Closed captioning script for CDC Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases videotape



Welcome to Surveillance of Vaccine Preventable Diseases. We are coming to you live from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia. I am Cynthia Good, and I will be your host for this program. During this program, we will discuss the principles and practice of surveillance of vaccine preventable diseases in the United States. We hope the information in this program will make your job of investigation and reporting a little easier.


Surveillance is a key element of public health. With most vaccine preventable diseases at an all time low in the United States, surveillance of these diseases has become even more critical. Introduction of new vaccines into the childhood, adolescent, and adult immunization schedules means new challenges in surveillance as well. That is why we are presenting this information today. We will begin with a discussion of some of the basic principles of disease surveillance, case investigation, and reporting. Our discussion of disease- specific surveillance issues will be divided into two parts. During the first section we will discuss issues related to the investigation and reporting of viral vaccine preventable diseasesvaricella, measles, mumps, rubella, influenza, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B. Influenza will be discussed in the second part of the program, after the break. Following this we will discuss the investigation and reporting of bacterial vaccine- preventable diseasespertussis, Haemophilus influenza type b, invasive pneumococcal disease, and Neisseria meningitidis. Due to time constraints we will not discuss the surveillance of polio, diphtheria or tetanus. Finally, we will discuss surveillance of adverse events following vaccination, and the very important issue of surveillance indicators.


We have two instructors for this part of today’s program. Dr. Jane Seward is the Chief of the Viral Vaccine Preventable Diseases Branch in the National Immunization Program. Dr. William Atkinson is a Medical Epidemiologist in the Immunization Services Division of the National Immunization Program.


Now let’s look at today’s objectives.  After this session, we hope you will be able to do these things and much more: identify 3 main levels of the national surveillance system for vaccine-preventable diseases; Locate the case definitions for nationally notifiable diseases; List the critical information to collect for each reported case of the disease; and.Describe the concept of surveillance indicators. Our program will begin with a discussion of the basic principles of disease surveillance and case investigation, right after this pause.



Today’s first topic is an overview of surveillance. Many of the principles of surveillance, case investigation, and reporting are common to almost all the diseases we will discuss today. So this is a good place to begin. First, let me mention that the most recent edition of the surveillance manual is the third edition, published in 2002. In addition to being a good reference, it is also the primary text for this course. We no longer print the manual, but it can be downloaded from the National Immunization Program website. We will put a link to it on our broadcast resources website. The chapters on specific vaccine preventable diseases are arranged in alphabetical order, starting with diphtheria, and continuing through varicella. If you have a copy of the manual it should be easy for you to follow along with us.


As a result of effective immunization programs, diseases that once were major causes of death and morbidity among children in this country now occur so infrequently that many of us have never seen a case. Our challenge now is to identify the factors that allow the remaining cases to occur. We also want to extend our success with the elimination of measles, rubella, and polio to other diseases that occur more commonly, like pertussis, hepatitis A, and varicella.


We do case investigations to help us figure out if we need to take public health action. If action is needed, exactly what do we need to do? At the local level, we need surveillance information rapidly so we can start disease control activities. This might mean providing antibiotic prophylaxis for contacts of pertussis cases, or vaccinating susceptible persons when outbreaks occur.


For each vaccine preventable disease, there are specific critical data that must be collected in order to plan and implement appropriate public health action.


For each case, we need demographic and relevant clinical data, vaccination history, and laboratory test results. This is the information needed to classify cases, and it is critical in the evaluation of cases of vaccine-preventable diseases.


In addition to gathering information about the case, You need to try to identify the people that the case may have passed the infection TO. And you need to identify the person the case got the infection FROM. You need to find out whether the case is linked to an outbreak, or is an isolated, sporadic case. Just because no other cases have been reported, you cannot assume that no other cases have occurred. 


At the state level, we need surveillance data on vaccine preventable diseases to evaluate the effectiveness of disease control programs. When there is a case of a vaccine-preventable disease in someone for whom there is a vaccination recommendation, it should serve as a warning to public health officials. There may be other susceptible individuals who should have been vaccinated, but were not. Or there may have been waning immunity in a vaccinated individual. You need to find out whether the person was vaccinated, and if not, WHY not?  Were there missed opportunities to vaccinate? Is there a more widespread problem? In addition to the evaluation of disease control programs, states have other needs for surveillance data. Surveillance data are also needed to formulate and evaluate immunization policy. At the national level, we use surveillance data to formulate national immunization policy and to evaluate the effectiveness of immunization programs. We also rely on surveillance data to evaluate the effectiveness of the vaccines themselves, and to document the impact of national immunization efforts. This is especially important with new vaccines, such the meningococcal conjugate vaccine, and tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis vaccine – or TDAP- for adolescents and adults. New vaccine schedules also require careful surveillance and evaluation. An example of this is the recent recommendation for influenza vaccination of 6 to 23 month old children. What we need from our surveillance system depends on where we are in our disease control program. What we need early in the program or when there are large numbers of cases is quite different than what we need when the program is very far along with few cases. Of course, we need to ensure adequate surveillance for vaccine adverse events for any vaccine currently in use, regardless of the stage of disease control. We will talk about this part of surveillance later in the program. Before we have a vaccine for routine use, the information we need is pretty simple. We need to have a baseline of reported disease. Complete reporting is not essential, but we do need year to year consistency. e need national data to represent the epidemiology of the disease prior to the availability of a vaccine. But during this phase, aggregate reporting of case counts is usually sufficient. When a new vaccine is recommended for routine use and disease remains common,  our goal shifts to monitoring the impact of the national vaccination efforts. At this point, aggregate reporting of case counts is still sufficient. When we have extremely good disease control, as we have now with Haemophilus influenzae type b, we need enhanced surveillance so we can document vaccine impact, evaluate effectiveness, and monitor progress toward disease elimination. We can use this information to figure out why the cases that remain continue to occur. With good disease control, we need detailed information from individual case investigations, including vaccination status and laboratory confirmation.  We also need highly specific case definitions, because we really want to make sure that the cases we are counting are real cases of the disease. This is the phase when every case counts. When disease incidence is very low and we are striving for elimination, the completeness of reporting and the quality of individual case investigations are very important. At this point, the organism may no longer even be circulating, and we can use molecular typing methods to help document that, as you will hear later in this program.


So in summary, surveillance activities must be designed to fit the public health need. We need baseline data for newly vaccine- preventable diseases. But we need detailed, individual case investigations when we have achieved higher levels of disease control through vaccination programs.



Thanks, Bill. We will begin with varicella in just a moment.



Varicella, or chickenpox, is a common, highly infectious disease. It has been vaccine preventable since 1995. Before varicella vaccine was licensed in the United States, about 4 million cases of varicella occurred each year, with more than 11 thousand varicella related hospitalizations, and about 100 to 150 deaths.


The good news is that vaccination coverage among children is rising steadily and fewer cases of chickenpox are being reported. As the number of cases decreases, the need for more complete surveillance increases. Currently, most of the detailed information about the change in varicella epidemiology, including reduced disease incidence, comes from active surveillance sites. In 1995, the National Immunization Program and state and local health departments initiated active surveillance for varicella in three areas of the country- Antelope Valley in southern California, Travis County, Texas, and West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Since 2000, two of these sites, Antelope Valley and West Philadelphia, have been funded to continue active surveillance. These two active surveillance areas have a combined population of about 650,000 and an annual birth cohort of about 8300. Vaccination coverage in the active sites has risen from 40% in 1997 to 89 and 90% in 2004. This is a little higher than the 88% coverage for varicella vaccine estimated by the National Immunization Survey for all U.S. children 19 to 35 months of age. This graph shows data from the Antelope Valley active surveillance site. The vertical axis shows the number of varicella cases by month since January 1995. From 1995 to 2004, the number of varicella cases declined by 83%. During this time vaccine coverage rose from 40% in 1997 to 90% in 2004. Note that in 2004, at the far right of the graph, the number of cases increased by 53% from 2003. Also notice the typical seasonal variation that was very apparent from 1995 through 1998. Starting in 1999 and 2000, as the number of cases identified through active surveillance dropped significantly, the seasonal pattern has become much less apparent. The same general pattern has been seen in West Philadelphia. However, in this site from 1995 to 2004, the number of cases declined steadily from year to year. By 2004 cases had declined by 93%. Vaccine coverage rose to 89%. Seasonal variation is also much less apparent. Reduction in varicella incidence has been observed in all age groups in both of the active surveillance sites. The greatest reduction was in those 1 to 4 and 5 to 9 years of age, the age groups primarily targeted by the vaccination program. But incidence has also declined among infants, adolescents, and adults. In addition, the number of outbreaks, the number of school days missed due to varicella, and the number and rates of hospitalization have fallen in both active surveillance sites.


This overall reduction in varicella since the availability of the vaccine is not unique to the active surveillance sites. Among the states that have consistently reported cases through the national notifiable disease surveillance system – NNDSS- there has also been a significant reduction in cases compared to the pre-vaccine era.


The epidemiology of varicella has changed in the 10 years since vaccine licensure. In recent years the number of varicella cases has leveled off. Although vaccine effectiveness has been in the expected range of 80 to 85%, outbreaks have been reported in highly vaccinated school populations. This raises the issue of whether a second dose of varicella vaccine is needed routinely for children. As anticipated, the proportion of cases among vaccinated persons is increasing and the median age of patients is shifting towards adolescence. So it is now increasingly important to ensure that older children, adolescents, and adults are vaccinated.

We expect a shift in age to older children, adolescents, and adults with the implementation of a childhood vaccination program. It is important to track incidence of disease by age as well as proportions. As mentioned previously, varicella incidence among adolescence and adults is declining. Bill?



In 2002, the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, or CSTE, recommended that varicella be included in the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System. States were encouraged to conduct ongoing varicella surveillance to monitor vaccine impact on morbidity. CSTE specifically recommended that states establish individual case-based reporting systems for varicella surveillance by 2005. However, other forms of surveillance such as case-based reporting in sentinel sites were considered to be reasonable interim steps toward statewide case reporting. As of November 2005, 19 states have implemented individual case reporting. Connecticut was one of the first states to implement this. Earlier this year we prepared a short video that described Connecticut’s experience with varicella case based reporting. We will not have time during this program to show the video. But it will be available on the broadcast resources webpage. Please have a look at it. Aggregate reporting of case numbers provides some information regarding the vaccination program. In contrast, case-based reporting yields data that will allow a state to assess the epidemiology of varicella by age, through time, and by disease severity. It will provide more complete data to guide future immunization policy. As a result, NATIONAL case- based varicella surveillance is needed. It is needed to continue monitoring the impact of the varicella vaccination program on disease incidence, morbidity and mortality, and to guide future immunization policy. There are two options available for case-based varicella surveillance. First, varicella may be reported statewide, where all sites that currently report notifiable diseases add varicella to their reporting list. If statewide surveillance is not yet feasible, sentinel site surveillance can be used in the short term. To implement this type of surveillance, states can identify sentinel sites to report individual information on cases. Sites can be located throughout the state or in select jurisdictions. They might include schools, child care centers, physicians’ offices, hospitals, colleges, and other institutions. Statewide or local school nurse associations and managed care networks may provide case-based reporting in some states. States may consider requesting reports from sites that already participate in other surveillance networks. States can expand their number of sites as they develop their system with the intention of having statewide surveillance within several years. In addition to core demographic and clinical data, 3 key pieces of information should be collected for each varicella case investigation: the age of the person, the vaccination history, and the severity of disease. Data on the age of the patient allows states to monitor the impact of vaccination on disease reduction in specific age groups and to identify any shift in disease to older persons. Vaccination history allows determination of the proportion of all cases that are vaccinated and allows assessment of crude vaccine effectiveness, provided there is information on vaccine coverage in the population or age group. Monitoring disease severity allows assessment of the severity of varicella in vaccinated cases, indicating possible waning immunity of the vaccine. This information along with vaccination history can also be used to monitor vaccine effectiveness against all disease and against severe disease. A varicella case, according to the definition established in 1999, is an illness with acute onset of a diffuse, generalized maculopapulovesicular rash without other apparent cause. Breakthrough disease is varicella that occurs in a vaccinated person more than 42 days after vaccination. Breakthrough disease occurs in about 20% of vaccinated persons who are exposed to varicella. In about 70 to 80% of breakthrough cases, disease is mild with fewer than 50 lesions and has a shorter duration of illness. The rash may also be atypical in appearance – maculopapular with few or no vesicles. Because of the increasing likelihood of atypical rash, laboratory testing, whenever possible, or epidemiological linkage to a typical case or laboratory-confirmed case will eventually be needed to confirm – or rule out – varicella. Laboratory confirmation of varicella, both in vaccinated and unvaccinated persons, includes direct antigen detection methods; isolation of the virus from a clinical specimen through virus culture; a significant rise in serum varicella immunoglobulin G- or IgG- antibody level; or a positive varicella immunoglobulin M- or IgM- antibody test result using capture IgM method. Since the varicella IgM test is not yet widely available, and because the kinetics of the IgM response in varicella infection are poorly understood, IgM testing is currently NOT the preferred method for laboratory confirmation.


