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Rocky Mountain Regional Science Bowl 2005

The RMR Science Bowl 2005 was held at Colorado State University on January 29, 2005.   Twenty-six teams from the following sixteen high schools participated. (See list below)


Fairview High School, Boulder Colorado


Second Place
2nd place winners, Poudre High School
Poudre High School, Fort Collins Colorado


Third Place
3rd place winners, Loveland High School
Loveland High School, Loveland Colorado

LIST OF SCHOOLS (number of teams)

Boulder High School (2)

Fairview High School (1)

Fort Collins High School (2)

Fossil Ridge High School (1)

Frontier High School (1)

Fruita High School (2)

Holyoke High School (1)

Justice  High School (1)

Loveland High School (3)

Morris Science Club (1)

Mountain View High School (2)

Poudre High School (3)

Rocky Mountain High School (2)

Sidney High School (2)

Union Colony High School (1)

Woodlin High School (1)

Thank you to all the teams and coaches for the time and energy they volunteered.

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