The Channel Catfish of the Potomac. Ictalurus albidus (Le S.), J. & G.
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Plate 233. The Bull-Head. Amiurus melas (Raf.), Jordan and Copeland. The Bull-Head or Catfish. Amiurus catus (L.), Gill.
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Plate 234. The Bull-Head. Amiurus vulgaris (Thompson), Nelson.
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Plate 235. The Gaff Topsail Catfish. Aelurichthys marinus (Mitch.), B. & G.
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Plate 236. The Salt-Water Catfish. Arius felis (L.), J. & G.
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Plate 237. The Spotted Moray. Gymnothorax moringa (Cuv.), Goode & Bean.
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Plate 238. The Spiny-Back Eel. Ptilichthys Goodei, Bean.
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Plate 239. The Common Eel. Anguilla vulgaris, Turton.
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Plate 240. The Conger Sea Eel. Leptocephalus conger (L.), J. & G.
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Plate 241. The Bowfin or Mudfish. Amia calva, L. The Short-Nosed Gar Pike. Lepidosteus platystomus, Raf.
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Plate 242. The Paddle-Fish. Polyodon spatula (Walb.), J. & G.
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Plate 243. The Common Sturgeon. Acipenser sturio L. (=A. oxyrhynchus) The Short-Nosed Sturgeon. Acipenser brevirostris, Le S.
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Plate 244. The Lake Sturgeon. Acipenser rubicundus, Le S. The Shovel-Nose Sturgeon. Scaphirhynchus platyrhynchus (Raf.), Gill.
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Plate 245. The Southern Sting Ray. Trygon sabina, Le S.
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Plate 246. The Barn-Door Skate. Raia laevis, Mitchill.
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Plate 247. The Torpedo. Torpedo occidentalis, Storer.
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Plate 248. The Sawfish. Pristis pectinatus, Latham.
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Plate 249. The Basking Shark, or Bone Shark. Cetorhinus maximus (L.), Blainville. The Mackerel Shark. Lamna cornubica, (Gmel.) Fleming.
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Plate 250. The Thrasher Shark. Alopias vulpes, (Gmel.) Bonap. The Horned Dogfish. Squalus acanthias, L. The Tope or Oil Shark. Galeorhinus galeus, (L.) Blainville.
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Plate 251. The Sea Lamprey. Petromyzon marinus, L. The Alaska Brook Lamprey. Ammocoetes aureus, Bean.
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Plate 252. The Slime Eel, or Hag. Myxine glutinosa, L.
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Plate 253. The Common Squid. Loligo Pealei (Le S.). The Giant Squid. Architeuthis princeps, Verrill. The Short-Finned Squid. Omnastrephes illecebrosus (Le S.), Verrill.
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Plate 254. Sea Snails, Periwinkles, Drills, and Borers.
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Plate 255. Various clams, worms, and scallops.
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Plate 256. The Quahaug or Little-necked Clam. The Gaper Clam.
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Plate 257. The Geoduck or Giant Clam of the Pacific. Glycimeris generosa.
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Plate 258. Mussels and Sea Clams.
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Plate 259. Diagrams of internal and external organs of the oyster.
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Plate 259. Explanation of the Diagrams of the oyster.
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Plate 260. The Rock Crab. Cancer irroratus. The Jonah Crab, Cancer borealis.
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Plate 261. The Common Crab of the Pacific Coast. (Male.) Cancer magister, Dana.
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Plate 262. The Red Crab. (Male.) Cancer productus, Randall.
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Plate 263. The California Rock Grab. Cancer antennarius, Stimpson.
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Plate 264. The Stone Crab. Menippe mercenarius, Gibbes.
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Plate 265. The Green Crab. Carcinus maenas, Leach.
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Plate 266. The Lady Crab. Platyonichus ocellatus, Latreille.
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Plate 267. The Common Edible or Blue Crab. Callinectes hastatus, Ordway.
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Plate 268. The Kelp Crab. (Female). Epialtus productus.
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Plate 269. A variety of crabs.
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Plate 270. The Spiny Lobster, or Rock Lobster. Panulirus interruptus, Randall.
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Plate 271. The American Lobster. (Male). Homarus americanus, Edwards.
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Plate 272. The River Cray-Fish. Cambaris affinis, Erichson.
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Plate 273. The Southern Shrimp. Penaeus setiferus, Edwards.
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Plate 274. The Mantis Shrimp. Squilla empusa, Say.
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Plate 275. A variety of shellfish .
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Plate 276. Marine annelids.
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Plate 277. Echinoderms, jellyfish, sea-cucumbers, etc.

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007