Material from vesicular or papular skin lesions, and scabs are a readily available clinical specimen. Polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, a direct antigen detection method, is the recommended test for confirmation of varicella. Direct fluorescent antibody, or DFA, is another direct antigen detection method. State public health laboratories now have the capacity to diagnose varicella infection either by PCR or DFA assays. Jane?



Case-based varicella surveillance will allow us to monitor the impact of the varicella vaccination program on disease incidence, morbidity, and mortality. Systematic national case-based varicella surveillance will allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of our vaccination program and policies. It is possible that in the future we will need to use the varicella vaccine differently than we now use it. For example, a second dose of varicella vaccine is being considered for routine immunization. Case-based reporting will also allow for implementation of control measures for varicella outbreaks. Because varicella vaccine coverage is high, disease incidence has been reduced, as noted in areas from which we have surveillance data. As a result, public health action is now warranted in response to varicella outbreaks. The investigation of varicella outbreaks will help determine whether the outbreak is a result of vaccine failure or failure to vaccinate. However, what is reasonable to do will of course vary based on the circumstances of the outbreak and the resources available for control. Regardless, persons with varicella, as well as unvaccinated children, should be excluded from child care or school during outbreaks. In June 2005, the ACIP updated its recommendation for the use of varicella vaccine for outbreak control. ACIP recommended that persons who have received 1 dose of varicella vaccine receive a second dose during a varicella outbreak. Guidelines for the investigation and management of varicella outbreaks are currently being developed at CDC, and have already been developed by several states. One additional component of varicella surveillance is the investigation of all varicella deaths. These deaths are a major component of the remaining burden of disease. Varicella deaths became nationally notifiable on January 1, 1999. There has been a significant decline in varicella-related mortality since the prevaccine era. The greatest decline in mortality has occurred in children 1 to 4 years of age, the group targeted for vaccination. Declines have also been seen in infants, older children and adolescents, and adults 20 to 49 years of age as a result of a combination of vaccination and herd immunity effects. From 1998 through 2002, 231 deaths among all age groups, with varicella listed as the underlying cause, were reported to the National Center for Health Statistics. Only 51, or 22%, of these deaths were reported to CDC. Varicella deaths continue to be greatly under- reported to CDC. A varicella death in a healthy unvaccinated 10 year old girl was recently reported to CDC. This is a tragic reminder that varicella deaths are vaccine preventable.


Varicella case-based reporting and death reporting will provide evidence about programmatic changes that are needed, and will improve varicella control. We cannot change policy or improve our program for vaccine delivery without this information. Cynthia?



Thanks Jane. We will talk about measles after this pause.



The Healthy People 2010 Objectives for the United States established a target of elimination of indigenous cases of measles. We have met that objective. In March 2000 a group of experts met in Atlanta to review the current measles situation in the United States. They concluded that measles was no longer an endemic disease in this country. They also warned that we should not become complacent because measles continues to be imported into the U.S. from other parts of the world. Endemic transmission could be re-established at any time. We must keep immunization levels high and surveillance intact.  Typical measles disease includes a prodrome of fever and malaise, cough, coryza, and conjunctivitis, followed by a maculopapular rash. Before the vaccine program measles was usually a mild or moderately severe illness of childhood. But severe complications occurred, and 1 to 3 cases per thousand resulted in death. Measles is highly contagious and a single importation can lead to an outbreak if not quickly identified and contained. Measles outbreaks can occur even in the presence of high vaccination coverage when pockets of susceptible persons are present, or where transmission is facilitated by close living conditions. This graph shows the number of measles cases reported in the United States by year from 1950 through 2004. Before the introduction of measles vaccine, there were more than 500 thousand cases of measles reported every year.  In the first 5 years following licensure of the vaccine, 1963 through 1967, the incidence of measles fell more than 90%. This graph shows the number of reported cases of measles by year since 1980. In 1989 through 1991, there was a major resurgence of measles in the United States. These epidemics highlighted the risks of measles among unvaccinated preschool age children. The epidemics led to major efforts to improve immunization coverage among young children, and to implement a routine second measles dose in school-aged children. Since 1992, immunization coverage among preschool age children has increased substantially, and has been higher than 90% each year since 1996. In addition, most school age children now receive 2 doses of measles vaccine. As a result, measles incidence has reached an all time low in the United States. Only 37 confirmed cases were reported in 2004. Measles virus no longer continually circulates in this country. The cases that now occur are due to importation and subsequent limited spread of measles virus.


Sometimes cases are linked to known importations, but sometimes it can be very difficult to identify the index case. When the index case cannot be identified, even with extensive case investigation, we can often link cases together by comparing the measles VIRUS from cases and demonstrating that they are closely related.  This is called molecular epidemiology.


Identification of measles virus genotypes allows us to link apparently sporadic cases to importations, even when the index case cannot be found. Analysis of the virus is the only method that allows us to differentiate between vaccine virus and wild-type virus if the suspected case of measles was recently vaccinated. Of course, as long as measles continues to occur anywhere in the world, we remain at risk in the United States. The challenge is to continue to do good surveillance for measles, now that so few cases are reported.


With vaccination coverage now at record high levels, many of the people who remain susceptible are unvaccinated because of religious or philosophical exemption. They are likely to have close contact with other persons who share these beliefs. This sets up a situation where further spread is very likely. An example of this was a measles outbreak with 34 cases in Indiana in early 2005. This was the largest measles outbreak in the U.S. since 1996.


The good news is that prompt recognition of the disease, with appropriate control measures, can limit the spread of measles. So let’s move on to some guidelines that will help you recognize and contain measles, should you suspect it. You should suspect measles when you see or hear about a person with an illness that includes a generalized rash for 3 days or more, a temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, which is 38 point 3 degrees centigrade, and either cough, or coryza, or conjunctivitis. Of note, some persons with measles virus infection, especially those who have received measles containing vaccine in the past, may have a milder disease with fewer symptoms. These cases may not meet the clinical case definition and should be lab tested in the context of an outbreak or if there is epidemiological linkage to a confirmed case.  Jane?



Generally, a previously susceptible person exposed to either vaccine or wild type measles virus will first develop an IgM response, followed by an IgG response. The IgM response, shown here by the purple line, is usually detectable in the first 48 to 72 hours after onset of rash, and peaks about 2 weeks later. So if the blood specimen is drawn too early in the course of disease it may be falsely negative and should be repeated after 72 hours of rash onset.


IgG antibody, shown by the yellow line, is usually not detectable until later in the illness. IgG peaks later than IgM, and remains detectable for many years, probably for the rest of the person’s life. For confirmation of measles, IgG testing requires the demonstration of a significant rise in measles antibody between the acute and convalescent specimens, so two specimens are needed. The first serum specimen should be drawn as soon as possible after rash onset, and at the latest within 7 days after rash onset. The second specimen should be drawn 10 to 30 days after the first one.


Because tests for IgG require two serum specimens, and because a confirmed diagnosis cannot be made until the second specimen is obtained, IgM tests are preferred. However, a negative IgM- even when properly drawn- does not rule out measles in a previously vaccinated person and acute and convalescent IgG testing, or virologic testing will be necessary. The serologic test most commonly performed for measles antibody is an enzyme linked immunoassay, which is also known as an ELISA or EIA. CDC has developed a highly sensitive and specific IgM test for measles and has trained personnel from every state public health laboratory in its use. The CDC IgM test is the preferred reference serologic test for measles. In addition, efforts should be made to obtain specimens for viral isolation from all sporadic cases, or from at least some cases in each outbreak. These specimens should be obtained at the time of the initial investigation, not later after serologic test results are received. Viral isolates are essential for tracking the epidemiology -the MOLECULAR epidemiology- of measles now that we no longer have ongoing indigenous transmission in the United States. Once a suspected case is identified, contingency planning for public health action should begin. Ideally, results from measles IgM antibody testing would be available quickly. But if they are not, it may be necessary to initiate public health response in the absence of laboratory confirmation. Control activities should NOT be delayed pending the return of laboratory results. And I will repeat that- control activities should NOT be delayed while you are waiting for lab results for a probable case of measles. A measles investigation worksheet is included in your surveillance manual. Here is a picture of it. We will put a link to the measles and other worksheets on our broadcast resources webpage. There is specific information that is essential to collect during a measles case investigation. In addition to collecting demographic and clinical data, laboratory confirmation is absolutely essential for all outbreaks and for all isolated or sporadic cases. As we mentioned, in the United States, endemic measles has been eliminated, so measles is now a rare disease. Most cases of measles- like illness will not be measles. Even in outbreaks, laboratory confirmation should be obtained on as many cases as possible. In the context of an outbreak, a person meeting the measles clinical case definition should be considered to have measles for containment purposes, regardless of IgM results.


Once community awareness is increased during an outbreak, many cases of febrile rash illness may be reported as suspected measles. The magnitude of the outbreak will be exaggerated if these cases are classified as confirmed in the absence of laboratory confirmation. This is particularly important as the outbreak is ending. At that point, laboratory confirmation should be sought on all suspected cases. During a case investigation, it is important to obtain an accurate and complete immunization history on all confirmed cases. Measles case investigations should include complete immunization histories that document all doses of measles- containing vaccine. Efforts should be made to identify the source of infection for every confirmed case of measles. Case patients or their care givers should be asked about contact with other known cases. When no history of contact with a known case can be elicited, opportunities for exposure to unknown cases should be sought. Such exposures may occur in schools, following contact with international visitors, while visiting tourist locations, during air travel or, unfortunately, in healthcare settings. Unless there is a history of exposure to a known person with measles, patients or their care givers should be closely questioned about other exposure settings. The next thing you should do is assess the potential for transmission, and identify contacts. Transmission is particularly likely in households, schools and other institutions, such as colleges, prisons, and in healthcare settings. Contacts of the case patient during the infectious period should be identified. For measles, the infectious period is from 4 days before to 4 days after onset of the rash. In general, contacts that have not received two valid doses of measles containing vaccine on or after the first birthday are considered susceptible. These contacts may be at risk for infection. These contacts should be vaccinated- ideally within 72 hours of exposure.


Now that measles is no longer an endemic disease in this country, importation of measles cases from outside the United States is the only way cases can occur. Even among those cases classified as indigenous – that is, persons infected in the U.S.- most are due to importations. The cases we classify as indigenous are probably due to unrecognized importations. This situation will almost certainly continue in the future, until better measles control is achieved worldwide. Until measles is eradicated from the planet, our best defense is a well vaccinated population and careful surveillance.  Cynthia?



Thanks, Jane. We will be back in just a moment to talk about rubella.



In this segment, we are going to discuss rubella. Like measles, indigenous rubella and congenital rubella syndrome were targeted for elimination in the United States by the year 2010. We have met that goal. In October 2004, CDC convened a panel of experts who concluded that rubella is no longer endemic in the US. The absence of endemic transmission is defined as the lack of any continuous US-acquired chain of transmission that persists for 12 months or longer in a defined geographic area. Like measles, a diagnosis of rubella needs to be considered when evaluating a person with a febrile rash illness. The rash of rubella is sometimes confused with measles or scarlet fever. But not everyone infected with the rubella virus develops a rash. Up to 50% of persons infected with rubella virus may be asymptomatic. The major public health importance of rubella is not the acute disease, which is usually mild, but rather the consequences of infection of a fetus. When rubella virus infection occurs during early pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, fetal infection is very likely. Intrauterine rubella infection can cause a serious, and sometimes fatal, illness that may include spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, and a constellation of birth defects known as congenital rubella syndrome, or CRS. Up to 90% of the infants born to women infected during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy can have CRS. The most common clinical manifestations of CRS are cataracts, which you see here, heart disease, sensorineural hearing impairment and developmental delay.


A worldwide rubella epidemic occurred in 1962 through 1965. An estimated 12 point 5 million cases of rubella occurred in the United States during this epidemic. These rubella cases resulted in more than 11 thousand fetal deaths, more than 2 thousand neonatal deaths, and 20 thousand infants born with CRS. This global epidemic spurred the development of rubella vaccines and the implementation of national rubella vaccination programs. In 1969, rubella vaccine was licensed in the United States, and a vaccination program was established with the goal of preventing congenital rubella infections, including CRS. This graph shows the number of rubella cases reported by year from 1966, when rubella became reportable, until 2004. The number of reported cases of rubella in the United States has declined more than 99%, from more than 57 thousand cases in 1969 to only 10 cases in 2004. The incidence of rubella has declined dramatically in all age groups. Among the small number of cases that have occurred between 2001 and 2005, the majority are adults.


With rubella epidemics continuing to occur in most countries outside the United States, rubella virus can be imported into this country at any time. The virus can spread within communities unless high population immunity is maintained. This is especially likely when importation occurs into an area with populations who were not vaccinated against rubella in childhood, such as recent immigrants, or communities that object to vaccination. A large rubella outbreak with more than 300 (311) cases occurred in an Amish community in Ontario, Canada in 2004. Fortunately there was no spread to the United States during that outbreak. (no CRS cases found as of broadcast date but several infected pregnant women had not yet delivered) Surveillance for rubella involves the serologic and virologic evaluation of persons with febrile rash illness, and monitoring for the typical sequelae of maternal infection, or CRS.  Whenever rubella occurs in a community, there is a risk of subsequent CRS. We recently spoke to Dr. Susan Reef, a medical epidemiologist in the Viral Vaccine Preventable Diseases Branch of the National Immunization Program, about the absence of endemic rubella transmission in the US.



Rubella and congenital rubella syndrome, or CRS, were targeted for elimination in the United States by the year 2010. By elimination we mean the absence of endemic rubella virus transmission. In October 2004, the CDC convened an independent expert panel to review available rubella and CRS data. After a careful review, the panel unanimously agreed that rubella was no longer endemic in the United States. The Healthy People 2010 goal had been achieved! Some of the data that supported elimination of rubella and CRS included the fact that rubella and CRS cases have reached historic low levels – only 10 cases of rubella were reported in 2004; only one rubella outbreak has been reported since 2001 - this outbreak occurred on a cruise ship with the source of the outbreak being imported from the Philippines; during 2001-2004, all states and major cities had at least one full year with no reported rubella cases. Serological studies indicate that more than 90% of the population is immune to rubella due to either vaccination or prior infection. This immunity level is high enough to sustain the elimination of rubella; rubella-containing vaccine coverage is very high - our first dose coverage among children aged 19 to 35 months has been higher than 90% since 1996 and our school coverage has been higher than 95%; and last but definitely not least, the surveillance system was determined to be adequate to detect endemic rubella. In summary, we did it! Congratulations and thank you to state and local health departments and health care providers. Your diligent efforts made this possible.



Let’s talk now about rubella case investigation. A mild case of measles may mimic rubella. Measles virus infection should always be ruled out by laboratory testing if the diagnosis of rubella is being considered. Likewise, rubella should always be considered in the evaluation of a febrile rash illness. If serologic testing for measles is negative, testing for rubella should always be done. A case of rubella may be laboratory confirmed by isolation of rubella virus; by demonstrating a significant rise in serum rubella IgG antibody level by any standard assay; or by the presence of serum rubella IgM antibody. The laboratory criteria for confirmation of CRS are isolation of rubella virus from the infant; or detection of rubella virus by polymerase chain reaction - PCR- or serologic confirmation. Many rash illnesses mimic rubella infection, and up to half of rubella infections may be subclinical. So the only reliable evidence of acute rubella infection is from the laboratory. Similar to measles a negative IgM test does not rule out rubella in a vaccinated person. If the index of suspicion is high, particularly if additional cases occur, obtain virologic specimens as well.


Surveillance for rubella involves the serologic evaluation of persons with febrile rash illness, and monitoring for the typical sequelae of infection during pregnancy. Careful surveillance and continued high vaccination coverage will help assure that congenital rubella syndrome remains a thing of the past. Cynthia?



Bill, in the past Latin American has been the source of many rubella cases imported into the United States. What is the status of rubella in the Americas now?



You are correct that Latin America, particularly Mexico was the source of many imported cases during the 1990s. Fortunately, all but one country in Latin America now includes rubella vaccine in their national immunization program. As a result, the number of cases of rubella has been greatly reduced. Latin America is now rarely a source of imported rubella in the U.S.



Thanks, Bill. We will come right back to talk about mumps surveillance.



Mumps virus can cause illness with an acute onset of unilateral or bilateral tender, self-limited swelling of the parotid or other salivary gland, lasting more than 2 days, without other apparent cause. The number of reported mumps cases in the US has decreased more than 95% since mumps vaccine began to be used routinely in 1977. The Healthy People 2010 goal for mumps is elimination of indigenous transmission of mumps.


The combination measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine has contributed to the same high coverage rate for mumps as we have already discussed for measles and rubella. Although mumps is thought to be less infectious than either measles or rubella, the reported disease rates are much higher than for the other two diseases. In 2004, 258 mumps cases were reported in contrast to 37 cases of measles and 10 cases of rubella. 32% of these cases were among children 1 through 9 years of age. Vaccine history was known for only 87, or 34% of the cases. Of those, 50, or 57% had received at least one dose of mumps containing vaccine. Of the 258 cases reported in 2004, only 95, or 37% were laboratory confirmed. It is very likely that many of the cases lacking laboratory confirmation are actually not due to infection with mumps virus. However, we cannot say with certainty because of our poor record of laboratory testing.


Mumps vaccine is routinely used in only 56% of countries or areas in the world. Importation of mumps into the United States is now increasingly recognized. Of 171 mumps cases with known importation status in 2004, 18, or 10% were known to be international imports.


During 2004, a mumps outbreak with 31 cases occurred in a New York camp where the index case was an unvaccinated counselor from the United Kingdom. This illustrates the potential impact of importation. Surveillance for measles and rubella is facilitated by the fact that they share the same clinical syndrome and very similar case definitions. Unfortunately, because of its unique clinical presentation, mumps surveillance is not affected by enhanced surveillance for measles or rubella.


Confirmed mumps cases are those that are laboratory confirmed or that meet the clinical case definition and are epidemiologically linked to a confirmed or probable case. Note that a laboratory confirmed case does not need to meet the clinical case definition. Acute mumps can be laboratory confirmed by isolation of mumps virus in cell culture, detection of mumps virus by PCR, a significant rise in serum mumps IgG antibody, or the presence of serum mumps IgM antibody. Serologic testing is the simplest method of confirming a case of mumps. Remember that as with measles and rubella, mumps IgM may be transient or missing in individuals who have had any doses of mumps-containing vaccine. Sera should be collected as soon as possible after symptom onset for IgM testing or as the acute specimen for IgG seroconversion. Convalescent sera should be drawn two weeks later.


The clinical samples that are acceptable for mumps virus isolation are throat or nasopharyngeal swabs, urine, and fluid collected from the buccal cavity. The buccal cavity is the space between the cheek and teeth. The parotid duct drains in this space near the upper rear molars. Fluid from this area may yield the best viral sample, particularly when the parotid gland area just below the ear is massaged for 30 seconds prior to collection of secretions. Virus may be isolated from the buccal mucosa or urine from 7 days prior until 9 days after onset of parotitis. Collection of viral samples from persons suspected of having mumps is strongly recommended. The molecular characteristics of mumps viruses provides important information that will help determine whether endemic transmission is still occurring in the U.S.


Because the number of cases of mumps reported each year is low, a detailed investigation should be conducted for EVERY case. The clinical diagnosis of mumps is unreliable, so all cases of mumps MUST be laboratory confirmed. In addition to demographic and clinical data it is important to obtain accurate and complete immunization history. Recent outbreaks have included many cases who had already received at least one dose of mumps-containing vaccine. The source of infection should be identified for each confirmed case of mumps. If there is no history of contact with a known case, opportunities for exposure to unknown cases should be identified, so that investigative efforts can be directed to locations of possible exposure. Finally, potential for further transmission should be assessed, and contacts of the case-patient during the infectious period should be identified. For mumps, the infectious period usually begins 3 days before, but occasionally as early as 7 days before the onset of parotitis, and lasts until 9 days after symptom onset. Mumps vaccine should be given to all exposed susceptible persons. Although vaccine has not been proven to prevent the occurrence of disease when administered after exposure, it will provide protection for future exposures.


Measles and rubella were eliminated from the United States as a result of major efforts at hemispheric control of these two diseases. No hemispheric or global program for mumps control exists currently, making the challenge of domestic mumps elimination more daunting. Documentation of elimination of mumps in the U.S. will depend on improving mumps surveillance, including laboratory confirmation of EVERY case.  Cynthia?



Thanks, Jane. We will be back to discuss hepatitis A surveillance right after this pause.



Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. Many different viruses, as well as many environmental toxins, chemicals, and drugs can cause hepatitis. In this segment of the program we are going to limit our discussion to hepatitis A, caused by infection with hepatitis A virus, or HAV. The incidence of hepatitis A has declined since 1995, when the vaccine was licensed. This decline was due at least in part to programs for routine vaccination of children. In 2004, about 5 thousand 7 hundred cases of hepatitis A were reported. This is an incidence rate [N1] of about 2 per 100 thousand population, the lowest incidence ever reported. The true number of hepatitis A cases is actually much larger than the number officially reported to CDC, for several reasons. [N2] First, the likelihood of having symptoms with hepatitis A depends on age. Although most adults with hepatitis A develop jaundice, the majority of young children either do not have typical symptoms or are completely asymptomatic. Only people with symptoms of hepatitis A are reportable to the health department. Second, not everyone with symptoms of hepatitis A goes to a doctor, gets tested and gets reported. This is because symptoms can be very mild. Mathematical models have been used to estimate the true number of HAV infections. It is estimated that on average there were about 112 thousand symptomatic infections each year during 1980 through 1999. This was more than 4 times the number of reported cases. [N3] In 2004 when approximately 57 hundred cases were reported, CDC estimated that there were actually more than 20 thousand people with symptomatic hepatitis A. The incidence of hepatitis A is currently lowest among children younger than 5 years of age. In the prevaccine era, the highest incidence rates occurred among children, but currently rates of disease are similar among children, adolescents, and adults. After decades of large differences in rates among racial groups, currently incidence rates are similar across races. Despite declines in recent years, rates of disease remain higher among Hispanic children and adults, compared to non-Hispanics.


HAV is transmitted by the fecal oral route, and is easily transmitted through close personal or sexual contact. HAV is also transmitted through contaminated food or water. Because the virus is present in the blood during the acute infection, bloodborne transmission is also possible, but is rare. Unlike hepatitis B, hepatitis A virus infection does not lead to chronic infection. The incubation period for hepatitis A averages about 28 days with a range of 15 to 50 days. The most common signs and symptoms associated with acute hepatitis A include jaundice, fever, malaise, anorexia, and abdominal discomfort. The illness can be severe and 10 to 20% of reported cases require hospitalization.[N4]  While rarely fatal in younger persons, the case fatality rate is approximately 1% among reported cases who are older than 50 years. [N5] Infected people with either symptomatic or asymptomatic infection can transmit HAV to others. Hepatitis A virus can be found in the blood and stool of an infected person, especially in the 2 weeks before onset of illness. Virus is shed in the stool of people without symptoms as well as those WITH symptoms. Young children infected with hepatitis A virus play an especially important role in transmission because they can transmit the virus, but often have no symptoms of the infection. The most frequently reported risk factors for HAV infection are household or sexual contact with a person who has hepatitis A, and international travel. Other less commonly reported risk factors include illegal drug use, and being a man who has sex with men; however, 45 to 50% of persons with hepatitis A have no risk factor that can be identified. Hepatitis A vaccines have been available since 1995. The two licensed vaccines are available in pediatric and adult formulations and are administered in a two dose series. The pediatric formulation of both vaccines are licensed for children 12 months through 18 years of age. These vaccines are highly effective in preventing disease when given before exposure. Protection lasts at least 12 years, and likely for 20 years or longer. Historically, the areas with the highest rates of hepatitis A were in the Western and Southwestern regions of the United States. [N6] The reason for this geographic distribution of HAV infection is not known. However, in recent years, rates have been similar across all U.S. regions. [N7] We recently spoke with Dr. Annemarie Wasley in the Division of Viral Hepatitis in CDC, about the current epidemiology of hepatitis A and the impact of hepatitis A vaccination in the United States.



Hepatitis A vaccines were first introduced in the United States in 1995. In 1996, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, or ACIP, recommended that people at increased risk of hepatitis A infection should be vaccinated. These recommendations included vaccination of travelers to areas endemic for hepatitis A virus, men who have sex with men, and users of injecting and noninjecting drugs. However, we knew that cases in these groups accounted for only a minority of all cases reported. Most cases of hepatitis A were occurring as part of community wide outbreaks with the majority of infections occurring among children and their adult contacts. We also knew that much of the disease being reported in the U.S. was occurring in the western regions of the country. Cases reported by 17 predominantly western and southwestern states accounted for more than two thirds of all cases reported in the prevaccine era. However, these states represented less than one third of the U.S. population. Based on this information, in 1999, ACIP recommended that children living in the 11 states which historically had the highest rates of hepatitis A be routinely vaccinated against the disease. Those 11 states are shown here in blue. It was also suggested that vaccination be considered for children in an additional 6 states, shown in yellow. Rates in these 6 states were not as high as those in the 11 highest incidence states, but were still consistently higher than the national average. Since those recommendations were made, we have seen a dramatic change in the epidemiology of hepatitis A in the United States. This graph shows the overall rate of hepatitis A in the United States from 1990 through 2004. It shows the decline in rate that began in 1995 and accelerated in 1999, the year routine childhood vaccination was recommended in the high incidence states. The rate has declined by 76% relative to the average rate seen in the prevaccine years of 1990 through 1997. The 2004 rate of 1 point 9 per 100 thousand population is the lowest ever recorded. The decline has been greatest in the 17 states where routine vaccination of children is recommended or suggested, shown here by the yellow line. The rate of hepatitis A in the rest of the country is shown in blue. For the first time rates are similar across all regions of the country. The 1999 hepatitis A ACIP statement targeted children in the highest incidence states. Children historically have had the highest rates of disease. Since that time rates among children have declined more than rates among adults. Now, also for the first time, rates are similar across all age groups. We do not think that vaccination is completely responsible for these declines. Hepatitis A rates in the U.S. have historically shown a cyclic pattern every 10 to 15 years, with periodic increases followed by subsequent decreases. Some of the decline that we are seeing now probably is a result of this pattern. However, hepatitis A rates now are significantly lower than any previously recorded. In addition, the decline has been greater in the age groups and geographic locations recommended for routine vaccination. Together, these factors indicate that the strategy of routine childhood vaccination in areas with increased risk of infection has played a significant role in reducing overall rates of hepatitis A in the U.S. We are continuing to monitor the occurrence of hepatitis A. Among cases reported in children, the disease is no longer focused in the 17 states targeted by the 1999 recommendations. Many of the states with the highest rates in 2004 do NOT have a recommendation for routine childhood vaccination. Based on the changing pattern of hepatitis A in the United States, the ACIP voted in October 2005 to expand routine vaccination of children nationwide. It is now recommended that ALL children should receive hepatitis A vaccine at 1 year of age. Vaccination should be integrated into the routine childhood vaccination schedule. Children who are not vaccinated by 2 years of age can be vaccinated at subsequent visits. ACIP encourages states, counties, and communities with existing hepatitis A vaccination programs for children aged 2 through 18 years to maintain these programs. These new recommendations are expected to increase hepatitis A vaccination levels among children throughout the country. We expect that implementation of these recommendations will allow us to sustain and perhaps even further reduce the current low rates of hepatitis A in the United States.



Currently, national surveillance for hepatitis A is for symptomatic disease only. Hepatitis A disease is reportable in all states. Asymptomatic cases though should NOT be reported to CDC. The clinical case definition for acute viral hepatitis is an acute illness with a discrete onset of symptoms and either jaundice or elevated serum aminotransferase levels. But clinical information is not sufficient to differentiate a case of acute hepatitis A from hepatitis of some other type. To tell them apart we need some help from the laboratory. To confirm a case of acute hepatitis A, that case must meet the clinical criteria and MUST also be positive for IgM antibody to hepatitis A virus. IgM antibody to hepatitis A virus is detectable in virtually all patients with acute hepatitis A but generally disappears within 6 months of the onset of symptoms. IgG is the other antibody produced in response to HAV infection. IgG persists for the person’s lifetime and confers protection against subsequent infection.


There is one situation when a clinically reported case lacking serologic information can also be reported as a confirmed case of hepatitis A. That is when a person with hepatitis A is epidemiologically linked to another person with laboratory confirmed hepatitis A. By epidemiologic link, we mean household or sexual contact with a person with confirmed hepatitis A during the 15 to 50 days before the onset of symptoms. To prevent secondary cases, the two main priorities are to identify whether there are persons at risk of becoming infected by the case and second, to determine, if possible, the source of infection for the index case. Identification of the source is important because there may be other people who continue to be at risk of infection from the same source. Prompt case investigation and follow up with the case and contacts is important to prevent further spread of hepatitis A. There is a viral hepatitis worksheet and report form in the surveillance manual that can help guide your investigation. The critical data to be collected for a hepatitis A case investigation includes demographic information such as age and race; clinical data including symptoms and the date of disease onset; pertinent laboratory data including serologic testing and liver enzyme levels; risk factor information; and vaccination status of the case. During your case investigation, you should also develop a list of any susceptible contacts who require postexposure prophylaxis. Once you have identified contacts, post exposure prophylaxis should be offered. This must be given as soon as possible and not more than 14 days after the last exposure. The recommended post exposure prophylaxis for hepatitis A in susceptible contacts is a single intramuscular dose of immune globulin, or IG, and hepatitis A vaccine, where appropriate. Postexposure prophylaxis is recommended for the sexual and household contacts of a person with hepatitis A. Prophylaxis should be considered for other close personal contacts as well. These might include persons who shared illegal drugs with the case or had ongoing close household like exposures, such as a regular babysitter. There are other circumstances in which IG prophylaxis might be used. For example, attendees and employees of a child care center where a hepatitis A case is identified, or persons who consumed food handled by a hepatitis A virus infected food handler, may benefit from IG. For these types of exposures, the benefit of giving IG will vary, and must be assessed specifically for each situation. In areas that currently have a routine hepatitis A vaccination program, hepatitis A vaccine can be given along with IG to contacts for whom vaccine is recommended. The vaccine and IG may be given simultaneously, but not in the same syringe as the IG, of course, and not at the same anatomic site.In addition to identifying the contacts of the case for postexposure prophylaxis, it is also important to identify- if at all possible- the SOURCE of exposure for the case. Sources of exposure could most likely include sexual and household contact with another person with hepatitis A, illegal drug use, international travel, or consumption of contaminated food.


It is important to determine the sexual history of the case, including whether they have had multiple sex partners[N8]  or are a man who has sex with other men. For hepatitis A cases, it is important to ask about these exposures during the 2 to 6 weeks before they became ill.


Coordination of surveillance and immunization activities can focus appropriate interventions and reduce missed opportunities. In addition, surveillance data- especially risk factor data- will be important to assess the effectiveness of vaccination recommendations and to identify additional populations that should be vaccinated. Strategies to improve and enhance surveillance should include improved case reporting. Now that hepatitis A vaccine is recommended for all areas of the country these recommendations for enhancing surveillance apply to every state. Healthcare providers should be educated about the importance of reporting all cases of acute hepatitis.  Hospitals and infection control practitioners should report all patients with the ICD-10 diagnosis code of B 15, the code for acute hepatitis A. Surveillance is an important tool in hepatitis A disease prevention. Information gained through surveillance can help prevent spread of disease from cases, and can also help define vaccination and other prevention strategies.  Cynthia?



Thanks, Jane. We will be back to discuss hepatitis B surveillance right after this.



In 2004, about 6 thousand 2 hundred cases of acute hepatitis B were reported in the United States. This is an incidence of 2 point 1 per 100 thousand population, and is the lowest incidence of hepatitis B ever reported in the U.S. The rate of hepatitis B has declined 75% since 1990, due at least in part to the implementation of universal childhood immunization.


Historically, acute hepatitis B has been a disease of older adolescents and young adults 15 to 39 years old. However, as vaccination coverage has increased among adolescents, rates of disease among older adolescents and young adults have declined. Rates of acute hepatitis B are now highest among persons 25 through 44 years of age. Transmission of hepatitis B virus, or HBV, requires percutaneous exposure to blood of a person acutely or chronically infected with HBV. Common risk factors for infection with hepatitis B virus include sex with multiple partners, injection drug use, and men who have sex with men. Other risk factors include occupational exposure to human blood or medical interventions such as surgery, blood transfusions, or organ transplants. The incubation period for acute hepatitis B averages 120 days with a range of 45 to 160 days. Infants, children younger than 10 years of age, and immunosuppressed adults with newly acquired HBV infection are usually asymptomatic. 30 to 50% of older children and adults are symptomatic. When present, clinical symptoms and signs might include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and jaundice. Fulminant hepatitis B occurs with a case fatality rate of zero point 5 to 1%. In adults with normal immune systems, most – 94 to 98% - recover completely from newly acquired HBV infection. In infants, young children, and immunosuppressed persons, most newly acquired HBV infections result in chronic infection. Infants are at greatest risk with a 90% chance of developing chronic infection if infected at birth.


Although the consequences of acute hepatitis B can be severe, most of the serious sequelae associated with this disease occur in persons in whom chronic infection develops. Persons with chronic HBV infection are often initially asymptomatic. However, chronic liver disease develops in two-thirds of these persons, and approximately 15 to 25% will die prematurely from cirrhosis or liver cancer.


Persons with chronic HBV infection are a major reservoir for transmission of the virus. Any person testing positive for hepatitis B surface antigen- or HBsAg- is potentially infectious.


Until recently, national surveillance for hepatitis B included only acute symptomatic disease, and perinatal hepatitis B. Chronic hepatitis B was added to the list of nationally notifiable diseases in 2003, to monitor morbidity due to chronic disease and to guide prevention programs. The case definition for acute hepatitis B includes having clinically compatible symptoms, jaundice or an elevation in liver enzymes and laboratory confirmation.  The case definition for chronic hepatitis B includes only laboratory confirmation because symptoms are not always present. The preferred test for laboratory confirmation of a case of acute HBV infection is a positive test for IgM antibody to the hepatitis B core antigen. IgM antibody to core antigen is a good marker for acute hepatitis B because it is generally detectable for only the first six months after infection. If this test is not available, a positive test for hepatitis B surface antigen- with a negative test for acute hepatitis A virus infection, if done-, is sufficient to confirm a diagnosis of acute hepatitis B. ANTIBODY to hepatitis B surface antigen indicates immunity to hepatitis B virus. Chronic hepatitis B infections are also confirmed by laboratory criteria. Cases will be hepatitis B surface antigen positive, total anti-hepatitis B core antibody positive- if the test was done -, and hepatitis B core IgM antibody negative. Chronic infection can also be confirmed by having two positive HBsAg tests at least 6 months apart. Perinatal hepatitis B infection is a chronic infection which results from transmission of the hepatitis B virus from an infected woman to her infant before, during, or soon after birth. Perinatal hepatitis B infection is defined as the presence of hepatitis B surface antigen in an infant 1 to 24 months of age, born in the US or US territories to a hepatitis B surface antigen positive woman. Since perinatal infections are almost always asymptomatic, there are no clinical criteria for these cases. Postexposure prophylaxis with hepatitis B immune globulin and hepatitis B vaccine MUST be administered to infants born to HBsAg-positive woman. These infants should be tested for HBsAg three months after the third dose of vaccine. These cases should be reported through the national notifiable diseases surveillance system. For either acute or chronic hepatitis B, in addition to the appropriate demographic and clinical data, there are two priorities in conducting case investigations.  First, you should identify whether there are contacts of the case at risk of becoming infected, and second, you should determine, if possible, the source of infection for the index case. Information to be collected for a hepatitis case investigation should include demographic and clinical data, laboratory data including serologic testing and liver enzyme levels, risk factor information, and vaccination status. Pregnancy status of any HBV infected woman should be determined to make sure that action is taken to prevent perinatal transmission to her infant. For acute hepatitis B, the general recommendation for postexposure prophylaxis is to give hepatitis B immune globulin, or HBIG, and to begin the hepatitis B vaccine series within 14 days of last exposure. Persons in need of postexposure prophylaxis include sexual contacts of the case and any infant younger than twelve months of age for whom the case is a primary caregiver. Also persons who have had identifiable percutaneous or permucosal exposure to the blood of the case should be given prophylaxis. Providing postexposure prophylaxis to non-sexual household contacts of the case or others with no clear exposure to blood of the case is not recommended. However, providing hepatitis B VACCINE to nonsexual household contacts, especially children and adolescents, is highly recommended.


Persons with hepatitis B infection that remain chronically infected should be referred for clinical follow-up. These persons should be monitored for the development of chronic liver disease and should be evaluated for treatment. In addition, they should be advised on ways to prevent transmission of the infection to others.


In addition to contact identification for postexposure prophylaxis, it is also important to identify the source of infection for acute cases. There may be other people who continue to be at risk of infection from the same source. To identify the source of infection for acute hepatitis B infections, ask about exposure during the previous 6 weeks to 6 months to another person with acute or chronic HBV infection, injection drug use, occupational exposure to human blood, medical interventions such as dialysis, blood transfusions, organ transplants or use of blood products. It is also important to determine the sexual history of the case, including whether multiple sex partners or men who have sex with men. Surveillance for hepatitis B is an important public health tool. Identification and reporting of persons with HBV infection assists public health professionals in reaching contacts of cases who are at risk of infection so that vaccination and postexposure prophylaxis can be provided, if appropriate. Surveillance also helps public health understand the risks for infection, to provide the appropriate programmatic resources to reduce the rates of acute and chronic infection in the U.S.



Welcome back to Surveillance of Vaccine Preventable Diseases! We hope you have had time to take a break and get ready for the second half of the program.


We have a new instructor for this part of today’s program. Dr. John Moran is the Acting Chief of the Bacterial Vaccine Preventable Diseases Branch in the National Immunization Program.



High vaccination coverage has led to all time record low levels of many vaccine preventable diseases- but not pertussis. Pertussis remains endemic in the United States. Sporadic cases and community wide outbreaks continue to occur in spite of record high vaccine coverage among children. Dr. Moran will begin our discussion of pertussis. John?



Thank you Cynthia.  Pertussis, or whooping cough, is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Pertussis is characterized by severe paroxysmal coughing sometimes followed by vomiting, in older adolescents and adults and an inspiratory whoop in infants. Some adults experience incontinence or rib fracture from forceful coughing. Pertussis in very young infants can be severe but may not present with the characteristic cough and whooping. Very young infants can start the illness with apnea - stopped breathing, and bradycardia - slow heart rate. Infants have high rates of complications including pneumonia and hospitalization.


During the last 5 years, about 20 deaths due to pertussis have been reported each year in the United States; most are among infants less than 4 months of age, who are too young to have received 3 doses of pertussis vaccine, and so are not yet fully protected. This graph shows the number of reported cases of pertussis by year from 1940 through 2004. Notice the scale of the vertical axis– 250,000 cases. Between 1940 and 1945, an average of 175 thousand cases and 2700 deaths from pertussis were reported each year. With the widespread use of pertussis vaccine in the late 1940s, the number of reported cases began to drop, although not as rapidly as with some other diseases. Periodic peaks of illness continued every 3 or 4 years. Since 1980, the reported cases of pertussis have been gradually rising, again with periodic peaks of illness.  Since 2001, the pattern has changed, with increases in 2002, 2003, and 2004. More than 25 thousand cases were reported in 2004, the highest number reported since 1959. Although we usually think of pertussis as a disease of children, we are now recognizing pertussis in older children, adolescents, and adults more frequently than in the past. Outbreaks are being reported in middle schools and high schools. This is probably due to both an increasing awareness of pertussis as a cause of cough illness in this age group and the increasing availability of sensitive diagnostic tests, such as DNA polymerase chain reaction – or PCR.


Although infants typically have the most severe cases of pertussis, older children and adolescents can also have severe illness. Here is a short video of an adolescent with pertussis.





Protection induced by pertussis vaccines, or by the disease for that matter, is NOT life long and begins to wane after about 5 years. There have been outbreaks in high schools where almost all the students had received 4 or 5 doses of pertussis vaccine. In some adolescents the disease is less severe because they were vaccinated in the past, but these cases can still be infectious. Other adolescents have classic cases of pertussis, even though they were previously vaccinated. Because protection does not last, even VACCINATED children are susceptible to pertussis by early adolescence. In fact, the proportion of cases reported occurring in persons 10 years of age and older increased from 20% in 1990 to 67% in 2004. In contrast, outbreaks in elementary school students are not common- probably because most children get a booster dose of pertussis vaccine before they start kindergarten.


During May and June, 2005, the Food and Drug Administration licensed two booster tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis – Tdap vaccines – that is capitol T, small d– a– p- for adolescents in the U.S. In June 2005, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices- or ACIP- recommended the newly licensed vaccines for use in adolescents. The provisional recommendation is that adolescents 11 and 12 years of age be given Tdap in place of the Td currently given. The ACIP also made other recommendations for use of these vaccines in adolescents for catch-up vaccination. One of these vaccines was also licensed for use in adults through 64 years of age. In October 2005, the Committee made a provisional recommendation for adults to use Tdap vaccine to replace the next dose of the currently recommended tetanus-diphtheria vaccine that is used as the adult booster vaccine. Use of these new vaccines in new populations is going to require careful surveillance to monitor vaccine program impact. Collection of vaccine history - now for all cases, not just for children - will be especially important as we launch a national immunization program with new vaccines in new populations. As you talk with vaccine providers, encourage them to remind adults to keep records of their vaccination so they can avoid extra vaccination. Recording manufacturer, type of vaccine and lot number will make it easier to identify the type of vaccine, both for surveillance and for physicians providing prevention services for their adult patients. During the 1980s and 1990s, acellular pertussis vaccines were developed for children because of concerns about the safety of the whole-cell pertussis vaccine. Acellular pertussis vaccines were approved for use as the 4th and 5th dose in 1992, and were approved for the first three doses of the pediatric pertussis vaccine series in 1996. It was never proven that the whole-cell vaccine caused brain injury. But whole-cell pertussis vaccines with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids did often cause redness, swelling, and pain at the injection site and systemic reactions like fever and irritability. Some of these local reactions were actually related to the diphtheria and tetanus portions of the vaccine. We will talk about surveillance for vaccine adverse events later in the program.


There are now 3 DIFFERENT diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis vaccines licensed for use in infants and children. One of these vaccines also comes in a combination with inactivated polio and hepatitis B vaccines. The acellular pertussis vaccines for infants and children also differ from the two new versions of diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis vaccines licensed for use in adolescents and adults in 2005. The three pediatric versions contain different COMPONENTS of the pertussis organism, different AMOUNTS of these components, and the components are made by different PROCESSES. Adolescent and adult versions of the vaccines have reduced quantities of many of the components compared with the pediatric formulations. With so many different vaccines, you can see the importance of getting complete vaccine history for all cases of pertussis, both pediatric and adult. All of the acellular pertussis vaccines are less likely to cause reactions than the whole-cell vaccines were. The new vaccines for adolescents and adults have about the same rates of reactions as the currently recommended tetanus and diphtheria toxoids vaccines used for booster doses against tetanus.


We now have had more than 10 years of experience with acellular pertussis vaccines among infants and children, and we know that with those vaccines immunity wanes after a few years. That is why we see pertussis outbreaks in high schools. The new Tdap vaccines for adolescents and adults were developed and are now recommended to provide protection as the immunity from the childhood series wanes. But how long does protection persist following acellular pertussis vaccines? Does it matter? Yes it does matter. As with any vaccine preventable disease, we must monitor disease due to waning immunity – to identify possibly needed changes or additions to immunization schedules.


How often would booster doses need to be given? It is expected that additional booster doses of Tdap will be required in the future for adults although the vaccines are currently approved ONLY for a SINGLE dose. At this time we are not certain how long protection will last from the booster doses in adults. But that is important for us to know. Again, you can see that use of new vaccines in new populations requires careful surveillance, to monitor vaccine program impact. John?



Now let’s talk about the investigation of a suspected pertussis case.  The diagnosis of pertussis should be suspected in a person who develops a cough illness that lasts more than 7 days, or if the person has fits, or paroxysms of coughing. Cough is the hallmark of pertussis. But remember that in very young infants pertussis may present as apnea, or stopping breathing. When the diagnosis of pertussis is suspected, appropriate specimens should be obtained for laboratory testing. For national reporting, there are two different methods by which cases can be laboratory confirmed. These methods include isolation of Bordetella pertussis from a clinical specimen, or a positive polymerase chain reaction assay, PCR. Let me repeat that: for laboratory confirmation of pertussis, we need either isolation of Bordetella pertussis from a clinical specimen, or a positive PCR test. Direct fluorescent antibody testing, or DFA, has low sensitivity and variable specificity, and should NOT be used for laboratory confirmation. Commercial serological tests for pertussis infection are not standardized, and there is no absolute association between antibody levels and immunity. Results of serologic testing are not used for case confirmation for national reporting except in Massachusetts, where a standardized serological assay has been in use for many years. Isolation of Bordetella pertussis remains the gold standard for diagnosis. However, even in the best circumstances the organism takes time to isolate. But try. Also, it is important to remember that Bordetella parapertussis may be isolated from a mixed infection with Bordetella pertussis and generally grows faster. The laboratory should continue to look for Bordetella pertussis when it finds parapertussis. The longer you wait to obtain the nasopharyngeal swab for pertussis culture, the less likely you will be to isolate the organism. Cultures are most often positive if the nasopharyngeal swab is obtained within the first week of cough onset. Beyond the first 3 weeks of illness, the organism is recovered less often, except in infants, who can remain culture positive for more than 6 weeks. It is also less likely that you will be able to isolate the organism if the patient has already been taking an antibiotic effective against pertussis, like erythromycin, azithromycin, or trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole.


In addition to being the gold standard for diagnosis of pertussis, culture is important for another reason. Isolates are the only way to evaluate for antimicrobial resistance, and are used for molecular typing. PCR can also be used for pertussis laboratory confirmation. This test is now widely available, and has been found in many places to be a rapid, sensitive, and specific method for diagnosing pertussis. Unfortunately some PCR assays have not been completely reliable. That is why it is very important that cultures continue to be performed, even if PCR tests are used. We have heard about the importance of obtaining a nasopharyngeal swab for pertussis culture and PCR, but many of you may not have ever OBTAINED a nasopharyngeal swab. The quality of the specimen collection is critical to obtaining a positive test.


Since good technique in obtaining a nasopharyngeal swab is such an important part of pertussis surveillance, we would like to show you a brief video on the proper technique for NP swabs. Have a look.





That video was produced by Dr. Jim Nordin of Health Partners in Minneapolis. We would like to thank Dr. Nordin for allowing us to use it. Laboratory results, particularly cultures, are an important part of the investigation of a suspected case of pertussis. But there is other information you will need to collect as well. As always, we need demographic data like age and gender. We also need clinical data, such as the duration of cough, and the presence of paroxysms, whoop, and post-tussive vomiting. This information is important because laboratory testing cannot always be obtained, or may not be conclusive. We use the clinical data to determine if the person met the clinical case definition for pertussis. We need to know how severe the illness is, and that is why we ask about complications like pneumonia, and whether or not the patient survived. And of course, the vaccination history is critical. A complete vaccination history includes the date, vaccine type, manufacturer, and lot number for each dose of vaccine. This is important for all ages now that vaccines are recommended for all ages. However, vaccination history is ESPECIALLY important for cases among preschool children. A pertussis surveillance worksheet is included in the surveillance manual. The worksheet will help you organize your case investigation so not miss any critical information. We will include a link to the manual on the broadcast resources webpage. How can you find out if your pertussis surveillance system is working? One easy method is by using a surveillance indicator. For pertussis, that means finding out if anyone is even CONSIDERING the diagnosis. If cultures are not being done, no cases will be reported, because no one is looking. We will talk more about surveillance indicators later in the program. If you determine that no one is looking, there is a lot that can be done to improve pertussis surveillance at the community level. Most importantly, doctors need to know that pertussis is an important cause of severe cough illness in adolescents and adults. They may think of pertussis as a disease only of children. Some adults undergo extensive and unnecessary evaluations for prolonged cough without the diagnosis of pertussis even being considered. Increasing awareness of providers about this infection is very important. We have begun a new era in prevention and control of pertussis, with new vaccines available and changes in the recommended vaccination schedules.  Surveillance will be essential to evaluate the impact on pertussis incidence in the United States. Cynthia?



Thank you, John. We will be back in a moment to discuss influenza.



Influenza viruses are responsible for respiratory illness in people of all ages throughout the world. The usual symptoms of uncomplicated influenza are fever, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, nasal congestion, cough, and extreme tiredness. Some people can become very ill from influenza. Influenza can exacerbate underlying chronic diseases, and lead to viral or bacterial pneumonia. The risk for complications of influenza is highest in persons 65 years of age and older and in those with chronic health conditions. In most years, an average of about 36 thousand people in the United States die because of complications of influenza. Among adults, influenza is generally more severe than illness caused by other respiratory viruses. Even so, influenza infection often cannot be distinguished from other respiratory virus infections based on clinical information alone. As a result, laboratory testing is necessary to confirm the diagnosis of influenza. Methods for confirming the diagnosis of influenza include virus culture, detection of viral antigens, and serologic testing. However, only a virus culture can give information about the antigenic variant of influenza that is causing an illness. There are two types of influenza that cause epidemics in humans- type A and type B. Influenza type A viruses, but not influenza B viruses, are grouped into SUBTYPES on the basis of two surface proteins, hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. The two subtypes of influenza A currently circulating worldwide among humans are subtype H3N2, and subtype H1N1. Influenza A subtypes and influenza B viruses are further characterized as specific strains. One of the most striking features of the influenza virus is its tendency to change its antigenic structure, particularly the hemagglutinin protein. Influenza A and B viruses undergo gradual, continuous antigenic change, known as drift, resulting in new antigenic variants. Because of this constant antigenic change, a prior influenza infection or vaccination may not protect a person from the particular influenza virus variant that is circulating each year. This is why influenza epidemics occur almost every year. These antigenic changes also mean that each year’s influenza vaccine can be different from the previous year. Influenza type A viruses also undergo a more dramatic antigenic change known as shift. Antigenic shift produces a new human influenza A subtype with a new hemagglutinin protein or new hemagglutinin and neuraminidase proteins. Antigenic shift occurs because of an exchange of gene segments between an animal and human influenza virus, or by adaptation of an animal virus to a human host. Some scientists believe that the increased prevalence of the H5N1 strain of avian influenza in Asia and Europe may increase the chance of a genetic recombination. This might happen if a human or other animal were to be infected with both this and a human influenza virus strain simultaneously. When a new strain of influenza A appears, almost everyone is potentially susceptible to infection, setting the stage for a world wide influenza epidemic, known as a pandemic. Fortunately, antigenic shifts do not occur very frequently. The last shift that resulted in a pandemic was the appearance of Hong Kong influenza, - or H3N2- in 1968. No one can predict when the next shift will occur, although influenza surveillance can help to identify new subtypes of influenza A when they do occur. Influenza surveillance is important for detecting antigenic shifts as well as the more frequent antigenic drifts. It is also important for monitoring the impact of influenza each year in terms of illness and mortality. Influenza surveillance provides information needed to document the epidemiology and public health impact of the virus. Individual cases of influenza are usually NOT investigated by public health personnel. The only cases that need to be investigated are those that are unusual in some way, such as cases caused by an unusual viral isolate as part of the investigation of a defined outbreak. All influenza deaths in children and adolescents should be investigated in detail.


In the U.S. we do not try to count the actual number of cases of influenza that occur each year. This is because many infected individuals are asymptomatic or experience only mild illness, do not seek medical care, and laboratory testing is rare in less severe cases. Instead, we conduct surveillance that allows us to determine when, where, and what type of influenza viruses are circulating, identify significant changes in circulating viruses, track influenza related illness, and assess the overall impact that influenza has on illness and death. Virologic data from surveillance help guide decisions about the strains of influenza to be included in each year’s vaccine, and detect the emergence of viruses with pandemic potential.  These data also can assist healthcare providers in making treatment decisions. For example, if influenza activity has been confirmed in a community, a physician can be more confident that a patient with influenza-like illness actually has influenza. This can allow the physician to begin treatment with antiviral drugs, if indicated. If started within 48 hours of onset of symptoms, these drugs can reduce the duration of influenza symptoms. Knowledge of the type of viruses that are circulating can also help physicians choose which antiviral to prescribe because some antivirals treat influenza type A and B and other antivirals treat only influenza A.


Influenza viruses can spread very rapidly, and have no respect for the borders of states or countries. As a result, knowledge of influenza virus activity in other countries is critical.


So, how do we do influenza surveillance in the United States? Influenza surveillance in the United States consists of seven surveillance systems: the influenza sentinel provider surveillance system, which tracks the%age of physician office visits due to influenza-like illness; the Emerging Infections Program and the New Vaccine Surveillance Network, which track laboratory confirmed influenza associated hospitalizations and Emergency Department visits in children; the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System, which monitors influenza and pneumonia deaths in 122 cities in the United States; and nationwide reporting of pediatric deaths associated with laboratory confirmed influenza infection. You may recall that influenza deaths among children received a lot of media attention during the early influenza season of 2003 – 2004. During that influenza season CDC requested that states report laboratory confirmed deaths among children younger than 18 years. The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists made these deaths reportable beginning in 2004. Influenza deaths among children are important to highlight the severe health effects of this disease. A better understanding of influenza-related death in this age group will help us evaluate and perhaps revise our current influenza vaccination recommendations for children. Additional influenza surveillance in the U.S. includes state and territorial epidemiologists who report influenza activity levels. This gives an overall weekly estimate of influenza activity within each state during the influenza season; and, finally, the World Health Organization and national respiratory and enteric virus laboratory surveillance system, from which virologic data are obtained. Traditionally, influenza surveillance in the United States has been conducted from October through mid-May but we are now moving to year round reporting from as many sites and systems as possible.


State and local health departments play a vital role in annual influenza surveillance in numerous ways. State and local health departments oversee all influenza surveillance components; enroll and maintain contact with the influenza sentinel providers; and promote year round surveillance for all relevant influenza surveillance components. They also report influenza associated pediatric deaths; determine and report the state’s overall weekly estimate of influenza activity; perform laboratory testing for influenza and report results to CDC; and submit a subset of influenza isolates to CDC for antigenic characterization. During an influenza pandemic some surveillance enhancements might be instituted to improve geographic and demographic coverage, and increase the amount of detail captured by particular components of the surveillance system. In particular, we know that it will be necessary to enhance surveillance by testing more specimens during the early stages of the pandemic, report data more frequently, and perhaps collect additional data. State and local health departments will play a critical role in implementation of these pandemic surveillance enhancements. Cynthia?



Bill, the possibility of a new pandemic of influenza has been in the news a lot in the last few months. What can states do to get ready for another pandemic?



Yes, there has been a lot of news about avian and pandemic influenza lately. The increasing spread of avian influenza is certainly a concern. Fortunately the Department of Health and Human Services released their long-awaited pandemic influenza plan in November 2005. This is a very useful document that can help states and localities prepare for pandemic influenza. We will put a link to the HHS pandemic plan on our broadcast resources webpage.



Thanks, Bill. We will be back to discuss Haemophilus influenza surveillance right after this.



Among young children, invasive disease due to Haemophilus influenzae type b has virtually disappeared in the last few years. With widespread use of conjugate Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccines, this disease has changed from the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in infants, to a medical rarity. The bacterium Haemophilus influenzae can be either encapsulated or unencapsulated. The capsule is composed of polysaccharide, of which there are six antigenically distinct types. The capsular types are designated by the letters a through f. Nontypable, or unencapsulated strains may also cause invasive disease, but are generally less virulent than encapsulated strains. Nontypable strains are rare causes of serious infection among children but are a common cause of ear infections in children and bronchitis in adults.


Before introduction of effective vaccines, the type b encapsulated strain, or Hib for short, accounted for more than 95% of invasive Haemophilus influenzae disease among children. In the prevaccine era, there were an estimated 20,000 cases of invasive Hib disease annually among children less than 5 years of age in the United States. Hib was the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in the United States among children in that same age group. Nearly two thirds of cases were among children younger than 18 months of age. Conjugate vaccines against the Hib bacterium were first licensed for use in infants in the United States in 1990. Invasive Haemophilus influenzae infections became nationally notifiable in 1991. Since then, vaccine coverage increased rapidly, and Hib disease DECREASED rapidly. This graph shows the incidence of invasive Hib disease among children younger than 5 years of age since 1989, shown by the yellow line. Rates fell rapidly after introduction of the conjugate vaccine. By 1994, the incidence of Hib among children younger than 5 years of age had decreased by 95% compared with the prevaccination era. Rates have remained very low since then. Notice that rates of non-type b disease, shown by the green line have remained basically unchanged. In 2004, among children younger than 5 years of age, 19 cases of invasive disease due to Haemophilus influenzae type b were reported in the United States. In addition, another 177 cases of unknown serotype were reported, so the actual number of Hib cases could be anywhere between 19 and 196. Most cases are occurring among unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated children. Let’s talk now about the surveillance and investigation of Haemophilus influenzae type b disease. Invasive Haemophilus influenza disease includes a number of clinical syndromes, including meningitis, epiglottitis, periorbital and buccal cellulitis, septic arthritis, sepsis, and pneumonia. Of course, these syndromes can be caused by other bacterial and viral agents as well, so case confirmation requires isolation of Haemophilus influenzae from a normally sterile body site. But isolation of the organism is not the end of the laboratory investigation. The next step is serotyping. This is an extremely important laboratory procedure that should be performed on EVERY isolate of Haemophilus influenzae from a normally sterile site. Serotyping is especially important for isolates from children younger than 15 years of age.  Serotyping is the only way to determine if an isolate is type b. This is important because only type b is preventable by vaccination. Serotyping provides critical information to those in public health who need to decide whether or not the contacts of the case require chemoprophylaxis. The serotype also has clinical implications for evaluating the immunological status of the patient. That is, a case who had been vaccinated may indicate that the person may not have responded normally to the Hib conjugate vaccine.


Laboratory support for Haemophilus influenzae serotyping should be readily available through your state laboratory. For advice on serotyping capability within your state, contact your state health department.


Other than getting the isolate for serotyping, what else needs to be done for case investigation? After you hear about a possible case, you need to review laboratory, hospital, and other clinical records to obtain the critical information needed on every case. This includes demographic and relevant clinical data. Clinical data needed includes the clinical syndrome, dates of hospitalization, date of first positive culture, and outcome of the illness. Results of laboratory testing are critical. The serotype of the isolate, body fluid source of the isolate, and antibiotic susceptibility are all important. Vaccination status should be obtained for every case. Since there are several types of Hib vaccines, this means the date, manufacturer, and lot number of each Hib vaccine dose. This information tells us whether the case occurred as a result of vaccine failure, or failure to vaccinate. Finally, we need information on risk factors for Hib disease. One of the most important of these is whether or not the child attended childcare and whether the child was premature. If the child attended childcare, control measures may be needed for other center attendees. How can surveillance for Hib disease be improved? Hib is a laboratory- based diagnosis and virtually all cases are hospitalized for the first few days of the illness. As a result, reporting can be virtually complete if all clinical microbiology laboratories and all hospitals report the cases that they see.


With so few cases of Hib disease now occurring, how can we be sure that our surveillance is good enough to detect the few cases that may still be out there? Remember, only type b disease is preventable by vaccination. That means that disease that LOOKS like Hib, but is caused by non- type b strains, is still occurring at the same rate it always did. Although rates vary in different populations, data from active surveillance suggest that non-b cases continue to occur at a rate of about 1 or 2 cases per 100 thousand children younger than 5 years of age, per year. If cases of invasive Haemophilus influenzae disease are being serotyped and reported among children, and these cases are NOT due to type b, surveillance is probably good enough to detect type b cases.


If you are not finding type b cases, but you ARE finding NON-type b cases, that is good evidence that type b disease is probably not present in your community. This is an example of a surveillance indicator. We will be talking more about surveillance indicators later in the program.  Cynthia?



Thank you, John. We will be back in a moment to discuss pneumococcal surveillance.



The heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine– PCV7 - was licensed by the Food and Drug Administration in February 2000. It was made a part of the recommended childhood immunization schedule in October of that same year. However, because of vaccine cost and some manufacturing shortages, national coverage rates are not as high as for the other routinely recommended pediatric vaccines. National Immunization Survey data for 2004 indicate that national coverage is about 73%, with coverage in states and metropolitan areas ranging from 44% to higher than 90%.


As with other vaccine preventable diseases, we need to establish surveillance to monitor the impact of our vaccination program. Before we talk about what such a program might look like, a little background on pneumococcal disease. Streptococcus pneumoniae are gram- positive bacteria. There are 90 known serotypes. As with other encapsulated organisms, the polysaccharide capsule is an important virulence factor, and capsular type specific antibody is protective. Although all serotypes may cause serious disease, a relatively limited number of serotypes cause the majority of invasive infections. Overall, the 10 most common serotypes are estimated to account for about 60% of invasive disease worldwide. But the ranking and serotype prevalence differs by age group and by geographic area.


Among children younger than 5 years of age in the U.S., seven serotypes accounted for 80% of isolates from blood or cerebrospinal fluid at the time the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine was licensed. In contrast, these same 7 serotypes accounted for only about 50% of isolates from older children and adults. Currently, five years after vaccine licensure, the seven vaccine serotypes account for about 20% of cases in children younger than 5 years of age. Pneumococcus is a frequent inhabitant of the upper respiratory tract and may be isolated from the nose, throat, or both of about 10% of people at any given time. Carriage rates among children may be even higher. All persons probably carry pneumococci at some time during the course of a year. Transmission can probably occur as long as the organism is present in respiratory secretions. We do not understand why some of these people go on to develop invasive disease. Host factors, such as underlying illness, are probably important. But persons without any underlying illness may also develop invasive pneumococcal disease. Bacteremia without a known site of infection is the most common clinical presentation of invasive disease among children younger than 2 years of age. Bacteremia accounts for about 70% of invasive disease in this age group. With the decline of invasive Hib disease, pneumococcus has become the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in the United States. The highest rate of meningitis are among children younger than 1 year of age, approximately 10 cases per 100 thousand  population. This graph shows the incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease by age group prior to use of PCV7, based on data from CDC’s Active Bacterial Core Surveillance. The vertical axis shows incidence, expressed as rates per 100 thousand population. The horizontal axis shows age groups in years. The highest rates are in children younger than 2. Incidence falls to its lowest point among children 5 to 17 years of age. After age 34, the incidence of pneumococcal disease then rises steadily with increasing age. But the incidence of invasive pneumococcal infection in persons 65 and older is less than half of that in young children. Although pneumococcal infections occur in healthy children, there are medical and other factors that significantly increase the risk. Children with functional or anatomic asplenia, sickle cell disease and other sickle hemoglobinopathies, and children with HIV infection are at extremely high risk of invasive disease. Some studies estimate rates more than 50 times higher than the rates among children of the same age without these conditions. Out-of-home group child care has been shown to increase the risk of invasive pneumococcal disease and acute otitis media. The risk for children in these settings is increased 2 to 3 fold among children younger than 5 years of age. Finally, children of certain racial and ethnic groups have increased rates of invasive pneumococcal disease. These include Alaska Natives, certain American Indian groups, and African Americans. The reason for this increased risk is not clear. Much of our knowledge of the incidence and risk factors for invasive pneumococcal disease comes from special studies and surveillance systems. One such surveillance system is the CDC’s Active Bacterial Core Surveillance- or ABCs. We asked Dr. Chris Van Beneden, the medical director of ABCs to describe this system for us.



CDC’s Active Bacterial Core Surveillance – or ABCs - is an active, laboratory and population- based surveillance system for invasive disease due to 6 bacterial pathogens: groups A and B streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. The principal objectives of ABCs are to accurately measure the incidence of these 6 bacterial pathogens; to determine their epidemiologic characteristics; to track trends over time; and to provide an infrastructure for further public health research. ABCs is a core component of the Emerging Infections Program Network-or EIP – and is conducted at 10 EIP- sites across the United States. These sites represent a population of over 38 million persons. ABCs is managed by staff in the National Center for Infectious Diseases. For each case of invasive disease in the surveillance population, a case report with basic demographic and clinical information is completed. The bacterial isolate is sent to CDC and other reference laboratories for additional evaluation. ABCs also provides an infrastructure for further valuable public health research, including special studies aimed at identifying risk factors for disease, post-licensure evaluation of vaccine efficacy and monitoring effectiveness of prevention policies. For Streptococcus pneumoniae, the main objectives of surveillance are to measure the burden of invasive pneumococcal disease among persons of all ages; to track emerging antibiotic resistance; and to study the impact of pneumococcal vaccines. The principal objectives for Neisseria meningitidis are to provide baseline data related to the meningococcal conjugate vaccine; to evaluate vaccine impact on disease burden, herd immunity, and molecular epidemiology; and to determine appropriate verification and validation criteria for current and potential serogrouping methods. Data from ABCs has been particularly useful in documenting the impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine among children and the indirect benefit of this vaccine for older persons. Data for all six diseases included in ABCs, as well as estimates of disease burden extrapolated to the U.S. population are available on the Active Bacterial Core Surveillance web site.



Data from ABCs have been invaluable for documenting the burden of invasive pneumococcal disease among children, and for identifying groups of children at increased risk of disease. The ABCs data have also been valuable in documenting the impact of pneumococcal vaccination of children. In fact, since implementation of PCV7 vaccination, the ABCs indicate that rates of invasive pneumococcal disease have fallen very significantly. In 2004, the rate of invasive pneumococcal disease in children younger than 2 years was 38 cases per 100 thousand population, down from 191 cases per 100 thousand population before the vaccine was licensed.


But ABCs only operates in 9 selected locations. We cannot rely on it to document the impact of each state’s program for vaccination of children with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. To monitor the impact of state’s vaccination programs, each state must evaluate the impact of invasive pneumococcal disease with time and within populations. These national data, based on each state’s surveillance, should be used to look at rates between groups... to see if state programs are appropriately reaching individuals and groups recommended for vaccination.


Passive surveillance does not yield the same type of data as the ABCs related to tracking vaccine impact or projecting real numbers of cases. But each state’s data would allow comparisons among states to see if funding differences or immunization program differences are leading to differences in disease rates. This would help identify inequalities that need to be addressed at the national level. Fortunately, we have a good model for how to go about doing this from surveillance for Haemophilus influenzae invasive disease. Invasive disease due to either of these organisms is a laboratory- based diagnosis. Laboratories usually provide very complete case reporting. With a requirement for reporting of laboratory- confirmed cases, and infection control staff backing up that system by reporting hospitalized cases, national reporting for invasive pneumococcal disease can be virtually complete. In 1999 the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists voted to make invasive pneumococcal disease among children younger than 5 years of age nationally notifiable. That is not to say that invasive disease in older age groups is not important. But our national immunization program is directed at young children, so that is the focus of our efforts in surveillance, at least for now. Currently, however, only 31 states and the District of Columbia have requirements for reporting invasive pneumococcal disease among children younger than 5 years of age. Once we identify a case of invasive pneumococcal disease in a child less than five years old, what information should we collect? We need the core information that should be collected for every case of vaccine preventable disease, including demographic and clinical data, and risk factors for invasive disease. For pneumococcal disease risk factors include underlying medical conditions such as asplenia or HIV infection, and out-of-home childcare. And of course, we are interested in vaccination history. Most cases will be among unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated children. But there will be cases reported among vaccinated children. These vaccinated cases could represent vaccine failure -disease caused by a serotype included in the vaccine. They could also represent disease caused by a serotype NOT included in the vaccine. Remember that prior to PCV7 implementation, about 20% of invasive disease in children was caused by serotypes that are not in the vaccine. However, currently about 80% of invasive disease is caused by nonvaccine serotypes. The ABCs serotyping study that was set up to monitor possible vaccine failures has been completed, and in March 2005, CDC and CSTE notified states that serotyping was no longer available through CDC for this purpose.


To differentiate vaccine failure in a vaccinated child from disease caused by a serotype not included in the vaccine, the isolate would have to be serotyped. Unfortunately, serotyping of pneumococcal isolates is a specialized laboratory procedure that is currently not commonly performed except by facilities conducting research studies. CDC laboratorians and epidemiologists, together with their colleagues, are working to develop a cost-efficient, more routinely available testing system for serotyping pneumococcal isolates. But what should we do right now? At this time, the focus of state-based surveillance should be to compare state rates to rates elsewhere to see if they are within expected range, and to compare among populations within the state to make sure their vaccination programs are reaching all groups adequately. If states’ rates are increased, the next step would be to determine the cause. In the special situations of an outbreak or increased rates, the CDC laboratory may be able to provide serotyping. It is possible that with vaccine-types going out of circulation, there could be more outbreaks of nonvaccine type disease. In this situation you should contact the Respiratory Diseases Branch of the National Center for Infectious Diseases to discuss your specific situation. Contact information for the Respiratory Diseases Branch is on our broadcast resources webpage. If you identify a child with invasive pneumococcal disease who has received one or more doses of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, you should request the laboratory to save the isolate. If stored, these isolates would be available if needed in case of outbreaks, unexplained increases in rates, or inequity in rates between subsets of states’ populations. Remember that as use of the vaccine has increased, we have seen the disease burden decrease dramatically- a decrease of about 80%. That is why, at the national level, we will be relying on your help in conducting national surveillance.  Cynthia?



Thanks, John. We will be right back to discuss meningococcal disease surveillance.



With the dramatic reductions in Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis has become a leading cause of bacterial meningitis in the United States. In January 2005, a tetravalent meningococcal polysaccharide-protein conjugate vaccine – MCV4 – was licensed for use among persons 11 to 55 years of age. This new vaccine provides protection for serogroups A, C, Y, and W-135. ACIP recommends this vaccine for routine vaccination of young adolescents 11 to 12 years of age. In addition, for those people who have not previously received MCV4, ACIP recommends vaccination for children at approximately 15 years of age before high school entry. Routine vaccination with meningococcal vaccine is also recommended for college freshman living in dormitories and for other populations at increased risk, such as persons with anatomic or functional asplenia, military recruits, and certain international travelers. Before this conjugate vaccine was licensed, the ACIP recommended a polysaccharide vaccine for protection against the same four serogroups. The older vaccine was recommended only for persons at increased risk of disease and was not recommended for routine use among either college freshman living in dormitories or among 11 and 12 year olds. The reason for the wider recommendation for the new conjugate vaccine is that it is expected to produce longer lasting protection and to reduce carriage of Neisseria meningitidis. This will protect not only the vaccinated individual but the community as well. We now have a recommendation for routine use of meningococcal vaccine, so it is important to establish national surveillance to monitor the impact of the vaccination program. Before we discuss the components of surveillance, lets go through some background information about Neisseria meningitidis. Neisseria meningitidis is transmitted through respiratory secretions from a person with invasive disease or, much more commonly, from an asymptomatic carrier. Invasive meningococcal disease occurs in three common clinical forms: meningitis, in about 50% of cases, blood infection, or meningococcemia, in about 30% of cases and pneumonia in about 10% of cases. Other forms account for the remaining ten% of cases. Fewer than one-fifth of patients develop purpura fulminans, the skin manifestation of meningococcemia. Approximately 1400 to 2800 cases occur each year in the United States, with a case-fatality ratio of 10 to 14%. In addition, serious sequelae occur in 11 to 19% of survivors including deafness, neurologic deficit, or limb loss. Although the highest rate of disease is among children younger than 2 years of age, 62% of meningococcal disease in the U.S. occurs among persons 11 years of age or older. Serogroups B, C, and Y are the major causes of meningococcal disease in the U.S., each currently being responsible for about one third of cases. The proportion of cases caused by each serogroup changes with time and varies by age group. For example, serogroup B accounts for more than 50% of cases among infants younger than 1 year of age. There is no serogroup B vaccine available in the U.S. at this time. Among persons 11 to 19 years of age, 75% of cases are caused by serogroups C, Y, or W-135, which are included in U.S.- licensed vaccines. The majority of these cases are sporadic single cases. Although outbreaks cause tremendous public concern and disruption, they accounted for less than 3% of all cases.

This graph, from the ABCs active surveillance system, shows rates of all reported meningococcal disease- not just vaccine serotypes- by age group. The overall rate in the United States is about 1 case per 100 thousand population, shown here in the pink line. Rates are highest in infancy with a second peak in adolescence, around 18 years of age. About 20% of cases occur among adolescents and young adults ages 14 to 24. About 16% of cases occur among infants younger than 1 year of age. College freshmen living in dormitories are at higher risk than the general population of similar age. Disease is seasonal, with cases peaking in December and January. In the U.S., invasive Neisseria meningitidis is nationally notifiable. The states report cases to the CDC as part of the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System or NNDSS. The NNDSS includes case reports from healthcare providers and laboratories in all 50 states. In addition, active surveillance for meningococcal disease is conducted by the CDC Active Bacterial Core surveillance project, known as ABCs. You heard about the ABCs system earlier in the program. Because invasive meningococcal disease is quite rare in the United States, and because all states should monitor the impact of their vaccination programs, ABCs surveillance data will not be adequate for surveillance purposes. It is critical that every state investigate, lab confirm, serotype, and report every case of invasive disease.


As with Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneumoniae, diagnosis of invasive disease due to Neisseria meningitidis is based on isolation of the organism from a normally sterile site. A diagnosis based on culture is quite specific, with infrequent false positives. With the national requirement for reporting, laboratory confirmation, and hospital staff reporting cases, reporting can be virtually complete. Information that should be collected for a case of invasive Neisseria meningitidis is similar to other diseases we have discussed today. We need the core data, including demographic, clinical, and risk factors. We need to know the person’s age and risk factors because the current vaccine is only recommended routinely for certain age groups, and for persons with specific risk factors. Vaccination history is important, and laboratory data provides critical information. To determine whether a case could have been prevented by vaccination, testing must be performed to determine the serogroup of the isolate. Serogroup testing of Neisseria meningitidis isolates is performed by hospital and state public health laboratories. Cases of serogroup A, C, Y, or W-135 in persons eligible for vaccination may represent either a vaccine failure or a failure to vaccinate. Cases that are type B are not vaccine preventable. With the licensure of meningococcal conjugate vaccine, and the new recommendations for its routine use among adolescents, a new era has begun in the prevention of this terrible disease. Surveillance will play an important role as we monitor meningococcal immunization programs and assess progress toward our prevention goals. Cynthia?



Thanks Bill. We will be right back to discuss the surveillance of vaccine adverse events.



During this program we have talked about the surveillance of vaccine preventable diseases- why it is important, and how surveillance differs based on the level of control we have achieved. But in our business, surveillance for DISEASE is only part of the story. We also need to perform surveillance for the vaccines themselves- for vaccine coverage, effectiveness and safety. We focus this section of the program on the surveillance of adverse events following vaccination.  We need to ensure adequate surveillance for vaccine adverse events for any vaccine currently in use, regardless of the stage of disease control. But surveillance for adverse events following vaccination is especially important for newly licensed vaccines. We usually give vaccines to healthy people- including very young children- and vaccines often are required by state immunization laws. So vaccines are held to a higher standard of safety than other medications. But like any medication, no vaccine is perfectly safe or effective. Some vaccines cause minor adverse events like local reactions or fever. And, rarely, they can cause serious adverse events, like seizures, encephalopathy, or severe allergic reactions. But, until vaccine preventable diseases are eradicated, we will continue to use vaccines. So it is critical that all of us do everything we can to ensure that vaccines are as safe as possible and to maintain public confidence in vaccines. To do this, we need to monitor closely the occurrence of adverse events, evaluate possible associations, and respond appropriately to those risks. Before licensure, vaccines undergo extensive testing and review for safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy. Prelicensure studies usually include unvaccinated comparison- or control- groups, so we can determine which reactions were actually caused by the vaccine. However, prelicensure trials include a relatively small number of participants. Usually, the vaccine has been given to only a few thousand people, and usually they are monitored for a limited time period. And the studies are often conducted in homogenous populations, meaning groups that are less diverse than those in which the vaccine is ultimately used. And finally, because the number of participants is relatively small the sensitivity for detection of uncommon or rare adverse events before licensure is low. Because of the inherent limitations of prelicensure testing, we cannot rely on prelicensure studies to identify all the reactions that may occur once a vaccine is more widely used. For that, we rely on postlicensure surveillance, which is the continuous monitoring of vaccine safety in the general population after licensure. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed in 1986. This law required that healthcare providers who administer vaccines and vaccine manufacturers report certain serious adverse events following specific vaccinations. The Act stipulates that the vaccines, the adverse events, and the time of occurrence of the adverse event after vaccination be reported. It also requires that any event listed in the manufacturer’s package insert as a contraindication to subsequent doses of the vaccine be reported. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, is a national passive surveillance system that was established to provide a single system for the collection and analysis of reports of adverse events following vaccination.  CDC and the FDA work together on the system. The VAERS form, shown here, is included in the surveillance manual. It can also be downloaded from the VAERS website. Healthcare providers can complete and submit paper report forms, or may choose to submit a web-based report. Additional report forms, assistance in completing the form, or answers to other questions about VAERS are available 24 hours a day by dialing the toll-free number 800-822-7967. You can also Email VAERS at


The objectives of VAERS are to detect previously unrecognized reactions to vaccines, to detect increases or decreases in previously reported events, to detect pre-existing conditions that may predispose to adverse events, and to detect vaccine lots with unusual numbers and types of reported reactions. The Food and Drug Administration reviews reports of death and other serious events each week and conducts analyses of reports by vaccine lots. CDC conducts additional analyses as needed to address specific vaccine or adverse event concerns, and to evaluate trends in reporting. VAERS has limitations. It only contains reports of people who experienced specific health events following a dose of vaccine. The system does not contain information on ALL people who were vaccinated, so it cannot be used to estimate the rates of adverse events. It also cannot be used to determine whether the event was actually caused by the vaccine. Analysis of VAERS data is intended to identify patterns of adverse events that occur following the vaccine. However, population based databases, such as the Vaccine Safety Datalink – or V-S-D, must also be used to evaluate whether these events are causally associated with vaccine, or occurred coincidentally. The VSD is a collaborative project involving CDC and several large managed-care organizations and contains medical and immunization information on more than seven million people. The postlicensure vaccine safety monitoring system in the United States has proven to be an extremely valuable resource. A good example of the utility of the system was the 1999 detection by VAERS of cases of intussusception occurring among children who recently received rotavirus vaccine. A major public health response followed identification of this signal, which ultimately led to the removal of that rotavirus vaccine from the market. VAERS data indicated a possible problem which led to a more definitive study, which led to policy action. The system worked exactly the way it was intended to work. A more recent example was the 2005 detection of Guillain Barre syndrome occurring in recent recipients of meningococcal conjugate vaccine. An investigation of these reports is in progress now. No changes have been made to ACIP recommendations for this vaccine. All vaccine providers can contribute to the success of this system by reporting any adverse event that might be related to vaccination in either children or adults. The system works because YOU make it work.



Thanks, John. We will be back in a moment to discuss surveillance indicators.



We rely on surveillance to monitor the effectiveness of our immunization programs. But how can we monitor the effectiveness or quality of our surveillance? We have already talked about the difficulties of doing surveillance when the disease for which we are doing surveillance is rare. How do we know if there were no cases because there really WERE no cases, or because no one was looking? We rely on surveillance indicators to monitor the quality of national surveillance. We have already talked about the critical elements that need to be collected during investigation of cases of vaccine preventable diseases. These include demographic information, relevant clinical and laboratory data, and vaccination status. Monitoring whether or not these data are reported lets us track the quality of case investigation, and we do this routinely. But that does not tell us whether or not zero cases reported REALLY means zero disease or infection. This year in the United States we had the first case of poliomyelitis- a case of imported vaccine associated polio- reported since 1999 in an unvaccinated young adult. We have also documented a vaccine-derived poliovirus circulating in an unvaccinated Amish community in Minnesota. We must maintain our vigilance and surveillance for polio and other now extremely rare vaccine preventable diseases. We recently spoke with Sandy Roush, Surveillance Officer in the Epidemiology and Surveillance Division of the National Immunization Program, about measuring the quality of national surveillance.



Surveillance is a critical component of public health. Sandy, what is the importance of using surveillance indicators to measure the quality of vaccine preventable disease surveillance?



National surveillance for vaccine-preventable diseases traditionally relies on passive reporting, which is often incomplete. In spite of this limitation, national surveillance data are useful for routine surveillance because they are used primarily for monitoring trends in disease occurrence rather than in response to individual cases. However, for diseases with very few remaining cases, as with most of the vaccine preventable diseases, surveillance data must be very complete. Every case counts. We need to know whether zero reported cases means that there is really no disease. Surveillance indicators have been developed to assess the quality of national surveillance - that is, the ability of our surveillance system to identify all cases, if and when they are present. In addition, surveillance must be specific enough to exclude non-cases by adequate case investigation and laboratory testing.



How long have we been using surveillance indicators for vaccine preventable diseases?



Methods to monitor surveillance quality were first developed in 1988 by the Pan American Health Organization as part of the polio eradication effort in the Western Hemisphere. In the polio eradication effort, surveillance was performed not just for paralytic poliomyelitis, but for a syndrome including both paralytic polio and other clinically compatible conditions. In the absence of polio, these other conditions causing acute flaccid paralysis – or AFP - remain constant over time. So, if the reported AFP rate remained constant without confirmed or compatible polio, there was confidence that the absence of reported cases of polio in fact meant the absence of polio. The system was sensitive enough to find AFP- and polio - if it were present. This surveillance indicator used an external standard – AFP – to measure the quality of surveillance.



Indigenous transmission of measles and rubella has been eliminated in the U.S. Do we have specific surveillance indicators for these diseases?



Yes, we do. Surveillance indicators for measles and rubella are quite similar. Both include completeness of data, timeliness of reporting, proportion of cases that are laboratory confirmed, and the proportion of chains of transmission that have an imported source. If our surveillance system can identify imported cases of measles and rubella, we have confidence that the system could identify indigenous cases, too, if they were present. For rubella, we also measure the proportion of cases among women of child-bearing age with known pregnancy status. For measles, we measure the proportion of chains of transmission for which a clinical specimen is submitted for virus isolation.



That makes sense. Is there a measles surveillance indicator related to cases that were ruled out through case investigation?



Yes. Discarded measles-like illness – or MLI - surveillance was established in 1997 to document the ability of the US surveillance system to identify cases, if present. The MLI data collected by the states helped to document the elimination of endemic measles in the U.S. Now that elimination of indigenous transmission has been documented, surveillance quality can be monitored using indicators based on data routinely collected through the national surveillance system. In fact, the National Immunization Program recommends that states discontinue collection of MLI data, as of January first, 2006.



Are there surveillance indicators for any other vaccine preventable diseases?



Yes. We have also developed indicators for Haemophilus influenzae and pertussis surveillance. For Haemophilus influenzae, we measure the timeliness and completeness of case information for children younger than 5 years of age, including vaccination history and serotype. We can also track the incidence of non-type b disease among children younger than 5 years of age. Based on active surveillance data, we expect 1 or 2 cases of NON-type b Haemophilus influenzae per 100 thousand children per year. So, if no cases of NON-type b disease are being found, surveillance for type b disease may be inadequate. For pertussis, we measure completeness of data for vaccination history and duration of cough, as well as the proportion of cases that are laboratory confirmed or epidemiologically linked to another confirmed case. We are working with federal and state partners to develop surveillance indicators for other vaccine preventable diseases as well, including mumps, varicella, and meningococcal disease.



Sandy, thank you for discussing surveillance indicators with us today.



My pleasure.



These are a few approaches to monitoring the quality of surveillance.  We do surveillance to monitor the quality of our immunization program. We use surveillance INDICATORS to monitor the quality of our surveillance. With the incidence of many of the vaccine preventable diseases at all time record lows, we CANNOT be sure that zero means zero unless we can document that someone is looking.



This brings us to the close of this edition of Surveillance of Vaccine Preventable Diseases. Before we say goodbye, a comment about any unanswered questions you may have. If you have any questions about disease surveillance procedures, case investigation, or the availability of laboratory support, you should FIRST contact your state immunization program. They will be able to answer most of your surveillance questions. You can use the Internet to Email questions, comments, or requests to the National Immunization Program. Our Email address is Throughout this program we have mentioned several immunization resources, including the Surveillance Manual. You will find links to these and much more on the National Immunization Program website at Click on the Healthcare Professional tab, and go to the Education and Training section. There you will find a link to Broadcast Updates and Resources. Finally, if you would like to find out more about upcoming Public Health Training Network courses, visit the PHTN website at Thank you for joining us today. It has been our pleasure to bring this program to you. Goodbye



 [N2]Where did this “half with symptoms” come from?  I don’t know how it could be true -% with symptoms completely dependent on age distribution.

 [N3]I’ve left this at symptomatic cases, but of course the number for total infections is much higher.

 [N4]The proportion is quite a bit higher, especially these days – do you want to use the% in the current surveillance report, at least as the upper end of a range?

 [N5]What is the source for this? 

 [N6]What map are you planning to show here?

 [N7]We should have another map here that shows this.

 [N8]We ask about multiple sex partners???